The Snail And The Whale is one of Britain's best selling children picture books.
The images in this book come from public domain resources - not from the original book.
I was amazed that there were so few teaching resources for this book and so I have written 16 Guided Reading Thinking Hat worksheets for the book.
I would love to have some feedback from anyone who has used them in the classroom.
FREE Year 4 Termly Maths Assessments YouTube PowerPoint Presentations
I am now converting all my PowerPoint presentations into YouTube videos PowerPoint Combos. This means teachers can teach the lesson using either the PowerPoint or Youtube version of the lesson and then share the YouTube lesson with their students’ parents. This lesson can then be repeated at home as additional homework.
FREE Year 4 Termly Maths Assessments - Perfect For the Year 4 Optional SATs Tests Revision
I love Wigan Maths. I have simply taken their ideas and made them ready for the modern classroom. I have upgraded the paper tests and made them more fun, more colourful Year 4 PowerPoint presentations. I have given the teachers two different options. The students can do a single question in an alloted amount of time and then discuss their answers as a class - discussing their different strategies and how they checked their answers or a more standard test - and checking.
This resource has been seen over 10,000 times and is one of my most popular teaching resources. The images are not from the book, and you will still need to use the book to complete the reading tasks.
I was surprised at how few reading resources were available for Room on the broom, and I am keen to promote Thinking Hat Reading skills in the classroom and so I have spent a week developing a set of worksheets which teachers can download and use in the classroom.
Please leave a comment after using them in the classroom.
FREE The Stick Man Story Workbook - 16 Thinking Hat Worksheets For Fun Creative Reading In Class.
The Stick Man is all about a piece of wood which gets taken away by a dog, picked up by a girl and thrown in the river... where he is found by a swan. At each point he is further and further from home and less likely to make it back... this set of worksheets looks at the different Thinking Hat approaches to this book. They will consider facts, feelings, positives, negatives, creative approaches and finally make a mind map.
This book does not contain any of the original drawings or text. You still need to find a copy of the book to complete this workbook.
I would love feedback on this work.
Teachers no longer only use PowerPoint and so to relfect this, every one of lessons is now starting to come with a YouTube version of the PowerPoint. This also means you can teach a lesson and then directly share the link with your students’ parents, so they can repeat this work again at home.
FREE Year 2 YouTube Maths PowerPoint Whole Lesson Resources (Autumn and Spring Terms)
Each lesson is complete, and comes with a learning objectives, a warm up, main lesson, an independent learning section and a plenary.
Here is a list of the lessons:
Lesson 1: Putting the larger number first when adding.
Lesson 2: Using ‘Near Doubles’
Lesson 3: Pairs that make 10 when adding
Lesson 4: Idea of Difference
Lesson 5: Words about Subtraction
Lesson 6: Using addition and subtraction with shopping
Lesson 7: Identifying Multiples
Lesson 8: Making Rectangular Arrays
Lesson 9: Multiplication Sentences
Lesson 10: The Multiplication Symbols
Lesson 11: Number Properties
Years ago I made a lot of interesting Maths PowerPoint lessons, and then left them for 10 years in a draw. They have since been viewed over 22,000 times.
By popular demand, I have uploaded them as I am sure lots of teachers will find them really useful and will use them. This collection is particularly useful if you need to cover a lesson and need a lesson with no preparation! Please leave a comment.
Year 5 Termly Maths Assessments YouTube PowerPoint Presentation
I am now converting all my PowerPoint presentations into YouTube videos PowerPoint Combos. This means teachers can teach the lesson using either the PowerPoint or Youtube version of the lesson and then share the YouTube lesson with their students’ parents. This lesson can then be repeated at home as additional homework.
I love Year 5 Wigan Maths Tests. While they are little old and don’t follow the current curriculum, they are still an excellent set of tests for revision purposes. I have taken the traditional tests and converted them all into PowerPoint presentations. On top of this, I have given teachers the option of either letting the students only see the answers at the end or after each question. I really like the second option as it means I can set a question, then give them a little time to think about it or discuss it in pairs and then show them the answer and discuss the different ways different children or different pairs found their answers. This is as much a learning experience as the test itself for many children. I really hope this pack is useful for lots of teachers.
