Solve 6 maths problems linked to the National Curriculum to find 6 clues. Use the digits to escape the room!
You can use this as a standalone maths activity but I use this in a physical way.
Put each clue up in a different area (school hall, classroom or outside space) and get pairs/ groups of children to visit each station to gather their clues. They do not need to be solved in chronological order.
Once they have the final 6 digits they have one more puzzle to solve to enter them in the right order. Visit the teacher/ adult in charge once they think they have to correct combination!
Areas covered are:
*fractions *volume *long multiplication & division *algebra * coordinates * ratio
This resource is very similar to the Year 5 version but has a slightly more difficult fraction and calculation activity suitable for the Year 6 curriculum.
All of the KS1 Literacy targets collated into a checklist.
Ideal for tracking individual progress and for ensuring coverage of all the areas in the literacy curriculum
All of the Year 3 Maths objectives on one handy checklist
Ideal for tracking individual progress and to ensure coverage of all objectives
Ideal for Private Tutors
Try these bitesize multiplication grids that focus on a few table facts at a time. Great for fluency starters or for fast finishers to work on. Alternatively use as a homework activity to support times table practice.
2 versions available, one focusing on building up from 2,3,5,10’s upwards and the other more suitable for those who are starting to practice the full range of 12 x 12 facts. There is also a blank template so you can input your own facts and make easier or harder.
Each worksheet has 12 table grids, each with 16 facts to find and builds with difficulty.
All of the Literacy objectives for LKS2 (years 3&4) on one handy checklist
Ideal for tracking individual progress or ensuring coverage of the curriculum.
Ideal for use by private tutors
A place value chart which ranges from thousandths to ten million. Available in colour coded chunks or plain background. Laminate these to make them reusable.
Also included are arrow cards to print out and make.
Finally- activities which can be played in pairs using the arrow cards and place value chart.
Solve 6 maths problems linked to the National Curriculum to find 6 clues. Use the digits to escape the room!
You can use this as a standalone maths activity but I use this in a physical way.
Put each clue up in a different area (school hall, classroom or outside space) and get pairs/ groups of children to visit each station to gather their clues. They do not need to be solved in chronological order.
Once they have the final 6 digits they have one more puzzle to solve to enter them in the right order. Visit the teacher/ adult in charge once they think they have to correct combination!
Areas covered are:
*fractions *volume *long multiplication & division *algebra * coordinates * ratio
This resource is very similar to the Year 6 version but has a slightly easier fraction and calculation activity more suitable to Year 5 curriculum.
A revision grid with 8 SATS style questions: 4 in Paper 1 style and 4 in the style found in Papers 2 & 3. Questions come from across the KS2 curriculum.
I will post a new grid weekly.
This grid includes:
long multiplication
long division
subtracting fractions
calculating percentages
reading line graphs
converting units of measurement
place value
Smart Notebook presentation to accompany Animals including Humans unit from Hamilton Trust. The unit has been adapted for a 5 week term and we also included butterfly observations. We started with larvae and sketched the changes each week until release on the final day. They then used the sketches to create their own life cycle drawings. Add your own slides according to how you have adapted the plans.
All of the Year 6 objectives for Maths on one handy checklist
Ideal for tracking individual progress and to ensure coverage
ideal for use by private tutors
A game to play with 2 players or more.
Involves understanding of place value to win the game.
Dice needed or another way of randomly generating numbers.
All of the Year 2 Maths objectives in one handy checklist.
Ideal for tracking individual progress and ensuring coverage of the NC objectives.
Ideal for use by Private Tutors
Spot the spelling errors in 10 sentences. This resource contains 10 lists: that's 100 words!
The words come from the Y5/6 useful words list 1. An alternative to simply memorising a list of words for a spelling quiz.
Ideal for a a morning starter or Guided Reading activity or even Homework.
I use this with students and give 1 point for recognising an error and another for correcting it. This also helps children develop their skills of editing by checking for spelling errors.
Lots of alternative ideas to use the sentences for included in the instructions for use.
Literacy targets from 2014 curriculum collated onto one handy checklist. Includes reading, writing and SPAG objectives
Ideal for tracking individual progress and for ensuring coverage of all curriculum objectives
Ideal for use by private tutors
The NC objectives for Year 4 Maths condensed in one handy checklist. Can be used by the children themselves.
Ideal for tracking individual progress and for ensuring curriculum coverage
To be used alongside the National Curriculum document
Ideal for Private Tutors
The Year 5 Maths objectives condensed into one handy checklist which could be used by the pupils themselves.
Ideal for tracking progression and ensuring curriculum coverage
Ideal for use by Private Tutors
Literacy objectives for the whole school separated into Key Stage targets.
Ideal for tracking progression and ensuring curriculum coverage
Reading, Writing, SPAG and handwriting all included
8 SATS style questions to aid revision. 4 in Paper 1 style and 4 in Paper 2 & 3 style.
I will publish a new grid weekly.
This grid covers:
*adding fractions
*calculating percentages
*reading roman numerals
*3D shape properties
*finding the perimeter
*rounding numbers
An algebra puzzle a day for the last week before half term or use as one days worth of activity.
Algebra puzzles linked to Year 6 maths objectives.
Available as a PowerPoint or PDF.
B&W friendly version if you want to print it.