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Nick & Bethan Redshaw's A-Level Psychology Resources

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(based on 65 reviews)

Nick and Bethan are co-authors of the highly successful independent learner series of student workbooks and have been teaching A level Psychology since 1999 and involved in Examining for over 15 years.




Nick and Bethan are co-authors of the highly successful independent learner series of student workbooks and have been teaching A level Psychology since 1999 and involved in Examining for over 15 years.
PSYA4 Section B Anomalistic Psychology

PSYA4 Section B Anomalistic Psychology

From leading AQA Psychology authors Nick and Bethan Redshaw. This work booklet looks at the popular key topic:- Anomalistic Psychology. It has been specifically developed to give you all the information you need to be able to achieve outstanding success in this section of the Unit 4 (PSYA4) AQA A2 exam. This workbook includes textbook style content, self study activities and exam style questions. Over the years students and teachers using our materials have achieved results above that of the national average. All the material is designed to help and guide you through the learning process and to develop strong evaluation and analysis skills.
Powerpoint - AQA New Specification - 9.4 Eyewitness Testimony

Powerpoint - AQA New Specification - 9.4 Eyewitness Testimony

Save yourself HOURS and HOURS of planning and preparation time. The comprehensive powerpoint fully supports our popular student workbook section on the Eyewitness Testimony also available to download from TES https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/aqa-new-specification-year-1-memory-11206995. Fully mapped onto the NEW Specification and SOW and has been fully crossed reference with question papers and mark schemes from Spec A, B and the New STEM. In addition includes material and terms mentioned in the SOW but not included in most 'endorsed textbooks' DOWNLOAD sit back and LIVE LIFE.
Powerpoint - AQA New Specification - 11.4 Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Powerpoint - AQA New Specification - 11.4 Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Save yourself HOURS and HOURS of planning and preparation time. This comprehensive PowerPoint fully supports our popular student workbook Psychopathology Section on OCD and covers the role of SSRI's and HOW THEY WORK also available to download from TES https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/aqa-new-specification-year-1-psychopathology-11207004 Fully mapped onto the NEW Specification and SOW and has been fully crossed reference with question papers and mark schemes from Spec A, B and the New STEM. In addition includes material and terms mentioned in the SOW but not included in most 'endorsed textbooks' DOWNLOAD sit back and LIVE LIFE.
Powerpoint - AQA Attachment - Stages of Attachment

Powerpoint - AQA Attachment - Stages of Attachment

Save yourself HOURS and HOURS of planning and preparation time. The comprehensive PowerPoint fully supports our popular student workbook Attachment section on the Stages of Attachment includes: 1. Caregiver-infant interactions in humans: reciprocity and interactional synchrony. 2. Stages of attachment identified by Schaffer. 3. Multiple attachments and the role of the father. Our popular Attachment workbooks is also available to download here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/aqa-new-specification-year-1-attachment-11206998 Fully mapped onto the NEW Specification and SOW and has been fully crossed reference with question papers and mark schemes from Spec A, B and the New STEM. In addition includes material and terms mentioned in the SOW but not included in most 'endorsed textbooks' DOWNLOAD sit back and LIVE LIFE.
MTLP Lesson Plan - Week 24 Bowlby Theory of Maternal Deprivation

MTLP Lesson Plan - Week 24 Bowlby Theory of Maternal Deprivation

This Outstanding (OFSTED) Medium Term Lesson Plan covers the whole of Week 24 Bowlby Theory of Maternal Deprivation: Learning Objectives On completion of this week your students should be familiar with the following: 1. Bowlby’s Theory of Maternal Deprivation 2. Romanian orphan studies and the effects of institutionalisation. 3. The influence of early attachment on childhood and adult relationships, including the role of the internal working model. This resources is best used alongside our other outstanding resources also found here on TES but we have made it available in Word Format and can be fully adapted with minimum effort to your own resources. Also contact us about you and your students joining our ONLINE Community for Live feedback and eAssessments.
Powerpoint - Social Influence - Week 4 Explanations of resistance to social influence

Powerpoint - Social Influence - Week 4 Explanations of resistance to social influence

