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T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Support Services: Route core element 1: Business context

T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Support Services: Route core element 1: Business context

T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Support Services: Route core element 1: Business context. This resource inlcudes over 13 PowerPoints for the T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Support Services: Route core element 1: Business context course which covers all of the criteria for the following learning objectives. R1.1 Types of organisations and stakeholders within the business environment. R1.2 Key factors that can influence the business environment: R1.3 The measurable value of digitalisation to a business: R1.4 The influence and impact of digitalisation within a business context and market environment: R1.5 The role of technical change management in digital operational integrity: R1.6 The components of technical change management: R1.7 Factors that drive change and a range of methods organisations can apply in response to change R1.8 The steps organisations take to respond to change: R1.9 The measurable value of digital service to customers and end users R1.10 The considerations and value of meeting customer and end user needs within a business context R1.11 Risks and implications within a business environment. R1.12 The purpose and applications of codes of conduct within a business R1.13 Types of hacker and the implications of hacking and non-compliance with a code of conduct. On top of all of the above, each lesson comes with a questions worksheet for students to answer. In total there are 13 Lessons and 13 worksheets. There are also some bonus multiple choice quizzes that students can take part in as well as further help sheets.
DIT Component 3: Effective Digital Working Practices - Lessons and Worksheets: Learning Aim  A

DIT Component 3: Effective Digital Working Practices - Lessons and Worksheets: Learning Aim A

Learning Aim A: Modern technologies - A1 - Modern Technologies and A2 Impact of modern technologies. 8 teacher PowerPoints that cover all of learning aim A for Component 3: Effective Digital Working Practices with student worksheets to accompany each lesson. Updated 18/01/24 to include answer sheets for all questions in PPTs. 02/05/2024 - added a tracker for the entire DIT course that covers COMP1, COMP2 and COMP3 and can be used for your entire class.
DIT Component 3: Effective Digital Working Practices 2024: 120 Exam Questions and Answers

DIT Component 3: Effective Digital Working Practices 2024: 120 Exam Questions and Answers

120 Exam questions for the COMP3 Exam - great for practice with students in the run up to exams. Exam questions cover all material from assessment criteria A1, A2, B1, B2, B3, C1, C2 & D1. I have a bundle of resources for the entirety of DIT COMP1, COMP2 & COMP3 which offers a 23% discount when purchased together. Please find here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-tech-award-l1-2-component-1-2-and-3-12943995 02/05/2024 - added a tracker for the entire DIT course that covers COMP1, COMP2 and COMP3 and can be used for your entire class.
DIT Component 3: Effective Digital Working Practices - Lessons and Worksheets: Learning Aim C & D

DIT Component 3: Effective Digital Working Practices - Lessons and Worksheets: Learning Aim C & D

Lessons and Worksheets: Learning Aim C & D Subject: Computing & DIT Learning Aim C: The Wider Implications of digital Systems - C1 - Responsible Use C2 Legal & Ethical. Learning Aim D: Planning and Communication - D1 Forms of Notation Teacher PowerPoints that cover all of learning aim C for Component 3: Effective Digital Working Practices with student worksheets to accompany each lesson. Included Files 8 Teacher PowerPoints 8 Student worksheets/PowerPoints Lesson Plans Peer Review form Debate Task 02/05/2024 - added a tracker for the entire DIT course that covers COMP1, COMP2 and COMP3 and can be used for your entire class.
DIT L1/2 Component 1 - Exploring User Interface Design Principles and Project Planning Techniques

DIT L1/2 Component 1 - Exploring User Interface Design Principles and Project Planning Techniques

DIT Pearson BTEC Level 1/Level 2 Tech Award - Component 1 - Exploring User Interface Design Principles and Project Planning Techniques I great resource to help you plan for delivery of this unit - what is included are example User Interfaces and guides on how to make them (different scenarios), templates that help you structure written tasks and even example answers. This resource covers in depth examples and how to guides for every task in the controlled assessment. 02/05/2024 - added a tracker for the entire DIT course that covers COMP1, COMP2 and COMP3 and can be used for your entire class. 16/10/2024 - added a small presentation covering key milestones and task dependencies for task 1A/1B 21/10/2024 - added a wireframe design for task2 example 08/11/2024 - added a marking template for all practical tasks 1B, 2 & 3.
DIT Component 3: Effective Digital Working Practices - Lessons and Worksheets: Learning Aim B

DIT Component 3: Effective Digital Working Practices - Lessons and Worksheets: Learning Aim B

