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Mike Morley's Shop

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I have been a teacher for 8 years and am currently working in Dubai as a History teacher and Head of Year. I put a lot of effort into creating my premium resources and will not upload them until I am confident the lesson will be graded at least a good if not outstanding. Please contact me if you have any queries, questions or concerns about my resources. Regards




I have been a teacher for 8 years and am currently working in Dubai as a History teacher and Head of Year. I put a lot of effort into creating my premium resources and will not upload them until I am confident the lesson will be graded at least a good if not outstanding. Please contact me if you have any queries, questions or concerns about my resources. Regards
Empire & Slavery: Slave Auctions.

Empire & Slavery: Slave Auctions.

This lesson leads on from my previous lessons on Slavery (see my Slavery SOW bundle), however of course this lesson can be used in isolation to fit in with your own SOW. This aim of this lesson is to inform pupils about the experience of slave auctions from the slaves perspective. The lesson starts through introducing pupils to the concept of an auction. Pupils will then study primary narratives of slave auctions and work in teams in a literacy relay task to answer questions to help build their subject knowledge. I have differentiated this task for more / less able pupils. This is then followed by with a video (embedded and link provided) and an SMSC discussion. Pupils consolidate their learning through using their class work for that lesson to support their response to an exam style question.
The Rise of Hitler: The Reichstag Fire.

The Rise of Hitler: The Reichstag Fire.

Hook starter: As pupils enter the room the presentation will display an autonomously moving spot light to reveal a picture clue of a raging fire to hint about the context of the lesson. Learning Intention and differentiated outcomes (SMSC). The lesson starts by covering the bigger picture. Pupils will watch a short 10 minute video explain what The Reichstag Fire was and the theories surrounding it. Pupils' will then work in teams and study evidence packs to sort the different views regarding who started the fire. Pupils then combine with like minded pupils to explain (using the evidence) their overall opinion. Pupils explain how the different parts of the Enabling Act helped Hitler consolidate his power. Pupil's then consolidate their judgment through answering a structured 8 mark exam style question. If time I then ask my pupils to peer assess with WW / EBI. Instructions and advice on how they lesson is to run can be found in the description of the presentation. All video links are provided.
Second World War: Operation Barbarossa - Nazi Invasion of the USSR.

Second World War: Operation Barbarossa - Nazi Invasion of the USSR.

Hook starter: As pupils enter the room the presentation will display an autonomously moving spot light to reveal a picture clue of the Battle of Stalingrad. Learning Intention and differentiated outcomes (SMSC). Pupils will recap the terms of the Nazi-Soviet Pact and discuss a piece of source evidence before leading a short inquiry into why Hitler wanted to invade the USSR. Pupils' will then compete in teams in a literacy relay activity inquiring into The Battle of Stalingrad and identifying the various factors which saw the Nazis loose the battle. Pupils' will then collate their answers and arrange the factors into order of significance before forming personal judgement regarding which they believe to be the most important reason the Nazis lost. Pupil's then consolidate their judgment through watching a short video clip (embedded) before answering a structured 8 mark exam style question. Instructions and advice on how they lesson is to run can be found in the description of the presentation.
Brown V Board of Education

Brown V Board of Education

This is an entire lesson regarding the famous court case "Brown V Board of Education". This pack includes: Starter, main tasks and plenary. Video links have been included for auditory and visual learners. A Literacy Relay task has also been included for kinaesthetic learners. The lesson encourages debate in order to answer the question: "“To what extent do you think Brown v Board of Education was a success for the civil rights”? Differentiated outcomes (One linked with an SMSC outcome) Cross-curricular Geography link and literacy links are included. The lessons ends with a set up for "Little Rock 9".
King's Campaign in the North (Chicago)

King's Campaign in the North (Chicago)

Lesson begins with students recalling why the riots of 1965-68 began. This can then lead into the introduction of this lesson which focuses upon King’s campaign in Chicago. Pupils will watch the first 5 minutes of an ‘Eyes on the Prize’ Documentary to set the scene, there are questions included to support, these can be printed off or one question delegated to each table to answer. Teacher then consolidates initial learning through using a GIF map to discuss the housing and black ghetto problems Chicago was experiencing. this leads into a 4 mark inference question to assess progress. the main tasks is cantered around pupils assessing the successes and failures of the ‘Chicago Campaign’. Teacher will copy PP 72-73 of Pearson ‘Conflict at Home and Abroad’ textbook - pupils work in pairs to highlight success and failures in different colours, before planning an 16 mark statement question answer between them. This can then be completed professionally as homework. the lesson ends with video clip and a reflection of MLK and his assassination. Pupils can have the opportunity to write an obituary for MLK’s life as a plenary. Peep sheet and a structure strip are included to help support pupils in planning their 16 mark question and chunking information about the Chicago Campaign.
USA 1920s: Flappers and the changing role of women.

