Comes with a full color double sided “mini-book” on Polar Bears along with a Fact and Opinion organizer. Print the mini-books for the whole class (laminate and keep forever) or just make a set for Guided Reading.
You can keep the Fact and Opinions on the same sheet or have the children cut them out and make a bulletin board with them! I made an adorable board by cutting out a giant polar bear and putting the Facts cards on one side and the Opinion cards on the other side. Very cute and very easy.
Teach your students to write detailed sentences by including a who, what, where and why. Includes two sets. Varying levels of difficulty. Blank page included for independence when they have mastered adding the details.
Over 50 pages!!
A fun and easy flip-book! How long does it take? Students cut out the different activities then glue them down onto the correct page: a few seconds, a few minutes or a few hours.
All Trick Words and Words of the Day are included along with supplemental words from each week.
Students cut out the words on the bottom of the page, then match and write them.
You can use this product even if you’re school does not use the Fundations program. It’s still a great Word Recognition activity.
This file is an independent product and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Wilson Language Training Corporation. Wilson®, Wilson Reading System®, Fundations®, Just Words®, and Wilson Fluency® are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of the Wilson Language Training Corporation.
Aligns with First Grade, Second Edition Fundations. Each sheet has 8 words which include any Trick Words and Words of the Day for that Unit’s week. The entire year of Fundations is included.
If you do not follow Fundations, you can still use these sheets for practice.
This file is an independent product and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Wilson Language Training Corporation. Wilson®, Wilson Reading System®, Fundations®, Just Words®, and Wilson Fluency® are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of the Wilson Language Training Corporation.
32 pages
Students tap out the words to identify the missing letter.
2 pages for each: beginning, middle and ending sounds.
CVC words.
6 pages total.
A great assessment tool to determine if your children are hearing the sounds in words.
A great way to provide your students with choices that will allow them to self-differentiate. Print the menu on 8 1/2 x 11 paper then fold in half. I send home the worksheets inserted inside the menu each Monday. This has been a hit with both parents and students.
Can also be used at Literacy Centers.
17 different brag tags:
Great job cleaning up
Super sharer
Great job working with others
Fantastic listener
I helped a classmate
Hard worker
Center star
I did my best work
I did an amazing job on my homework
I’m a great role model
It’s my birthday
It’s my first brag tag
Wonderful handwriting
I said something amazing
I have a neat desk
I was rug ready
Beautiful job on line
A great activity to promote number fluency by having students work on Place Value, Odd/Even, Hundreds Chart, Before and After and more!!
A double-sided worksheet for each number. 200 pages in all.
A great new product!!
A great introduction to poetry. Use in many different ways this great tool that has students Close Reading poetry.
I love introducing my younger students to higher order thinking skills!
Use this adorable printable at a center, for Morning Work, in sub plans or however else you’d like
Each student will need access to two dice- they can work in pairs and share.
Your students color the words according to the digraph they contain. As they color, they keep track using tally marks. Great practice while having fun! I use as a Literacy Center.
Students determine if expressions should get on the “Friends of” Bus. Includes Friends of 5-10. Can be used as a Math Center, Independent Practice, HW or Morning Work.
Do some of your students work too fast! Then they might deserve a Speeding Tickets. Hand out these “tickets” if your students are rushing through their work. I laminate them and hand them out as needed. When the “perp” has shown that they did a more careful job on their work, they turn it in along with their ticket.