Save yourself HOURS and HOURS of planning and preparation time. The comprehensive PowerPoint fully supports our popular student workbook Social Influence section on Explanations of resistance to social influnce including social support and locus of control also available to download here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/aqa-new-specification-year-1-social-influence-11206991 Fully mapped onto the NEW Specification and SOW and has been fully crossed reference with question papers and mark schemes from Spec A, B and the New STEM. In addition includes material and terms mentioned in the SOW but not included in most 'endorsed textbooks' DOWNLOAD sit back and LIVE LIFE.
MTLP Lesson Plan - Social Influence - Week 2 Conformity to Social Roles

MTLP Lesson Plan - Social Influence - Week 2 Conformity to Social Roles

Since 2004 Nick and Bethan have worked with top independent and state schools to develop 'Outstanding' teaching and learning resources. This Outstanding (OFSTED) Medium Term Lesson Plan covers the whole of Week 11 Conformity to Social Roles Learning Objectives On completion of this week your students should be familiar with the following: 1. Conformity to social roles 2. Zimbardo’s research This resources is best used alongside our other outstanding resources also found here on TES but we have made it available in Word Format and can be fully adapted with minimum effort to your own resources. Also contact us about you and your students joining our ONLINE Community for Live feedback and eAssessments.
MTLP Lesson Plan - Week 20 Eyewitness Testimony

MTLP Lesson Plan - Week 20 Eyewitness Testimony

This Outstanding (OFSTED) Medium Term Lesson Plan covers the whole of Week 20 Eyewitness Testimony Learning Objectives On completion of this week your students should be familiar with the following: 1. Factors affecting the accuracy of eyewitness testimony: misleading information, including leading questions and post-event discussion 2. The effect of anxiety on the accuracy of eyewitness testimony 3. Improving the accuracy of eyewitness testimony, including the use of the cognitive interview. This resources is best used alongside our other outstanding resources also found here on TES but we have made it available in Word Format and can be fully adapted with minimum effort to your own resources. Also contact us about you and your students joining our ONLINE Community for Live feedback and eAssessments.
MTLP Lesson Plan - Research Methods - Week 05 Ethics in Psychology

MTLP Lesson Plan - Research Methods - Week 05 Ethics in Psychology

Since 2004 Nick and Bethan have worked with top independent and state schools to develop 'Outstanding' teaching and learning resources. This Outstanding (OFSTED) Medium Term Lesson Plan covers the whole of Week 05 Ethics in Psychology Learning Objectives On completion of this week your students should be familiar with the following: 1. Ethics, the role of the British Psychological Society’s code of ethics and ethical issues in the design and conduct of psychological studies 2. Dealing with ethical issues in research This resource is best used alongside our other outstanding resources also found here on TES but we have made it available in Word Format and can be fully adapted with minimum effort to your own resources. Also contact us about you and your students joining our ONLINE Community for Live feedback and eAssessments.
MTLP  Lesson Plan - Research Methods - Week 01 Experimental Methods

MTLP Lesson Plan - Research Methods - Week 01 Experimental Methods

Since 2004 Nick and Bethan have worked with top independent and state schools to develop 'Outstanding' teaching and learning resources. This Outstanding (OFSTED) Medium Term Lesson Plan covers the whole of Week 01 Experimental Methods Learning Objectives On completion of this week your students should be familiar with the following: 1. Key features of the experimental method · The aim: stating aims, the difference between aims and hypotheses · Hypotheses: directional and non-directional · Variables: manipulation and control of variables, including independent, dependent, extraneous, confounding; operationalisation of variables · Control: random allocation and counterbalancing, randomisation and standardisation. Demand characteristics and investigator effects. 2. Experimental methods. Types of experiment, laboratory and field experiments; natural and quasi-experiments and their strengths and limitations 3. Experimental designs: repeated measures, independent groups, matched pairs 4. Pilot studies and the aims of piloting This resource is best used alongside our other outstanding resources also found here on TES but we have made it available in Word Format and can be fully adapted with minimum effort to your own resources. Also contact us about you and your students joining our ONLINE Community for Live feedback and eAssessments. If you want all our resources then why not buy our Teacher Resource Pack at http://bit.ly/1SZ11Cd
Paper 3 - Complete Student Workbook  - Schizophrenia

