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A-Level Spanish Grammar Revision and Exam Skills - 5 classes with sequenced learning - pick up and go!
Sequence of 5 classes designed to isolate grammatical elements and transfer them into exam skills. Full Ppts with detailed, animated grammar explanations plus printable worksheet with notes included for each class. Step-by-Step grammar explanations that run themselves, especially handy for those who aren’t as confident with some of the trickier grammar of the course!
Each class includes:
Lesson Intentions with success criteria
Detailed Grammar explanations, illustrated through intricately animated PowerPoint slides
Practise exercises with answers
Re-call exercises linking back to prior learning from previous classes in the sequence
Value added comments
Reflection Plenary
Printable worksheet with exercises
A-Level Spanish Revision Class 5 - The six different uses/functions of "se" in Spanish
Class designed to isolate grammatical elements and transfer them into exam skills. Full Ppt with detailed, animated grammar explanations plus printable worksheet included.
Re-call Starter
Revision of: Reflexive Se, Indirect Object Replacement Se, Impersonal Se, Reciprocal Verb Se, Passive Se, Accidental Se with practise exercises and notes.
Sentence translation to apply knowledge from the lesson.
Exam-Style Grammar questions with “se”.
Reflection Plenary
A-Level Spanish Revision Class 4 - Direct and indirect objects versus reflexive verbs
Class designed to isolate grammatical elements and transfer them into exam skills. Full Ppt with detailed, animated grammar explanations plus printable worksheet included.
Recall Starter
Revising how to identify Subject, Verb, Direct and Indirect Objects in a sentence and translate them accurately into Spanish - including Indirect Object Replacement pronoun (se)
Revising reflexive verbs
Revising how to translate sentences using the correct pronoun.
Deliberate why it’s “le gusta” not “lo/la gusta” - Common misconception cleared up and explained.
Use revised knowledge to complete the exam-style gap-fill question
Reflection Plenary
A-Level Spanish Revision Class 3 - Spanish Four Conditional Si clauses
Class designed to isolate grammatical elements and transfer them into exam skills. Full Ppt with detailed, animated grammar explanations plus printable worksheet included.
Recall Starter.
Revision of the four conditionals in Spanish, focus on producing grammatically accurate “Si clauses”
To use revised knowledge to translate past paper translation tasks that contain a “Si clause”
Reflection Plenary
A-Level Spanish Revision Class 2 - Present and Past Indicative vs Subjunctive verb forms
Class designed to isolate grammatical elements and transfer them into exam skills. Full Ppt with detailed, animated grammar explanations plus printable worksheet and verb table template included.
Recall Starter
Revision of present and past indicative and subjunctive verb forms, colourful verb table to fill out that summarises knowledge.
Focus on irregular verbs and Perfect tense constructions using both moods.
Translation practise at sentence level applying knowledge from the lesson.
Exam style paragraph translation into Spanish, applying knowledge from the lesson.
Reflection plenary.
A-Level Spanish Revision Class 1 - Synonyms, Sentences with 2 Subjects and translating "as soon as"
Class designed to isolate grammatical elements and transfer them into exam skills. Full Ppt with detailed, animated grammar explanations plus printable worksheet included.
Synonym match up and complete an exam-style synonym question.
To revise rewording sentences with two subjects to include THAT when translating into Spanish (E.g., The mother wants the husband to listen - The mother wants that the husband listens. La madre quiere que el marido escuche )
To study three different ways of translating ‘as soon as possible’ with a focus on grammatical accuracy. Nada más + infinitive, en cuanto / tan pronto como + indicative (past event) / subjunctive (future event).
Reflection Plenary
Latinamerican Dictatorships Dictaduras Latinoamericanas
Original/Authentic material worksheets and powerpoints including exam style questions surrounding the following dictatorships:
Trujillo (Dominican Republic)
Pinochet (Chile)
Stroessner (Paraguay)
Castro (Cuba)
Videla (Argentina)
Chávez and Maduro (Venezuela)
Exam-style exercises included:
Translation into Spanish
Translation into English
Gap Fill
Put the verb in brackets into the correct form
True / False / Not Mentioned
Choose the six correct statements
Target Language Comprehension questions
All answers included on a powerpoint that can be projected onto the board.
Minimum three lessons work of work - quite possibly four.
Los Valores Tradicionales y Modernos REVISION NOTES
Brightly presented revision notes for Module 1 of the AS Spanish course. 5 pages of notes in easily-digestable Spanish covering:
Los Cambios en La Familia
La Familia antes y ahora
El matrimonio y divorcio en Espana
El matrimonio y divorcio en Guatemala
El matrimonio y divorcio en México
El matrimonio: a favor o en contra?
Key dates
La Ley de Vagos
La influencia de la iglesia Católica
La religión y la reconquista
El Cristianismo en las Américas
Como el catolicismo ha cambiado en Espana
Y7/8 Pirates of the Caribbean Lesson 1 - recap of basic topics in an engaging way!