B Cyber security Learners must understand how the increased reliance of organisations on digital systems to hold data and perform vital functions presents a range of challenges and dangers. They should understand the nature of threats to digital systems and ways that they can be mitigated through organisation policy, procedures and the actions of individuals. They should be able to apply knowledge of cyber security to a range of vocational contexts. Lessons and Worksheets: Learning Aim B Subject: Computing & DIT Learning Aim B: Modern technologies - B1 - Threats to Data B2 Prevenetion Management and Threats to Data B3 - Policy 8 teacher PowerPoints that cover all of learning aim B for Component 3: Effective Digital Working Practices with student worksheets to accompany each lesson. 02/05/2024 - added a tracker for the entire DIT course that covers COMP1, COMP2 and COMP3 and can be used for your entire class.
T Level Technical Qualification:Media, Broadcast and Production - Content 1: The Creative Economy

T Level Technical Qualification:Media, Broadcast and Production - Content 1: The Creative Economy

This resource includes 6 teacher PowerPoints on all the learning criteria from the specification and is built around the Pearson Technical Qualification in Media, Broadcast and Production (Level 3) – Version 1.0 – April 2024 learning criteria. Content Area 1: The Creative Economy CK1.1 The different creative and non-creative industries that form part of the CK1.2 The characteristics of different types of organisations that operate within the creative economy CK1.4 The features of models used to monetise products and services in the creative industries CK1.5 The common sources of finance and funding opportunities available within the creative industries CK1.6 The purpose of relevant bodies, trade associations and organisations that operate within them There are also 6 multi-page student worksheets. Each one is focused on the above criteria, which all have teacher copies with suggested answers included. As well as Kahoot style interactive multiple choice quizzes to deliver to your classes.
T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting: Element 10 Data driven innovation/analytics & design

T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting: Element 10 Data driven innovation/analytics & design

This resource includes 6 teacher PowerPoints on all the learning criteria from the specification and is built around the T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting – Version 1 – December 2021 learning criteria. ● 10.1.1 Principles of data architecture: the set of rules that surround data collection, input, access and movement: ● 10.1.2 Developments in reporting: ● 10.1.3 The key requirements of a data governance framework: ● 10.2.1 Management Information (MI) and its importance for measuring performance, analysing trends, and in the decision-making process: ● 10.2.2 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and its importance. ● 10.2.3 Big Data characteristics: ● 10.2.4 Big Data: ● 10.3.1 Methods/tools used to analyse finance and accounting data: ● 10.3.2 Visualisation tools for presenting and reporting on data: ● 10.3.4 Business Intelligence (BI) software and its impact on retrieving, analysing, transforming and reporting data for business intelligence. ● 10.3.5 Advantages and disadvantages/risks of outsourcing data analytics. 10.4 Design thinking and its use as a tool to address challenges in the finance industry ● 10.4.1 Design thinking ethos: understanding customer needs and putting these needs at the heart of every project, creating space and platforms where project teams and end users naturally interact. ● 10.4.2 Alternative investment opportunities: There are also 6 multi-page student worksheets. Each one is focused on the above criteria, which all have teacher copies with suggested answers included. As well as Kahoot style interactive multiple choice quizzes to deliver to your classes.
Level 3 BTEC Business - Unit 19: Pitching for a new Business (All Learning Aims A-C)

Level 3 BTEC Business - Unit 19: Pitching for a new Business (All Learning Aims A-C)

This resource for the Level 3 BTEC Business - Unit 19: Pitching for a new Business (All Learning Aims A-C) includes PowerPoints for all of the learning aims A-C Learning aim A: Explore potential ideas for a micro-business start-up Learning aim B: Develop a business plan for a viable micro-business start-up Learning aim C: Carry out a pitch for funding for the chosen micro-business Also included in this resource are exam style questions and worksheets, answer sheets for teachers to ease marking. As well as all of the above there are Kahoot style multiple choice quizzes that are great for instant Assessment for Learning. 24/07/2024 updated with templates and wireframes for learning aim criteria A, B & C assignments
BTEC IT Level 3 - Unit 3: Using Social Media in Business (Learning Aim B&C)

BTEC IT Level 3 - Unit 3: Using Social Media in Business (Learning Aim B&C)