USA 1920s: Flappers and the changing role of women.

The purpose of this lesson is to enable students to categories the different changes taking place for women during the 1920s and to judge the most significant change. HOOK: Students enter and watch a rather stereotypical video outlining how women were regarded during the 1910-1920s. Students to answer the question on their sticky note. Teacher takes feedback and introduces lesson intention / outcomes. Starter: Students think-pair-share to discuss an image of some flappers and to feedback wy they could / could not be surprised by the photograph. Main: Teacher has a choice of 3 embedded videos to show, each one linked to students answering the question ‘What changes can you identify’. One video however shows 102 year old Alice who was a flapper back during the Harlem Renaissance, students could be challenged to come up with some questions they would like to ask her, of which they should be able to answer themselves by the end of the lesson. Students to then be supplied with a card sort of 9 changes women faced during the roaring 20s. Students are first to colour / categories the changes before Dimond 9 ranking them in order of significance. This can then be taken in feedback or lined to a GCSE explain type question. Plenary: students ‘snowball fight’ all the changes that happened to women during the 1920s. All videos are embedded into the Power Point. **Please see my shop for other History resources and bundles. ** https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/morlem
The Second World War: How the Battle of Britain Was Won.

The Second World War: How the Battle of Britain Was Won.

Hook starter: As pupils enter the room the presentation will display an autonomously moving spot light to reveal a picture clue of the battle to hint about the context of the lesson. Learning Intention and differentiated outcomes (SMSC). The lesson starts by covering the bigger picture. What the battle of Britain was, the technology and planes involved and an interactive pupil activity which leads onto how radar helped. Throughout I have embedded various BBC news clips (links provided in description). Pupils then conduct a 'Quest for knowledge', where they will circulate the classroom collecting and recording information about the battle on their sheets. Pupils' will then work in teams and study evidence packs to sort the different reasons Britain won into categories before deciding upon the most important reason Britain won as a class. Pupils consolidate their individual judgment through answering a structured 8 mark exam style question. Instructions and advice on how they lesson is to run can be found in the description of the presentation. All videos have been embedded and links provided in the description.
World War Two Home Front: Was the evacuation process a success or a failure?

World War Two Home Front: Was the evacuation process a success or a failure?

Hook starter: As pupils enter the room the presentation will display an autonomously moving spot light to reveal a picture clue of evacuated young people boarding a train to hint about the context of the lesson. Lesson Intention and differentiated outcomes. (SMSC) Video / MP3 sounds clips (with links) are embedded within the presentation. The aim of this lesson is to allow young people to explore and empathise with the evacuated young people during WWII. Pupils begin filling out a tag for themselves (reminiscent of the time) before being asked to write a short blurb about their partner to appeal to a host family. Pupils then pack their suitcase catagorise what they believe boys/girls would have needed to take with them. I then split my pupils up and place them in different areas of the classroom (locations evacuees would have been sent to). The main task involves studying an evidence pack to allow pupils to decide of the evacuation process was a success or failure by the British Government. Pupil's then consolidate watching a short video (embedded) before forming their judgment through answering a structured 8 mark exam style question. If time I then ask my pupils to peer assess with WW / EBI. Instructions and advice on how they lesson is to run can be found in the description of the presentation. Depending upon ability / how through you wish to be this could easily transcend into a two lesson process. Many Thanks.
Approaches to the Plague 1348-1665: Continuity / Change.

Approaches to the Plague 1348-1665: Continuity / Change.

This lesson focuses upon students identifying continuities and changes in how the Black Death / Plague was approached from the first strain in 1348 to when ti returned in 1665 focusing upon, Causes - Treatments - Prevention. **Lesson Plan: ** Lesson begins with a hook to recap the approached to the Black Death in 1348 via ‘The Walking Chocolate Bar’ activity (explained in the PP). The teacher ill then use this to introduce the learning intention & Outcomes. Students will record their work from the various activities on a double sided work sheet. students to watch one or two video clips (provided) to identify what approaches stayed the same / changed. the teacher can then take feedback and question students using the accompanying slides of information to help students complete the first half of their sheet. the biggest changes between 1348 - 1665 comes in the form of prevention. the students can be presented with a card sort of the new preventative measured taken in 1665 to avoid the plague. Students are challenged to Diamond 9 Rank these in order of effectiveness. students then work to complete a blank map of a town filling it with pictures and labels of the different preventative methods introduced. (Extension: Students explain the most / lead affective preventative method). Once completing their sheet and after student feedback- students complete an exam style question for a plenary (Mark Scheme and WAGOLL provided). Sounds clips are embedded / links provided / Peep sheet / More than one lessons worth of content / resources easily! Please visit my shop for more History lessons / bundles: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/morlem
1920s USA: Entertainment, Sports and Leisure time.