Paper 3 - Complete Student Workbook - Schizophrenia

Written by leading authors Nick and Bethan Redshaw specifically for the AQA Psychology Specification Year 2 Psychology in Context, ISSUE, DEBATES and OPTIONS and builds on their highly successful year 1 material which is also available to download here on TES (Teacher reference - I have bought your Year 1 e-workbook, which I found to be amazing! ) Option 2 Schizophrenia - Learning Objectives On completion of this unit you should be familiar with the following: Week 15 -The Classification of Schizophrenia 1. The Classification of schizophrenia. 2. Positive symptoms of schizophrenia, including hallucinations and delusions. 3. Negative symptoms of schizophrenia, including speech poverty and avolition. 4. Reliability and validity in diagnosis and classification of schizophrenia, including reference to co-morbidity, culture and gender bias and symptom overlap. Week 16 - Biological explanations for Schizophrenia 1. The Biological explanations for schizophrenia 2. Genetics 3. The dopamine hypothesis 4. Neural correlates Week 17 - Psychological explanations for Schizophrenia 1. Psychological explanations for schizophrenia 2. Family dysfunction 3. Cognitive explanations, including dysfunctional thought processing Week 18 - Therapies for Schizophrenia 1. Drug therapy: typical and atypical antipsychotics 2. Cognitive behaviour therapy as used in the treatment of schizophrenia 3. Family therapy as used in the treatment of schizophrenia 4. Token economies as used in the management of schizophrenia 5. The importance of an interactionist approach in explaining and treating schizophrenia; the diathesis-stress model. This workbook is a must and will help your students achieve their potential in the NEW A Level Exams as well as saving you hours of preparation time. IDEAL for developing the flipped classroom. The supporting POWERPOINT(s) will also be available soon here on TES. Our workbooks will also be supported by our Unique LIVE ONLINE AREA (Psychexamhelp) for more information contact us through our Website or Twitter
MTLP Lesson Plan - Week 27 Depression

MTLP Lesson Plan - Week 27 Depression

This Outstanding (OFSTED) Medium Term Lesson Plan covers the whole of Week 27 Depression: Learning Objectives On completion of this week your students should be familiar with the following: 1. The behavioural, emotional and cognitive characteristics of depression 2. The cognitive approach to explaining depression; Beck’s negative triad and Ellis’s ABC model 3. The cognitive approach to treating depression; cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), including challenging irrational thoughts. This resources is best used alongside our other outstanding resources also found here on TES but we have made it available in Word Format and can be fully adapted with minimum effort to your own resources. Also contact us about you and your students joining our ONLINE Community for Live feedback and eAssessments
Year 2 Powerpoint - Week 2 Humanistic Approach and Comparisons

Year 2 Powerpoint - Week 2 Humanistic Approach and Comparisons

Since 2004 Nick and Bethan have worked with top independent and state schools to develop 'Outstanding' teaching and learning resources. This eagerly anticipated powerpoint has been produced by leading authors Nick and Bethan specifically for the AQA Psychology Specification Year 2 Psychology in Context, ISSUE, DEBATES and OPTIONS and maps onto our VERY popular Year 2 - AQA New Specification Workbook - Approaches in Psychology also available for download here on TES This powerpoint covers; Week 2 - The Humanistic Approach Comparison of Approaches Fully mapped onto the NEW Specification and SOW and has been fully crossed reference with question papers and mark schemes from Spec A, B and the New STEM. In addition includes material and terms mentioned in the SOW but not included in most 'endorsed textbooks' DOWNLOAD sit back and LIVE LIFE. Students can also subscribe to our A Level PsychExamhelp. to receive LIVE help and feedback for more information go to our website at the right hand side of the page and contact Nick and Bethan our follow us here on TES and send us a message.
Research Methods Revision Book

Research Methods Revision Book

Its that time of the year - do your year 13 need a little more…Published in 2012 and written by leading psychology authors Nick and Bethan Redshaw this revision book is designed to help you achieve your potential and gain the maximum marks in your a-level exam. In this book you will find summaries of all the research methods used by psychologists to conduct research studies and evaluation of these methods and techniques. Specification criteria highlighting exactly what you need to know for the exam. Exam success tips, key terms and exam style questions for you to practise. Along with a model answer section with examiner style feedback. Nick and Bethan Redshaw have many years experience as authors of the highly successful and respected Independent Learner Series. Nick has worked as a senior examiner for one of the leading exam boards and has taught psychology in numerous schools allover the country. All our psychology material has been specifically written with students in mind to help you to get the most out of your studies.
Paper 3 - RELATIONSHIPS -SPECIAL OFFER  Workbook & PowerPoint - Bundle