I have completed the entire planning process for the IT BTEC LEVEL 3 - Unit 3 Using Social Media in Business Learning Aim B & C Complete with ALL of the PMD criteria starting with the following P3 Planning template, P4 review questions and guide on how to use them. Posting Schedule examples, P5 Producing content examples and P6 a range of sample data for students to apply to their own projects. There are also quizzes with teacher answer sheets included. The M criteria covers justifications of planning decisions with relevant examples, teacher PowerPoints, quizzes for students and also covers how to optizmise content while providing up to date relevent examples. The D criteria covers templates and advice on how to structure your evaluations as well as recording evidence along the way. This is everything you need to run the learning aim B & C assignement. Please leave a review if you like the resources :)
T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting: Element 8 Fundamentals of financial accounting 1

T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting: Element 8 Fundamentals of financial accounting 1

This resource includes 9 teacher PowerPoints on all the learning criteria from the specification and is built around the T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting – Version 1 – December 2021 learning criteria. ● 8.1.1 The importance of finance and the management of money in business. ● 8.1.2 The difference between assets and liabilities; the difference between solvency and liquidity. ● 8.1.3 Capital and revenue income/expenditure. ● 8.1.4 The concept of liquidity and its importance: ● 8.1.5 The impact of straight line ● 8.1.6 Internal and external sources of finance ● 8.1.7 Basic accounting techniques and how they are applied: ● 8.1.8 Elements within a set of financial accounts: ● 8.1.9 Completion of an income statement and a statement of financial position including adjustments and closing inventory There are also 9 multi-page student worksheets. Each one is focused on the above criteria, which all have teacher copies with suggested answers included. As well as Kahoot style interactive multiple choice quizzes to deliver to your classes.
T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting: Element 9 Technology

T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting: Element 9 Technology

This resource includes 9 teacher PowerPoints on all the learning criteria from the specification and is built around the T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting – Version 1 – December 2021 learning criteria. The contribution of digital tools and software to promoting business efficiencies ● 9.1.1 Contemporary digital tools and software and their impact: ● 9.1.2 Financial technology (Fintech): ● 9.1.3 The implications for accounting service providers of service delivery and costs arising from digital transformation: ● 9.2.1 Financial processes and systems, their impact and implications: ● 9.2.2 The impact of process automation and digital transformation on: ● 9.2.3 The advantages and disadvantages of digital investment: ● 9.2.4 Digital and emerging technology in a finance context: ● 9.2.5 Automation of processes: There are also 9 multi-page student worksheets. Each one is focused on the above criteria, which all have teacher copies with suggested answers included. As well as Kahoot style interactive multiple choice quizzes to deliver to your classes.
T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting: Element 13 Fundamental of Financial Accounting 2

T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting: Element 13 Fundamental of Financial Accounting 2

This resource includes 9 teacher PowerPoints on all the learning criteria from the specification and is built around the T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting – Version 1 – December 2021 learning criteria. ● 13.1 The needs of different users of the main financial statements and the role of ISA1 in supporting these needs ● 13.2 The differences between financial accounting, financial management and management accounting ●13.3 The application of the conceptual framework in financial accounting ● 13.4 An understanding of the double entry principles and the accounting equation ● 13.5 The purpose and aims of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) ● 13.6 The purpose and aims of the Pensions Administration Standards Association ● 13.7 The importance of professional judgement in accounting and payroll ● 13.8 How professional ethics are applied by accounting professionals ● 13.9 How professional scepticism may influence the judgements and decisions made by auditors There are also 9 multi-page student worksheets. Each one is focused on the above criteria, which all have teacher copies with suggested answers included. As well as Kahoot style interactive multiple choice quizzes to deliver to your classes.
T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting: Element 11 Research Skills

T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting: Element 11 Research Skills

This resource includes 7 teacher PowerPoints on all the learning criteria from the specification and is built around the T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting – Version 1 – December 2021 learning criteria. ● 11.1.1 The stages involved: ● 11.1.2 Skills required: ● 11.2.1 Purpose and context of research: ● 11.2.2 Planning research: aims, planned outcomes, ● 11.3.1 Advantages and disadvantages of research using different sources: ● 11.3.2 Ethics: ● 11.3.3 Reliability and validity of information sources: ● 11.3.4 Analysis of research: ● 11.4.1 Method: ● 11.4.2 Medium: ● 11.4.3 Appropriate use of information: ● 11.4.4 Appropriate presentation of data using diagrammatic and tabular formats. ● 11.4.5 Avoiding plagiarism. ● 11.4.6 Compilation of bibliographies, citing and referencing in an appropriate format. ● 11.4.7 Feedback: suggestions and recommendations. ● 11.4.8 Awareness of audience type: ● 11.4.9 Presenting to an audience, p There are also 7 multi-page student worksheets. Each one is focused on the above criteria, which all have teacher copies with suggested answers included. As well as Kahoot style interactive multiple choice quizzes to deliver to your classes.
T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting: Element 12 Project/change management & administration