FREE The Gruffalo Workbook - 16 Thinking Hat Questions For More Creative Classroom Thinking
This is part of a weekly series of worksheets I am developing for teaching thinking hat questions during your guided reading lessons. They would also make excellent homework sheets. There are 3 white hat worksheets (facts), 3 Yellow hat (positives) 3 Black hat (negatives), 3 Green Hat (creative), 3 Red hat (feelings) and 1 Blue hat (Mind map).
There are none of the original images in this workbook - and you will still need the book to complete the tasks.
I would love some feedback of what you think of this work.
YouTube Maths PowerPoint Lessons for Year 4 for Spring & Summer Term (SpringBoard 4 Material)
I am now converting all my PowerPoint presentations into YouTube videos PowerPoint Combos. This means teachers can teach the lesson using either the PowerPoint or Youtube version of the lesson and then share the YouTube lesson with their students’ parents. This lesson can then be repeated at home as additional homework.
This teaching pack includes:
Lesson 1: Multiplication facts that link trios of numbers.
Lesson 2: Number patterns in multiplication tables.
Lesson 3: Partitioning large number to make multiplying easier.
Lesson 4: Dividing various numbers by ten.
Lesson 5: Using an abacus with decimal numbers.
Lesson 6: A mental model of decimal numbers by working with number lines.
Lesson 7: Multiplying by 9
Lesson 8: Division by 10 and 100
Lesson 9: Division with remainders
Lesson 10: Towards a Standard Multiplication Method
Lesson 11: Money Problems
This is a PowerPoint representation of the SpringBoard 4 Material the DFES produced a long time ago. I wrote it so that teachers could use it directly on the Projector.
These days, I think most teachers will find these resources, as well as excellent optional SATS revision, will also make good supply and cover lessons.
Please leave a comment.
Here is a great set of Year 3 Maths teaching resources. I have recently upgraded them to include links to the YouTube Version of each lesson. These could be used to help revise for the KS1 or KS2 SATs tests, as a resource for a supply teacher or simply as something to do at home.
Years ago I wrote a wide range of different Year 3 Maths PowerPoint lessons which followed the Governmental guidelines of the time.
Free Year 3 Lessons: The topics covered are…
Lesson 1: Y3 1 Autumn Place Values
Lesson 2: Y3 2 Autumn Ordering
Lesson 3: Y3 3 Autumn Add Subtract Multiples
Lesson 4: Y3 4 Autumn Mental Calculations
Lesson 5: Y3 5 Autumn Mental Models
Lesson 6: Y3 6 Autumn Money
Lesson 7: Y3 7 Autumn Adding several numbers
Lesson 8: Y3 8 Autumn Add subtract 11 or 9
Lesson 9: Y3 9 Autumn Subtraction Bonds
Lesson 10: Y3 10 Autumn Addition on empty line
Lesson 11: Y3 11 Autumn Solving Word Problems
I am now converting all my PowerPoint presentations into YouTube videos PowerPoint Combos. This means teachers can teach the lesson using either the PowerPoint or Youtube version of the lesson and then share the YouTube lesson with their students’ parents. This lesson can then be repeated at home as additional homework.
Originally, I was asked to send them to some friends, and so I thought I would share them with all the world via TES. Since then they have been viewed over 40,000 times! This is my most downloaded set of presentations I have ever made on TES.
I have redeveloped and corrected all my Year 3 Maths Assessment PowerPoints this summer and added a YouTube video to each of them to make them more fun and more useful in the classroom. Try them today!
I love Wigan Maths. I have used them constantly in my own classroom since 2000. While these assessments don’t match the current curriculum, they are still an excellent tool for reviewing and revising maths. I took the original tests and I have made it so your students can do all the test in one go, or you can give them a single question, give them a little time to resolve the problem and then discuss what is the answer and why. This is the best use of these Wigan maths tests.
The Importance of Having 10 Free Anti-Bullying Posters in Every Classroom
Creating a safe and supportive learning environment is crucial for student success, and having free anti-bullying posters in every classroom is an essential step toward achieving this goal. These posters serve as powerful tools to raise awareness, promote kindness, and foster a culture of respect among students.
Awareness: Anti-bullying posters highlight the various forms of bullying, including physical, verbal, and cyberbullying. By educating students about these behaviors, they can better recognize and understand the impact of bullying on their peers.
