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Mum44tops's Shop

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German; French; English and 11+ worksheets and resources




German; French; English and 11+ worksheets and resources
Numbers practice in German from 1-31

Numbers practice in German from 1-31

4 puzzles/crosswords: 2 that cover and practise the numbers 1 - 12. The first quite simply do you know the number? If yes, fill it in, in German in the crossword. The second, still 1 - 12, but this time anagrams of the German numbers to solve. 2 that cover numbers 13 - 31. The first that is simply translating the number into German and filling in the crossword. The second - more of a challenge! Sums, using the German words - with the student having to do the sum and then write the answer, in German, in the crossword.
Telling the time in French

Telling the time in French

Ma Journée - Quelle heure est-il? Work out the times in French and fill in the crossword puzzle in French - use a pencil!!! Challenging. Answer sheet attached. Times match - in French - good starter activity
Connectives Crossword

Connectives Crossword

Connectives Which connectives are these dictionary definitions of? Read the definitions; fill in your answers in the crossword and then write a sentence for each one. 10 in total - answer sheet attached also.
2 crosswords on clothes in German

2 crosswords on clothes in German

Kleidungen - Clothes - simple crossword testing 12 items of clothing in German - doesn't include definite or indefinite article. Was trägst du in der Schule? - harder crossword demanding the correct definite article and including first and third person of the key verb 'tragen' and the German for 'is' - enable and lead to description of clothes. 19 words/phrases in total to translate.