Paper 3 - RELATIONSHIPS -SPECIAL OFFER Workbook & PowerPoint - Bundle

SPECIAL OFFER - AQA Year 2 - Relationships Workbook & Powerpoints - Bundle Only £25 (normally £31 if bought individually) The workbook and powerpoints are a must and will help your students achieve their potential in the NEW A Level Exams as well as saving you hours of preparation time. IDEAL for developing the flipped classroom. The WORKBOOK and supporting POWERPOINT(s) will also be available individually here on TES Written by leading authors Nick and Bethan Redshaw specifically for the AQA Psychology Specification Year 2 Psychology in Context, ISSUE, DEBATES and OPTIONS and builds on their highly successful year 1 material which is also available to download here on TES (Teacher reference - I have bought your Year 1 e-workbook, which I found to be amazing! ) Student Workbook and Supporting Powerpoints Cover: Option 1 Relationships - Learning Objectives On completion of this unit you should be familiar with the following: Week 8 -The evolutionary explanations for partner preferences, including the relationship between sexual selection and human reproductive behaviour. Week 9 - Factors affecting attraction in romantic relationships: self-disclosure; physical attractiveness, including the matching hypothesis; filter theory, including social demography, similarity in attitudes and complementarity. Week 10 - Theories of romantic relationships: social exchange theory, equity theory and Rusbult’s investment model of commitment, satisfaction, comparison with alternatives and investment. Duck’s phase model of relationship breakdown: intra-psychic, dyadic, social and grave dressing phases. Week 11 - Virtual relationships in social media: self-disclosure in virtual relationships; effects of absence of gating on the nature of virtual relationships. Week 12 - Parasocial relationships: levels of parasocial relationships, the absorption addiction model and the attachment theory explanation. Our Resources are also be supported by our Unique LIVE ONLINE AREA (Psychexamhelp). Students need to pay an additional subscription to receive LIVE help and exam performance feedback for more information go to our website at the right hand side of the page
Year 2 Powerpoint Week 24 - Option 3 Forensic - Psychological Explanations of Offender Profiling

Year 2 Powerpoint Week 24 - Option 3 Forensic - Psychological Explanations of Offender Profiling

Since 2004 Nick and Bethan have worked with top independent and state schools to develop 'Outstanding' teaching and learning resources. " Nick and Bethan your student workshop was fantastic pitched at the right level, we will definitely be using you again next year for both Year 12 and Year 13 - excellent resources" Inner London School. This eagerly anticipated powerpoint has been produced by leading authors Nick and Bethan specifically for the AQA Psychology Specification Year 2 - OPTION 3 - Forensic Psychology and maps onto our VERY popular Year 2 - Option 3 - Forensic Psychology Workbook also available for download here on TES This powerpoint covers Week 24 - Psychological explanations of offending behaviour 1. Eysenck’s theory of the criminal personality 2. Cognitive explanations; level of moral reasoning and cognitive distortions, including hostile attribution bias and minimalisation 3. Differential association theory 4. Psychodynamic explanations. Fully mapped onto the NEW Specification and SOW and has been fully crossed reference with question papers and mark schemes from Spec A, B and the New STEM. In addition includes material and terms mentioned in the SOW but not included in most 'endorsed textbooks' DOWNLOAD sit back and LIVE LIFE. Our workbooks are also be supported by our Unique LIVE ONLINE ACADEMY (Psychexamhelp) and LIVE Online Course. Students need to pay an additional subscription to receive LIVE help and exam performance feedback for more information go to our website at the right hand side of the page or contact Nick and Bethan information@advancedsuccess.co.uk
Year 2 Powerpoint Week 25 - Option 3 Forensic - Dealing with offending behaviour

