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Petermorris2001's Shop

Average Rating4.57
(based on 2622 reviews)

Everything in the shop is a pound cheaper than in Poundland.




Everything in the shop is a pound cheaper than in Poundland.
Deutsche Phonetik

Deutsche Phonetik

Phonics practice for learners of German. Open and play the Powerpoint. The first slide acts as a homepage for the remaining slides. Clicking on an image on the first slide will hyperlink to practice of a particular phoneme. Clicking on the Back symbol at the top right of each slide will return you to the first slide. The very last slide has a long number written as a word for pupils puzzle over.
Si j’étais le directeur / la directrice du collège

Si j’étais le directeur / la directrice du collège

Higher Level text about changes pupils would introduce to their school experience if they were in charge. Text is followed by a ' find the phrase' exercise focusing on the Conditional, a table showing the formation of the Condtional, a manipulation exercise, and a writing task. PS Typo in the rubric for Ex C spotted and now fixed.
The German Case System

The German Case System

Interactive presentation which leads learners though a series of closed questions and guides them to the choice of the correct case and the correct form of the articles within that case. Can be used on the IW for demonstration and / or independently by the pupils to help them write with greater accuracy. Well, you never know ...
AS German: Realien und  Fragen zum Thema Schulsystem

AS German: Realien und Fragen zum Thema Schulsystem

20 slides with realia relating in one way or another to the topic of school. Each of the realia is accompanied by a question practising typical challenging AS question forms such as "In welcher Hinsicht ist ..." and "Aus welchem Grund ..."
Bist du fit und gesund?

Bist du fit und gesund?

Higher Level texts about health and fitness, followed by comprehension, summarising, 'find the phrase', and adaptation exercises plus a writing task to wrap it up.
Interactive World Cup Quiz

Interactive World Cup Quiz

This multiple-choice quiz contains 30 questions. However, each time you open it, it will randomly select 10 questions from the list of 30, and will shuffle the multiple-choice answers. It will almost never never be the same quiz twice. If you use it in a computer suite, each student in effect gets a different quiz. Will work on PC or IW. (PS Typos now fixed!)
Speaking Activity : Free Time

Speaking Activity : Free Time

Simple speaking stimulus. Each slide has a picture of a celeb and students have to choose one of the three options given to express what the celeb does in their free time. No right or wrong answers.
Mein Beruf

Mein Beruf

TOOLKIT to enable students to generate a variety of sentences about their career plans. Also reinforces word order after WEIL.
Mes animaux

Mes animaux

Set of mini-toolkits for saying simple sentences in French about pets. Organised and colour-coded to illustrate the concept of gender in French.