T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Support Services: core element 9: Planning
This resource is for the Version 1.5 March 2022 T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Support Services: Route core element 9: Planning. It includes teacher PowerPoint for the following criteria;
R9.1 The principles of project planning.
R9.2 The consequences of ineffective project planning:
R9.3 The application of project planning techniques in a business context.
There is also a student worksheet that comes with each PowerPoint as well as a teacher version that includes suggested answers.
As well as all of the above, there is a Task for Comprehensive Project Planning Exercise & multiple choice quizzes in a Kahoot style that cover various elements of the core element 9: Planning.
T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Support Services: core element 1-8 BUNDLE
Please click on individual resources for more information about whats included in this bundle. Click on each image in the bundle to see a full breakdown of what is included in each core element.
There are 47 teacher PowerPoints, 47 student worksheets and many multiple choice quizzes. There are also answer sheets for teacher use to ease marking as well as other unique resources in each core element.
T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Support Services: core element 5-8 BUNDLE
Please click on individual resources 5-8 for more information.
T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Support Services: core element 8: Legislation
This resource is for the Version 1.5 March 2022 T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Support Services: Route core element 8: Legislation. It includes teacher PowerPoint for the following criteria;
R8.1 Legislation and regulation requirements applied across sectors in a digital context.
R8.2 The role of criminal law, industry standards and professional codes of conduct in a digital context.
R8.3 Where to access industry standards and professional codes of conduct in a digital context.
R8.4 The importance of keeping up to date with UK and international legislation and regulations and potential consequences to businesses across sectors of being non-compliant.
There is also a student worksheet that comes with each PowerPoint as well as a teacher version that includes suggested answers.
As well as all of the above, there are multiple choice quizzes in a Kahoot style that cover various elements of the core element 8: Legislation.
T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Support Services: core element 7: Learning
This resource is for the Version 1.5 March 2022 T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Support Services: Route core element 7: Learning. It includes teacher PowerPoint for the following criteria;
R7.1 The advantages of personal and professional development in the digital sector:
R7.2 Areas of emerging technology and innovative applications within a commercial and domestic context:
R7.2 Internet of Things Task and Template
R7.3 Types of reflection and creativity techniques and how they influence practice within the digital sector.
R7.4 Sources of knowledge within the digital sector and the factors that need to be considered when assessing the reliability and validity of a source.
There is also a student worksheet that comes with each PowerPoint as well as a teacher version that includes suggested answers.
As well as all of the above, there are multiple choice quizzes in a Kahoot style that cover various elements of the core element 7: Learning.
T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Support Services: core element 6: Diversity & Inclusion
This resource is for the Version 1.5 March 2022 T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Support Services: Route core element 6: Diversity & Inclusion. It includes teacher PowerPoint for the following criteria;
R6.1 The principles of digital inclusion, and legislation relating to equality and diversity.
R6.2 The business benefits of diversity and inclusion:
R6.3 Approaches to addressing demographic imbalance in the digital sector:
R6.4 How digital inclusion affects individuals and organisations in the digital sector.
There is also a student worksheet that comes with each PowerPoint as well as a teacher version that includes suggested answers.
As well as all of the above, there are multiple choice quizzes in a Kahoot style that cover various elements of the core element 6: Diversity & Inclusion.
T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Support Services: Route Core Element 1-4
a 15% saving when purchasing these resources as a bundle. Please click on each resource for further information about this resource.
23 Teacher led Power Points
23 Student worksheets
23 Answer Sheets for teachers
8 Multiple Choice quizzes
Scenario Cards, flowchart and pseudocode challenges and more!
T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Support Services: core element 5:Digital Environments
This resource is for the Version 1.5 March 2022 T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Support Services: Route core element 5: Digital Environments. It includes teacher PowerPoint for the following criteria;
R5.1 Components of physical computing systems and their applications:
R5.2 Types and applications of networks, hardware and software, and the functions of internet of things (IoT).
R5.3 The types and applications of protocols used to create networks and network referencing models.
R5.4 The components and benefits of virtual computing systems.
R5.5 The types, services and benefits of cloud computing.
R5.6 The methods and benefits of creating a resilient digital environment.
There is also a student worksheet that comes with each PowerPoint as well as a teacher version that includes suggested answers.
As well as all of the above, there are multiple choice quizzes in a Kahoot style that cover various elements of the core element 5: Digital Environments.
T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Support Services: Route core element 4: Digital Analysis
This resource is for the Version 1.5 March 2022 T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Support Services: Route core element 4: Digital Analysis. It includes teacher PowerPoint for the following criteria;
R4.1 The characteristics and applications of algorithms in digital analysis:
R4.2 The process of computational thinking and tools applied in problem solving and algorithm design
R4.2 Flowcharts
R4.2 Pseudocode
There is also a student worksheet that comes with each PowerPoint as well as a teacher version that includes suggested answers.