Year 2 Powerpoint Week 25 - Option 3 Forensic - Dealing with offending behaviour

Since 2004 Nick and Bethan have worked with top independent and state schools to develop 'Outstanding' teaching and learning resources. " Nick and Bethan your student workshop was fantastic pitched at the right level, we will definitely be using you again next year for both Year 12 and Year 13 - excellent resources" Inner London School. This eagerly anticipated powerpoint has been produced by leading authors Nick and Bethan specifically for the AQA Psychology Specification Year 2 - OPTION 3 - Forensic Psychology and maps onto our VERY popular Year 2 - Option 3 - Forensic Psychology Workbook also available for download here on TES This powerpoint covers Week 25 - Dealing with offending behaviour 1. The aims of custodial sentencing 2. The psychological effects of custodial sentencing. 3. Recidivism. 4. Behaviour modification in custody. 5. Anger management and restorative justice programmes. Fully mapped onto the NEW Specification and SOW and has been fully crossed reference with question papers and mark schemes from Spec A, B and the New STEM. In addition includes material and terms mentioned in the SOW but not included in most 'endorsed textbooks' DOWNLOAD sit back and LIVE LIFE. Our workbooks are also be supported by our Unique LIVE ONLINE ACADEMY (Psychexamhelp) and LIVE Online Course. Students need to pay an additional subscription to receive LIVE help and exam performance feedback for more information go to our website at the right hand side of the page or contact Nick and Bethan information@advancedsuccess.co.uk
Year 2 Powerpoint Week 10 - Option 1 Cognition and Development - Baillargeon’s explanations

Year 2 Powerpoint Week 10 - Option 1 Cognition and Development - Baillargeon’s explanations

Since 2004 Nick and Bethan have worked with top independent and state schools to develop 'Outstanding' teaching and learning resources. " Nick and Bethan your student workshop was fantastic pitched at the right level, we will definitely be using you again next year for both Year 12 and Year 13 - excellent resources" Inner London School. This eagerly anticipated powerpoint has been produced by leading authors Nick and Bethan specifically for the AQA Psychology Specification Year 2 - OPTION 3 - Forensic Psychology and maps onto our VERY popular Year 2 - Option 1 - Cognition and Development Workbook also available for download here on TES This powerpoint covers Week 10 - Baillargeon’s explanation of early infant abilities 1. Baillargeon’s explanation of early infant abilities including; 2. Knowledge of the physical world and violation of expectation research Fully mapped onto the NEW Specification and SOW and has been fully crossed reference with question papers and mark schemes from Spec A, B and the New STEM. In addition includes material and terms mentioned in the SOW but not included in most 'endorsed textbooks' DOWNLOAD sit back and LIVE LIFE. Our workbooks are also be supported by our Unique LIVE ONLINE ACADEMY (Psychexamhelp) and LIVE Online Course. Students need to pay an additional subscription to receive LIVE help and exam performance feedback for more information go to our website at the right hand side of the page or contact Nick and Bethan information@advancedsuccess.co.uk
Year 2 Powerpoint Week 8 - Option 1 Cognition and Development - Piaget's Cognitive Development

Year 2 Powerpoint Week 8 - Option 1 Cognition and Development - Piaget's Cognitive Development

Since 2004 Nick and Bethan have worked with top independent and state schools to develop 'Outstanding' teaching and learning resources. " Nick and Bethan your student workshop was fantastic pitched at the right level, we will definitely be using you again next year for both Year 12 and Year 13 - excellent resources" Inner London School. This eagerly anticipated powerpoint has been produced by leading authors Nick and Bethan specifically for the AQA Psychology Specification Year 2 - OPTION 3 - Forensic Psychology and maps onto our VERY popular Year 2 - Option 1 - Cognition and Development Workbook also available for download here on TES This powerpoint covers Week 8 - Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development 1. Piaget’s theory of cognitive development: schemas, assimilation, accommodation, equilibration 2. Stages of intellectual development 3. Characteristics of these stages, including object permanence, conservation, egocentrism and class inclusion Fully mapped onto the NEW Specification and SOW and has been fully crossed reference with question papers and mark schemes from Spec A, B and the New STEM. In addition includes material and terms mentioned in the SOW but not included in most 'endorsed textbooks' DOWNLOAD sit back and LIVE LIFE. Our workbooks are also be supported by our Unique LIVE ONLINE ACADEMY (Psychexamhelp) and LIVE Online Course. Students need to pay an additional subscription to receive LIVE help and exam performance feedback for more information go to our website at the right hand side of the page or contact Nick and Bethan information@advancedsuccess.co.uk