1920s USA: Entertainment, Sports and Leisure time.

The purpose of this lesson is to enable students to gain an overview of how leisure time was spent during the 1920s through a collaborative student led task. Hook: Students enter with information placed around the room about a famous Hollywood actress from the 1920s, students are posed with the question, why did she find it difficult to find work by 1930? (Answer she was eastern Europe and after ‘talkie’ films began native English speakers found it hard to understand her. Teacher takes feedback introduces lessons title / outcomes. Starter: Students watch a short video clip (embedded) about 1920s entertainment, students to list as many leisure activities as they can. Teacher then introduces the main task where these identified forms of entertainment will be built upon. Main Task: Pupils work in teams to collect information from sources around the room. Pupils are allowed about 30 mins to gather the information to then use it to create a fact file / spider diagram on large A1 paper … Or individually on A4 paper. If they work in teams I usually then take a photo of each teams work and shrink them down to a4 to stick in books. Pupils should then have the knowledge to answer the assessment question either at the end of the lesson or the lesson after depending on how long this task takes. All explained in the PP itself. I have have included a peep sheet for further differentiation. There is an opportunity to watch a clip from the first ever talkie film ‘The Jaz Singer’, this is a good discussion point as it also links in with racism in the 1920s USA as well. Plenary: Students use their fact film to answer an exam style explain question now (easily adaptable structure strips included for differentiation). Homework: Students could be challenged to watch ‘The Great Gatsby’ and I have included 2 differentiated worksheets to go with the film, students to look out for varying forms of entertainment, but also other features of 1920s USA such as speakeasies, Jaz, racism, prohibition, flappers etc. All videos are embedded. Please see my shop for other History resources and bundles. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/morlem**
The Second World War: Hitler's Rise to Power.

The Second World War: Hitler's Rise to Power.

Hook starter: As pupils enter the room the presentation will display an autonomously moving spot light to reveal a picture clue of Hitler. Learning Intention and differentiated outcomes (SMSC). Pupils will discuss what they already know about Hitler before watching a short video (embedded & link provided) about Hitler's life. Pupils can then add and consolidate any new information learnt. Pupils' will then compete in teams in a literacy relay activity to identify the various factors which enabled Hitler to rise to power. Pupils' will then collate their answers and arrange the factors into order of significance before forming personal judgement regarding which they believe to be the most important reason Hitler to come to power. Pupil's then consolidate their judgment through answering a structured 8 mark exam style question. If time I then ask my pupils to peer assess with WW / EBI. Instructions and advice on how they lesson is to run can be found in the description of the presentation. Additionally I have included a source evidence Homework piece and a differentiated more / less able version of the literacy relay activity. Many thanks.
The Great Fire of London and it's impact upon London.

The Great Fire of London and it's impact upon London.

This was recently graded an 'outstanding' lesson. Hook Starter as pupils enter class. Play video (embedded) this is to prompt some empathy for victims who have witnesses house fires. Pose the question: how would you feel? Lesson Intention and differentiated outcomes. Video links are embedded within the presentation. This lesson could be used without the need for exercise books. Source evidence to print off is included in a separate section at the end of the presentation. Pupils are to use evidence and compete in teams to learn about the causes and consequences of the Great Fire of London. Pupils could then think about the most significant evidence which helped them achieve this. I recently used this for my middle to high ability year 8 class which received a lot of praise from the observer. This would link in nicely when studying The Stewarts. (All images and videos / worksheet from Google / BBC Bitesize). Many Thanks.
Elizabethan Education.

Elizabethan Education.

**FREE KNOWLEDGE ORGANISER INCLUDED. ** Lesson begins with pupils relecting upon what they need to revieve the perfect eduxcation. Pupils will engage in a Mix-Pair-Share activity to teach eachother bout the changing views to Educatiion in Elizabethan Society (older attitudes V humanist views). Pupils will then compare a gammar school time table from the Elizabethan era with their own school time table. Pupils are cnouraged to spot the diofrferences / similarfites. the main tack is centered around pupils conducting an 'elizabethan OFSTED Schools inspection based around the following schools, who had access to them interms of sex / social siatus/ age. 1. Grammar Schools 2. Home Schooling 3. Petty Schools 4. Schools for girls 5. Universities Pupils then watch a clip (link in description to identify punishments. Plenary: Pupils pull out of a hat /bag cards with pupil details on them. They then use these to inform where they stand in the appropriate area of the class room which links in with what school that type of pupils would have attended. Further instructions are included in the description of the power point.
USA 1920s: Why did some industries prosper when others did not?

USA 1920s: Why did some industries prosper when others did not?