As well as all of the above, there are multiple choice quizzes in a Kahoot style that cover various elements of the core element 4: Digital Analysis, question sheets, scenario cards for pattern recognition, decomposition and more.
T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Support Services: Route core element 3: Data
This resource is for the Version 1.5 March 2022 T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Support Services: Route core element D: Data. It includes teacher PowerPoint for the following criteria;
R3.1 The fundamental characteristics of data.
R3.2 The fundamental functions of information systems and the application of data:
R3.3 The concepts and tools of data modelling.
R3.4 The concepts involved in data entry and maintenance.
R3.5 Characteristics of data formats and importance for analysis.
R3.6 Methods of presenting and visualising data and their suitability for application.
R3.7 Applications of data within an organisation:
R3.8 Types of data access management across platforms within in a digital environment.
R3.9 Types and application of access control methods:
There is also a student worksheet that acommpannies each PowerPoint as well as a teacher version that includes suggested answers.
As well as all of the above, there are multiple choice quizzes in a kahoot style that cover various elements of the core element 3: Data
T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Support Services: Route core element 2: Culture
This resource is for the Version 1.5 March 2022 T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Support Services: Route core element 2: Culture. It includes teacher
PowerPoint for the following criteria;
R2.1 How the increasing reliance on digital technology can cause ethical and moral impacts on business and society.
R2.2 The impact of unsafe or inappropriate use of digital technology and mitigation techniques to reduce impact.
R2.2 Display screen equipment (DSE) and workstation assessment:
It also includes 2x case studies on 2x different organisations and how they use IT Support to mitigate impact of the unsafe use or inappropriate use of digital technology. This includes a set task for learners to complete a comparison activity between the two.
As well as all of the above, there are 3x student worksheets with exam style questions (1-4 mark questions), and suggested answer sheets for teachers.
As well as that, there are 2x Multiple Choice Kahoot style quizzes included.
T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Support Services: Route core element 1: Business context
T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Support Services: Route core element 1: Business context.
This resource inlcudes over 13 PowerPoints for the T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Support Services: Route core element 1: Business context course which covers all of the criteria for the following learning objectives.
R1.1 Types of organisations and stakeholders within the business environment.
R1.2 Key factors that can influence the business environment:
R1.3 The measurable value of digitalisation to a business:
R1.4 The influence and impact of digitalisation within a business context and market environment:
R1.5 The role of technical change management in digital operational integrity:
R1.6 The components of technical change management:
R1.7 Factors that drive change and a range of methods organisations can apply in response to change
R1.8 The steps organisations take to respond to change:
R1.9 The measurable value of digital service to customers and end users
R1.10 The considerations and value of meeting customer and end user needs within a business context
R1.11 Risks and implications within a business environment.
R1.12 The purpose and applications of codes of conduct within a business
R1.13 Types of hacker and the implications of hacking and non-compliance with a code of conduct.
On top of all of the above, each lesson comes with a questions worksheet for students to answer. In total there are 13 Lessons and 13 worksheets. There are also some bonus multiple choice quizzes that students can take part in as well as further help sheets.
Pearson Entry Level and Level 1 in Essential Digital Skills (EDSQ)
Specification – Issue 2 – August 2021 © Pearson Education Limited 2021
Using Devices and Handling Information
PowerPoint on Using devices
1.1.1 Know what is meant by hardware, software, operating systems and applications.
1.1.2 Locate and install an application.
1.1.3 Apply system settings, including accessibility.
1.2.1 Navigate online content to locate required information.
Multiple choice quiz and written questions to cover multiple forms of classroom assessment for learning.
PowerPoint and tasks for the following
The learner will use a web browser to locate
required information by using:
● website/Uniform Resource Locator (URLs)
● navigation tools:
o menus
o hyperlinks
● navigation controls:
o back buttons
This resource covers learning criteria
1.1 Using Devices
1.2 Finding Information
Level 3 BTEC Business - Unit 18: Creative Promotion (All Learning Aims A-C)
This resource for the Level 3 BTEC Business - Unit 18: Creative Promotion (All Learning Aims A-C) includes PowerPoints for all of the learning aims A-C
A - Explore the role of integrated marketing communications in creative promotion
B - Review the effectiveness of the promotional mix used by different businesses
C - Create a plan for a promotional campaign
Also included in this resource are exam style questions and worksheets, answer sheets for teachers to ease marking. As well as all of the above there are Kahoot style multiple choice quizzes that are great for instant Assessment for Learning.
