All things fantastically French Average Rating4.40(based on 6 reviews)A French enthusiast who is currently teaching year levels 7-13. Edit shopAdd a resource
natalya22Passé composé worksheet(0)Worksheet to practice the passé composé in French. Aimed at year 10 students (KS4).
natalya22La Chandeleur(2)La Chandeleur celebration in France with a crêpe competition to finish. Students love the creativity of this one :)
natalya22La Francophonie(0)A compilation of infographics and facts on La Francophonie to encourage students as to why learning French is awesome! :)
natalya22Une semaine à Paris, Studio 2 Module 2(1)Une semaine à Paris - set of 6 lessons to go with Studio 2, Module 2.
natalya22Synonyms and Antonyms(0)2 PowerPoints for students to work through individually. 1 worksheet focused on synonyms. The synonym one is ready to go but the antonym one has one activity linked to the synonym and antonym worksheets (see other resources).
natalya22Creative Writing task(0)Students have 2 options to choose from. There is also a marking schedule.
natalya22Le temps (French weather)(0)Le temps (French weather) Includes: Battleship game powerpoint with activities
natalya22Correcting the passé composé passage(0)Passage with errors to mark and correct. Past tense French.