T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting: Element 12 Project/change management & administration

This resource includes 5 teacher PowerPoints on all the learning criteria from the specification and is built around the T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting – Version 1 – December 2021 learning criteria. 12.1 The features of project management approaches in accounting contexts 12.2 The structure and responsibilities within a project team 12.3 The drivers of change in an accounting context (x2) 12.4 The principles of managing change in an accounting context There are also 5 multi-page student worksheets. Each one is focused on the above criteria, which all have teacher copies with suggested answers included. As well as Kahoot style interactive multiple choice quizzes to deliver to your classes.
T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting: Element 3 Regulation

T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting: Element 3 Regulation

This resource includes 5 teacher PowerPoints on all the learning criteria from the specification and is built around the T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting – Version 1 – December 2021 learning criteria. 3.1 Impact of events on global markets and financial services 3.2 The impact of regulatory change on the accounting professions 3.3 The role of regulators and their purpose and authority as licensing bodies 3.4 The types of regulatory requirement that govern professional services and customer/client engagement 3.5 An overview of current legislation relating to financial crime and money laundering There are also 5 multi-page student worksheets. Each one is focused on the above criteria, which all have teacher copies with suggested answers included. As well as Kahoot style interactive multiple choice quizzes to deliver to your classes. There is a 'useful websites list that students can use.
T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting: Element 4 Professionalism and ethics/equality, divers

T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting: Element 4 Professionalism and ethics/equality, divers

T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting: Element 4 Professionalism and ethics/equality, diversity and inclusion. This resource includes 5 teacher PowerPoints on all the learning criteria from the specification and is built around the T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting – Version 1 – December 2021 learning criteria. 4.1 Professional and ethical conduct which govern behaviour in accounting workplaces 4.2 Ethical dilemmas in accounting workplaces 4.3 The importance of maintaining professional competence and professional scepticism in accounting 4.4 Corporate responsibility and social purpose in accounting businesses 4.5 The equality, diversity and inclusion requirements and their implementation in all areas of a business There are also 5 multi-page student worksheets. Each one is focused on the above criteria, which all have teacher copies with suggested answers included. As well as Kahoot style interactive multiple choice quizzes to deliver to your classes. Update 11/07/24 - A scenario about the topic ‘Unconsious Bias’ is added with a student question sheet as well as a teacher copy with suggested answers.
T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting: Element 7 Fundamentals of Law

T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting: Element 7 Fundamentals of Law

This resource includes 6 teacher PowerPoints on all the learning criteria from the specification and is built around the T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting – Version 1 – December 2021 learning criteria. 1 - 7.1 The principles and practice of business law and their application to accounting practices and professionals 7.1.1. The role of courts 7.1.2 The framework of business law and its purpose 7.1.3 Contract law and its purpose: 7.1.4 Criminal law 7.1.5 The impact of law 2 -**7.2 The Companies Act 2006 and its purposes ** There are also 6 multi-page student worksheets. Each one is focused on the above criteria, which all have teacher copies with suggested answers included. As well as Kahoot style interactive multiple choice quizzes to deliver to your classes.
T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting: Element 5 Security & Risk

T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting: Element 5 Security & Risk

This resource includes 4 teacher PowerPoints on all the learning criteria from the specification and is built around the T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting – Version 1 – December 2021 learning criteria. 5.1 The legislation for and the importance of good data management 5.2 The issues, challenges and impact of using IT systems for storing and transmitting information in digital form 5.3 How processes and protocols are used to ensure internet security and to protect the access and transmission of data 5.4 The management of risk in a business There are also 4 multi-page student worksheets. Each one is focused on the above criteria, which all have teacher copies with suggested answers included. As well as Kahoot style interactive multiple choice quizzes to deliver to your classes.
T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting: Element 2 Careers within the accounting professions

T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting: Element 2 Careers within the accounting professions

This resource includes 5 teacher PowerPoints on all the learning criteria from the specification and is built around the T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting – Version 1 – December 2021 learning criteria. 2.1 The roles and responsibilities of accounting professionals 2.2 The different aspects of professional accounting services 2.3 Role of accounting functional areas/departments within organisations 2.4 The need for qualifications and competencies in accounting 2.5 Building and maintaining long-term relationships with customers There are also 5 multi-page student worksheets. Each one is focused on the above criteria, which all have teacher copies with suggested answers included. As well as Kahoot style interactive multiple choice quizzes to deliver to your classes.