07/05/2024 - updated with templates and wireframes for learning aim criteria
P1, P2, M1 & D1
DIT COMPONENT 2: Collecting, Presenting and Interpreting Data Pearson Set Assignment June 2024
I have fully completed and gone over the Digital Information Technology COMPONENT 2: Collecting, Presenting and Interpreting Data Pearson Set Assignment June 2024 which has just finished.
This is a great guide to help you complete the new released June 2024 paper.
Great tool to assist the marking process so you can check and cross reference against the provided answers.
Included is a fully completed Excel Spreadsheet with all completed tasks for 2A 2B and 2C as well as a complete ‘how to guide’ on PowerPoint.
Fully completed examplar answers for tasks 1 and 3A and 3B, as well as a guide on responding well to task 1.
02/05/2024 - added a tracker for the entire DIT course that covers COMP1, COMP2 and COMP3 and can be used for your entire class.
07/05/2024 - Marking grids (updated) for answers 2A, 2B and 2C
A completed marking grid to show you the best practice.
Paper 1 & Paper 2: Content Area 1-8 - T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Production, Design and Development
Please click on each resource pack for more detailed descriptions about each content area.
T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Production, Design and Development -
**Paper 1: Digital Analysis, Legislation and Emerging Issues
Paper 2: The Business Environment **
This Bundle includes;
Content area 1: Problem solving
Content area 2: Introduction to programming
Content area 3: Emerging issues and impact of digital
Content area 4: Legislation and regulatory requirements
Content area 5: Business context
Content area 6: Data
Content area 7: Digital environments
Content area 8: Security
Paper 2: Content Area 5-8 BUNDLE - T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Production, Design and Development - Paper 2: The Business Environment BUNDLE
Please click on each resource pack for more detailed descriptions about each content area.
T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Production, Design and Development - Paper 2: The Business Environment BUNDLE
This Bundle includes;
Content area 5: Business context
Content area 6: Data
Content area 7: Digital environments
Content area 7: Security
T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Production, Design and Development (Content Area 8)Paper2
This resource for T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Production, Design and Development (Content Area 8) Paper 2 - Security, includes all criteria and teacher PowerPoints with information and examples, as well as quizzes and activities. They cover the following criteria on 11 different PowerPoints;
8.1 Security Risks
8.1 Internal Vs External Risks
8.1 External Threats continued
8.1 Forms of Loss
8.2 Threat Mitigation
8.2 Firewalls
8.2 Passwords
8.2 System Vulnerabilities
8.2 Hardware & Software Security Issues
8.2 Attack Vectors
8.2 Physical Vulnerabilities
As well as all of the above, also included in this resource are worksheets for students for each topic area with exam style questions for them to complete. There are also example answers to ease the process of marking for teachers for the end of unit quizzes.
29/04/2024 - Updated: added Kahoot style multiple choice quizzes which are great for quick punchy assessment for learning. One added for every plenary task for each lesson.
29/04/2024 - Updated: added a end of unit assessment that covers all criteria from Content Area 8: Security. I have also added suggested answers for this criteria.
29/04/2024 - added a bonus Activity Security Risk Assessment Game instructions.
30/04/2024 - added a practice paper on system vulnerabilities as well as a mark scheme and answers for teachers.
12/12/2024 - added additional PPTs and Worksheets
T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Production, Design and Development (Content Area 7)Paper2
This resource for T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Production, Design and Development (Content Area 7) Paper 2 - Digital Environments, includes all criteria and teacher PowerPoints with information and examples, as well as quizzes and activities. They cover the following criteria;
7.1 Physical Environments
7.2 Networks
7.3 Virtual environments
7.4 Cloud environments
7.5 Resilience of environment
As well as all of the above, also included in this resource are worksheets for students for each topic area with exam style questions for them to complete. There are also example answers to ease the process of marking for teachers.
26/04/2024 - Updated: added Kahoot style multiple choice quizzes which are great for quick punchy assessment for learning. One added for every plenary task for each lesson.
26/04/2024 - Updated: added a end of unit assessment that covers all criteria from Content Area 7: Digital Environments. I have also added suggested answers for this criteria.
T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Production, Design and Development (Content Area 6)Paper2
This resource for T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Production, Design and Development (Content Area 6) Paper 2 - Data, includes all criteria and teacher PowerPoints with information and examples, as well as quizzes and activities. They cover the following criteria;
6.1 Data and information in organisations
6.2 Data Formats
6.3 Data Systems
6.4 Data Management
As well as all of the above, also included in this resource are worksheets for students for each topic area with exam style questions for them to complete. There are also example answers to ease the process of marking for teachers.
23/04/2024 - Updated: added Kahoot style multiple choice quizzes which are great for quick punchy assesssent for learning.
23/04/2024 - Updated: added a end of unit assessment that covers all criteria from Content Area 6: Data. I have also added suggested answers for this criteria as well as a mark scheme.