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German; French; English and 11+ worksheets and resources




German; French; English and 11+ worksheets and resources
Radicalisation Powerpoint

Radicalisation Powerpoint

A simple powerpoint to explain what this is; the role of the school; how it can be spotted and how to get help - with an NSPCC clip Perfect assembly length - to then be expanded upon and followed up in tutor time / RE / PSHE and leading to British Values
Daily routine and time in German x 4

Daily routine and time in German x 4

1. 2 texts to read and understand - note down the activity and time it happened. 2. A straightforward list of questions in German to answer on daily routine. 3. A worksheet asking for the times in numbers to be matched with times in words. 4. A worksheet to match the daily routine phrase to the picture.
Presentation on Healthy  living - including activities - In French - complete lesson

Presentation on Healthy living - including activities - In French - complete lesson

Starts with a vocab match Then pictures with the question in French - is it good or bad for your health? Then moving to slides asking why it is good or bad for your health and introducing reasons Includes key verb / use of ’ il faut’ and negatives like ne plus / ne jamais etc Highlights certain grade criteria - albeit talking in grades A*-G - so need to update to the 1 -9 Includes a homework task and more
à + definite article in French - Powerpoint including task

à + definite article in French - Powerpoint including task

Suitable for Year 7 or 8 French students A good starter before this would be to use dictionaries to look up 5 places in the town and discuss the possibilities for the definite article. This then reminds how to say ‘to the place’ - with examples and own practice. There is a final task with a challenge element for the more able. This would take a whole lesson.
J'ai mal - How to talk about illnesses in French - 4 resources

J'ai mal - How to talk about illnesses in French - 4 resources

Presentation introducing J’ai mal + various parts of the body A skeleton to label the body parts in French An ICT task that requires the translation of pharmacy items and then a task to make a powerpoint using the j’ai mal phrases - would be a single lesson ICT task easily. A word search containing body parts in French to find - excellent starter or homework/consolidation
Connectives Crossword

Connectives Crossword

Connectives Which connectives are these dictionary definitions of? Read the definitions; fill in your answers in the crossword and then write a sentence for each one. 10 in total - answer sheet attached also.
Numbers practice in German from 1-31

Numbers practice in German from 1-31

4 puzzles/crosswords: 2 that cover and practise the numbers 1 - 12. The first quite simply do you know the number? If yes, fill it in, in German in the crossword. The second, still 1 - 12, but this time anagrams of the German numbers to solve. 2 that cover numbers 13 - 31. The first that is simply translating the number into German and filling in the crossword. The second - more of a challenge! Sums, using the German words - with the student having to do the sum and then write the answer, in German, in the crossword.
Vocabulary expansion exercises

Vocabulary expansion exercises

Work sheet with numerous sentences, requiring a word to be changed each time into a suitable synonym. Good for homework or starter. Thesaurus practice.
Clothes In French - a bundle of 5 resources

Clothes In French - a bundle of 5 resources

A 30 word word search in French to reinforce vocabulary - good for revision / homework. 2 vocabulary match worksheet - matching the French and English 2 power point presentations to introduce and practise vocabulary.
Hair and eyes in French - 2 resources

Hair and eyes in French - 2 resources

A matching exercise - good as a starter to reinforce vocabulary. A word search looking for phrases on hair and eyes - good as a starter or homework - includes key verbs - I am and I have
Revision of the verb 'avoir' - basic topic use

Revision of the verb 'avoir' - basic topic use

A simple worksheet reminding of the importance of 'avoir' in French and how many basic phrases it is used in (age / hair and eyes / family / characteristics etc). Translation exercises from French to English and English to French and re-presentation of the complete verb. Good consolidation of the first few chapters of Métro 1 or simple basic sentences about oneself.