Empathy: Posters that share personal stories or testimonials can evoke empathy and encourage students to consider the feelings of others. This can motivate them to stand against bullying and support their classmates.
Prevention: Free anti-bullying posters often include clear messages and strategies for preventing bullying. They can empower students with the knowledge and tools to take action, whether it be reporting incidents or being an ally.
Encouraging Kindness: Posters that promote kindness and positive behavior create an uplifting atmosphere. They can serve as daily reminders for students to practice empathy and compassion in their interactions with others.
Clear Expectations: By displaying posters that outline the school’s anti-bullying policies and codes of conduct, educators can set clear expectations for behavior. This reinforces the idea that bullying will not be tolerated.
Open Dialogue: Anti-bullying posters can spark conversations among students and teachers about the importance of respect and inclusion. This open dialogue fosters trust and encourages students to speak up about their experiences.
Positive Role Models: Featuring quotes or images of role models who advocate against bullying can inspire students to emulate these behaviors. It shows that standing up for what is right is commendable.
Community Building: By involving students in creating or selecting posters, educators can foster a sense of ownership and community. When students feel invested, they are more likely to adhere to the principles of kindness and respect.
Visibility: The strategic placement of anti-bullying posters throughout the classroom ensures that messages are visible and constant. This reinforces the importance of creating a safe space for all students.
Encouragement to Seek Help: Posters that provide information about resources, such as counselors or hotlines, remind students that help is available if they or someone they know is experiencing bullying.
In conclusion, incorporating 10 free anti-bullying posters in every classroom is vital for promoting a safe and inclusive school environment. By raising awareness, encouraging empathy, and fostering open communication, these posters play a crucial role in combating bullying and cultivating a culture of kindness among students.
These have now been upgraded to include an interactive, dynamic YouTube movie in each PowerPoint. This is because I know teachers are moving away from PowerPoint to YouTube and I thought it would be fun to give them the option of being able to use and share this work directly on YouTube.
Here is a list of the different lessons in this FREE Year 1 Maths Lessons Pack
Lesson 1: Addition and Subtraction
Lesson 2: Splitting Numbers
Lesson 3: Using Number Lines To ‘Count On’
Lesson 4: Pairs and Doubling
Lesson 5: Taking Away
Lesson 6: Adding and Taking Away Pairs of Numbers
Lesson 7: Numbers to 20 in Order
Lesson 8: Writing numbers to 20
Lesson 9: Ordering Numbers
Lesson 10: Money Problems
Lesson 11: More Money Problems
I produced a wide range of different maths PowerPoint lessons at the start of my career. These would make perfect supply teacher lessons or where you need a quick lesson to cover a topic.
I uploaded them due to popular demand.
As my Anti-bullying posters ( proved so popular, I thought I would continue the series and create a set of motivational maths posters. You could add them to the classroom or all around the school. The would make an excellent resource for International Mathematics day, Pi day or any other numeracy day.
If you like these resources, please click the heart on this page to get informed of when I upload my next set of FREE poster resources.
Please also take the time to say something nice about these resources as you can imagine, they take a long time to make and nice comments motivate me to make more of them!
FREE Year 5 PowerPoint Mental Maths Tests (3 weeks)
I love the Wigan Mental Maths tests but I am trying to reduce the amount of paper I have in the classroom and so I have started to convert the Year 5 tests into PowerPoints. I use them weekly, and use the same one twice then I put them online for the parents to use at home.
I have recreated all these videos as both updated PowerPoint presentations and also as YouTube videos for people who don’t like using PowerPoint and are looking for a much more fun, interactive experience in the classroom. Try them today!
Here are the details for each lesson:
Lesson 1: Making labels for Classroom Equipment
Lesson 2: Keeping Score
Lesson 3: Scales and Stamps
Lesson 4: ‘More’ and ‘Fewer’
Lesson 5: Mental Maths
Lesson 6: Simple Addition
Lesson 7: Counting
Lesson 8: Solving Counting Problems
Lesson 9: Beginning Addition
Lesson 10: Counting Objects Into Groups
Lesson 11: Putting Numbers In Order
This resource was made by converting UK governmental advice from around 2000.
It will make excellent revision lessons, supply and cover lessons
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