
IB Maths Applications and Interpretations SL - Measures of Dispersion
PowerPoint lesson on Measures of Dispersion.

IB Maths Applications and Interpretation SL: Statistics - Data Collection & One Variable Analysis
The following four presentation was created for the Applications and Interpretations SL course following the order of teaching for the Kognity textbook but can also be used with the Pearson or Oxford textbook.
The following PowerPoints go through the following:
Introduction to Statistics
-types of data - qualitative and quantitative
-types of data - discrete and continuous
-collecting data - primary and secondary
-population, sample, census
-choosing a good sample - sampling frame, sampling unit, etc.
-sampling bias
-reliability vs validity
-what makes a good survey - eg. biased questions, vague questions, leading questions, etc.
Sampling Techniques
-types of sampling - simple random, stratified, systematic, voluntary, convenience, and quota
-pros and cons for each
**Measures of Central Tendency **
-mean, median and mode
-skewed data
-difference between population mean and sample mean
-grouped and un-grouped data
-how to use GDC
-effect of outliers on mean and median
-combined mean
Measures of Spread
-Range, IQR, variance, and standard deviation
-lower quartile and upper quartile
-how to use GDC
-difference between population and sample standard deviation
-effects of SD on normal distribution curve
-normal distribution curve
*transformation of data
*outliers using mean and SD
Throughout the PowerPoint there are worked examples along with exercises for students. I have also included a few Desmos and Geogebra interactive links to help students get a better understanding of the concepts through visuals. At the end of each section I have included IB exam questions so students get get practice to the types and style of questioning they should expect to see when they write their exams. I also have included a few thinking questions, a few taken from A Level maths exams. There are also links to YouTube videos to help students understanding with certain content.

IB analysis and approaches SL - Chapter 1 - Sequences and Series
This PowerPoint follows the entire content for Chapter 1 of the Oxford textbook. PowerPoints have worked examples as well as extra practice questions for students to do in class. I have pulled together questions and examples from various resources. Each PowerPoint as contains past IB exam questions for students to get familiar with the style of questioning. Content covered through the PowerPoints include:
arithmetic sequences and series
geometric sequences and series
sigma notation
compound interest
binomial theorem

IB Maths Analysis and Approaches SL: Normal Distribution
The following contains PowerPoint goes through the following:
-the normal distribution curve
-calculating probabilities with and without technology
-the standard normal distribution
-calculating probabilities using z-score
-using the inverse function
-finding unknown mean and standard deviation
The PowerPoints have worked examples, and student exercises. I have also put in past paper exam questions for each topic. There are also links to videos and inter-actives throughout.

IB Maths Analysis and Approaches SL: Jeopardy Revision Game
This game is intended for an EOY 12 Exam.
Units covered during the year were Number & Algebra, Functions, and Statistics and Probability. There is no probability questions in this game.
The game has all the music and sounds like the real game on TV. Students really enjoy it.

IB Maths Applications and Interpretation SL: Jeopardy Revision Game
The following activity is a great way to spend last couple days revising.
The game has all the music and sounds like the real game.

IB Maths Applications and Interpretation SL: Chapter 9 - Power Functions
There are 2 PowerPoints for this unit:
Quadratics and Cubics
Optimization without Calculus
PowerPoint 1 goes through:
-domain and range (recap)
-power functions
-3 forms of a quadratic
-axis of symmetry
-finding equations of functions
-inverse functions (recap)
Through the PowerPoint there are links to Youtube videos, GeoGebra and Desmos interactives. The PowerPoints have worked examples, and student exercises. I have also put in past paper exam questions for each topic.

IB Maths Applications and Interpretation SL: Chapter 13 - Integration
This unit contains 2 Powerpoints:
Trapezium Rule
Through the PowerPoint there are links to Youtube videos, GeoGebra and Desmos interactives. The PowerPoint has worked examples, and student exercises. I have also put in past paper exam questions for each topic.

IB Maths Applications and Interpretation SL: Chapter 12 - Differential Calculus
This unit contains 2 Powerpoints:
Through the PowerPoint there are links to Youtube videos, GeoGebra and Desmos interactives. The PowerPoint has worked examples, and student exercises. I have also put in past paper exam questions for each topic.
I have also included a worksheet with solutions.

IB Maths Applications and Interpretation SL: Chapter 11 - Trigonometric Functions
This unit contains a Powerpoint which goes through the following:
-periodic functions
-sine, cosine, and tangent curves
-transformations of sinusoidal functions
-finding equations
-modeling questions
Through the PowerPoint there are links to Youtube videos, GeoGebra and Desmos interactives. The PowerPoint has worked examples, and student exercises. I have also put in past paper exam questions for each topic.

IB Maths Applications and Interpretation SL: Chapter 8 - Spearman's, Hypothesis Testing, Chi-Squared
This unit contains 5 Powerpoints:
Spearman’s rank
hypothesis testing - chi-squared test of independence
goodness of fit test
goodness of fit - normal and binomial distributions
Through the PowerPoint there are links to Youtube videos, GeoGebra and Desmos interactive. The PowerPoint has worked examples, and student exercises. I have also put in past paper exam questions for each topic.
I have also included an overall Statistics Test (2 parts short and long questions) and Chi-Squared test of Independence assignment, both with markschemes. As well as a review PowerPoint on the test of Independence. We sent a lot of time on this chapter as the idea was many students would use this for their IA’s, which they did.