The purpose of this lesson to to start with a recap of industries that prospered to then transition into a case study about the problems faced by agriculture and farming during the 1920s. Outcomes: Expected Progress: To outline what products and industries boomed. Good Progress: To identify the problems faced by farms. Excellent Progress: To explain and judge the worst problem faced by farmers. Starter: Memory activity / card sort about electrical and industrial products which boomed. all explained in the embedded video. Main Task: Students watch embedded introduction video and read accompanying information sheet about the problems faced by farmers - students to highlight the main problems and the summarize on their card sort. Students cut these out and rank order them in order of worst problems. Plenary: student use the card sort to create a piece of ‘smart graffiti’ in their books outlining the problems faced by the farming and agricultural industries’ in the USA during the 1920s. All video and sound clips are embedded into the PP.
Religion in Medieval Britain.

Religion in Medieval Britain.

Hook Starter video to be played as pupils enter class. Lesson Intention and differentiated outcomes. (Cross Curricular with RE). Video links are included and some videos / music are embedded within the presentation. HW source activities included (Differentiated for middle / high ability). This lesson could be used without the need for exercise books. (All images and videos from Google / BBC Bitesize). Many Thanks.
Cromwell: Hero or Villain?

Cromwell: Hero or Villain?

This was recently graded an 'outstanding' lesson. Hook Starter as pupils enter class. Pupils to ask as many questions as they can of the evidence. Winner for table with most questions. Pupils then select one they wish to have answered by the end of the lesson. Lesson Intention and differentiated outcomes. (SMSC Outcome included). Video links are included within the presentation. 2 HW source activities included (Differentiated for middle / high ability). This lesson could be used without the need for exercise books. Judgement line to be used as a plenary to assess pupils progress. (All images and videos from Google / BBC Bitesize). Many Thanks.
History of Terrorism: Chronology, Cause and Consequences of 9/11.

History of Terrorism: Chronology, Cause and Consequences of 9/11.

Lesson Plan: Pupils watch a choice of videos to then chronologically arrange a card sort into the events of the day. The main task is literacy relay where pupils will work in teams to answer the questions related to the lessons learning intention. Finally pupils will form a personal judgment regarding: Did the USA deserve all the blame for 9/11? Videos are embedded into the presentation, however I have also provided the links for these as well. I have used this lesson to form part of my history lesson on terrorism through time, however this could also be used for RE / Social Studies / PSHE.
Introduction to the Romans.

Introduction to the Romans.

Lesson Intention and differentiated outcomes. (SMSC) Videos and embedded and links are included within the presentation. This lesson could be used without the need for exercise books as it is a museum walk for the most part. I have included 10 evidence sheets however these could be less / more dependent upon size and ability of your class. Pupils begin defining an Empire before consolidating with a video about the Roman Empire. Pupils then collect information from sources of evidence around the room to help them answer an assessment style question. Pupil's then consolidate their learning through answering a structured 8 mark exam style question. If time I then ask my pupils to peer assess with WW / EBI.
Introduction to Native Americans.

Introduction to Native Americans.

This is an introductory lesson to help introduce Native Americans. Pupils watch 'Hook' video clip to guess what the lesson is about. Learning Intention and differentiated outcomes (SMSC). Pupils then watch a short video to introduce them to the daily lives of a Native American tribe. The majority of the lesson is based around the main task of 'Literacy Relay'. This is where pupils compete in teams to answer a series of questions based upon an information booklet. Pupils are then asked to use the information learnt from the main task to create a role-play or a series of Freeze-frames about a day in the life of a Native American. This lesson could easily be completed without the need of an exercise book.
Has history misjudged the Generals of World War One?

Has history misjudged the Generals of World War One?

This lesson should lead on from recently studying the Battles of WWI or Field Marshal Haig. Hook starter: As pupils enter the room the presentation will display an autonomously moving spot light to reveal a picture clue about the lesson. Learning Intention and differentiated outcomes (SMSC). Short blurb about how the Generals of WWI may have been misjudged. Starter: Discuss the picture showing all the the Generals and their statistics from The Great War, how many of them lived / died & how/ awarded medals etc. I have then allowed my pupils to watch Blackadder series 4 final episode 'Goodbye'. Pupils are to be critical of this and afterwards discuss if this was a true representation of war conditions / Generals. I have provided a YouTube link to the episode (In case it is taken down or it does not work, you may wish to purchase the DVD). I then use a judgment line to assess progress and gain pupil's opinions in relation to how far we can trust this episode to be reliable and then in relation to the learning intention question. Pupils finally consolidate though answering a structured 8 mark exam style question. If time I then ask my pupils to peer assess with WW / EBI. This lesson would work best having used sources in previous lesson to study WWI Generals / Marshals, I have used Haig in previous lessons. Pupils are encouraged to use this evidence to help construct their answers.