A novel ‘pirate’ way to recap basic themes in Spanish:
Asking and giving names
Describing yourself
Where you live
Favourite food
Adverbs of Frequency
Prepositions of place
Reading Comprehension
A5 Handout of reading comprehension Mat (stick in books)
A4 Find out Your Pirate Name (E.g., Perro Cutre de los Águas oscuras - Shabby Dog of the Dark Waters)
A5 Find out your Pirate Name (stick in books)
A5 Pirate questionnaire (multiple choice)
Full Ppt Lesson taking you through step-by-step (Pirates of the Carribean sound effects included!)
Second Spanish Lesson - CULTURE
Increase your students cultural knowledge of Spain.
-Starter General Knowledge Handout
-Pair and Swap activity cards
-Mind Map of Spain - Map with boxes to annotate and collate learnt knowledge (Geographical knowledge, language, regional languages, currency, religion, population + 5 Fascinating facts boxes)
Y7 First Spanish Lesson
Nice introduction to Spanish lesson.
Previous Knowledge Language Audit (worksheet)
10 question General Knowledge of Spain quiz
Why learn Spanish discussion and video
Support your kids to create a reindeer character and to write about them.
-Includes model translation exercise
Includes extensive scaffolding, structures and vocab around the borders to help them create their story.
Enough to fill a whole hour’s lesson!
Encourage your students’ creativity in the foreign tongue this Christmas! :)
Ocho Apellidos Vascos Primera Escena
Script of the opening scene of Ocho Apellidos Vascos
Translation paragraph Starter Activity
Script for the opening scene
Find the phrase exercise for vocabulary support
A quiz of 10 rounds, largely in simple target language (to appease SLT!!).
Round 1: Christmas Multiple Choice
Round 2: Guess the Spanish city
Round 3: Guess the Hispanic celebrity Santa
Round 4: Guess the reversed Christmas Song
Round 5: Concentration - Christmas Photo
Round 6: Christmas General Knowledge
Round 7: Guess the famous historic Hispanic Elf
Round 8: Guess the Christmas film from the audio clip
Round 9: General Knowledge from 2022
Round 10: Merry Christmas: Guess the European language
All Audios and Answers included
129 slides of Christmas Classroom fun
Value Added Comments included for historical elves
Starter activity (with solutions) included for an orderly start and register
Attractive quiz team sheet to record the answers on!
Rounds can be selected as per ability
¡Feliz Navidad a tod@s!
Guided, scaffolded writing in line with describing people.
TASK ONE - use the scaffolding around the borders of the writing mat to help you translate the model paragraph about the monster into English
TASK TWO - Draw your own monster and use the scaffolding around the borders to help you write a paragraph about your monster - what they look like, what they like doing, etc
Includes some common every day Idioms in Spanish to help students use higher phrases.
Includes an reasons flowchart down the right hand side to help students write extended reasons to go with their opinions.
Writing mat for the GCSE writing task:
Durante tus vacaciones en España escribes un blog para describir tus experiencias. Menciona:
• un día de las vacaciones cuando tuviste problemas
• un festival en España en que te gustaría participar.
2-SIDED DOCUMENT (One side = present subj support, 2nd side = imperfect subj support)
Coule be used at KS5 to practise higher level writing.
Includes subject specific vocabulary around the borders, higher-ability grammar support - subjunctive made simple, also includes a few common idioms for students to try and include in their writing.
Writing mat for the GCSE writing task:
Lees un blog que se llama ‘Lo bueno y lo malo de ser joven’.
Decides participar con esta información:
• un día divertido que pasaste con tus amigos recientemente
• tus opiniones sobre los problemas que tienen los jóvenes.
2-SIDED DOCUMENT (One side = present subj support, 2nd side = imperfect subj support)
Coule be used at KS5 to practise higher level writing.
Includes subject specific vocabulary around the borders, higher-ability grammar support - subjunctive made simple, also includes a few common idioms for students to try and include in their writing.
la boda gitana
Powerpoint resource using authentic texts about gypsy weddings. Uses GCSE vocab and GCSE style exercises (amongst some find the phrase support exercises). English comprehension questions, Spanish comprehension questions, translations into and out of TL, describe the photo, Verdadero o Falso. Good to engage GCSE kids and to teach / revise the topic of marriage.
Spanish Coverwork: Las líneas de nazca
Authentic texts on the Nazca lines:
A - find the phrase exercise (41 terms)
B - Comprehension exercise in English based on the texts (20 questions)
C - Write a small paragraph on the Nazca lines (includes support box)
D - Translation (Spanish - English)
E - Design a tourist poster with information about the Nazca lines
• Una descripción de las líneas de Nazca
• Información sobre las líneas de Nazca
• Opiniones de otros turistas que han visitado las líneas de Nazca
German Modal verbs Bundle - all tenses - GCSE Topics: Environment and Healthy Living
Worksheet: Revision of Present Tense German Modal verbs on the subject of GCSE Environment. Vocab Table included and practice translation sentences.
Worksheet: Revision of Modal Verb in Past, Present and Future - Translation of sentences - both Higher and Foundation worksheets included for each Tense (German - English; English - German) on the subject of Healthy Living.
Grammar Sheet: Modal forms in all three tenses with example sentences.