IB Maths Applications and Interpretation SL: Chapter 7 - Probability, Binomial/Normal Distributions
The following contains 5 PowerPoints:
Introduction to Probability
Venn Diagrams
Probability DIstributions
Normal DIstributions
Binomial DIstributions
Through the PowerPoint there are links to Youtube videos, GeoGebra and Desmos interactives. The PowerPoint has worked examples, and student exercises. I have also put in past paper exam questions for each topic.
I have also included a Normal Distibution Review PPT and assignment with markscheme.

IB Maths Analysis and Approaches SL: Rational Functions
The following contains PowerPoint goes through the following:
-the reciprocal function
-recap some transformations which has been learnt earlier
-horizontal and vertical asymptotes (vertical asymptotes have been mentioned earlier when students learnt domain and range)
-sketching rational functions looking at end behaviours
-finding horizontal asymptotes by taking the limit and by making x the subject (2 methods)
-solving algebraic fractions
-inverse functions
-application questions
The PowerPoints have worked examples, and student exercises. I have also put in past paper exam questions for each topic. There are also links to videos and inter-actives throughout.

IB Maths Analysis and Approaches SL: Quadratic Functions
The following contains 3 PowerPoints which go through the following.
-what is a quadratic function?
-key features of a parabola
-factoring and solving quadratics
-axis of symmetry
-understanding the 3 forms of a quadratic
-completing the square (vertex form)
-sketching quadratics
-finding equations of quadratic functions
-quadratic inequalities
-the quadratic formula and the discriminant
The PowerPoints have worked examples, and student exercises. I have also put in past paper exam questions for each topic.

IB Maths Analysis and Approaches SL: Transformations
The following lesson goes through the following:
-enlargements (vertical and horizontal)
-reflections (both axis)
-parent functions
The PowerPoint has worked examples, and student exercises. I have also put in past paper exam questions for each topic. The idea of this lesson is for students to understand transformations and apply it to any function, hence why I talk about different parent functions (base curves).

IB Maths Analysis and Approaches SL: Quadratic Inequalities
I used this lesson before going into the quadratic formula and the discriminant.

IB Maths Applications and Interpretation SL: Optimisation
The following lesson goes through the following:
-Optimisation without calculus
-The second derivative
-Optimisation with calculus
The lesson contains worked examples along with IB practice problems.

Trigonometry - Tree Measuring
The following activity will allow students to use their knowledge on trigonometry along with applications on their phone and computer to estimate the height of the tree. The students will use 3 different methods to measure the height of a tree and at the end will comment on which method is the most accurate assuming the last method is the closest estimate.
Students really enjoyed going outside and applying their skills to this task. This activity is a great investigation for those looking to move in the the IB BP program.

IB Maths Applications and Interpretation SL: Functions - Exponential & Logarithmic
The following presentation was created for the Applications and Interpretations SL course following the order of teaching for the Kognity textbook but can also be used with the Pearson or Oxford textbook.
The PowerPoint goes through the following:
Exponential Functions
-function notation
-asymptotes (horizontal and vertical)
-exponential graphs
-transformations of exponential graphs
-solving exponential equations (various forms)
-modeling exponential functions
Sinusoidal Functions
-periodic functions
-trigonometric graphs
-transformations of trigonometric functions
-sketching graphs with transformations
-finding the equations of trigonometric functions
-modeling functions
Throughout the PowerPoint there are worked examples along with exercises for students. I have also included a few Desmos and Geogebra interactive links to help students get a better understanding of the concepts through visuals. At the end of each section I have included IB exam questions so students get get practice to the types and style of questioning they should expect to see when they write their exams. I also have included a few thinking questions, a few taken from American SAT exams. There are also links to YouTube videos to help students understanding with certain content.

IB Maths Applications and Interpretation SL: Functions - Quadratics and Cubic
The following presentation was created for the Applications and Interpretations SL course following the order of teaching for the Kognity textbook but can also be used with the Pearson or Oxford textbook.
The PowerPoint goes through the following:
-recaps domain and range
-recaps x- and y-intercepts
-recaps asymptotes
-how to use the GDC to sketch functions and find domain and range
-how to find x-intercepts
-composite functions
-operations with functions (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division)
-what is a a Power function?
-leading coefficient
-even and odd degree polynomials
-quadratic functions - all 3 forms (standard, factored, and vertex form)
-axis of symmetry
-finding equations from graphs
-application questions
-cubic functions
-inverse cubic functions
-sketching both quadratic and cubic graphs
-finding equations of cubic graphs
-application question with cubic functions
Throughout the PowerPoint there are worked examples along with exercises for students. I have also included a few Desmos and Geogebra interactive links to help students get a better understanding of the concepts through visuals. At the end of each section I have included IB exam questions so students get get practice to the types and style of questioning they should expect to see when they write their exams. I also have included a few thinking questions, a few taken from American SAT exams. There are also links to YouTube videos to help students understanding with certain questions.