A primary school teacher for over 20 years. I've learned a thing or two to share. My degree is in archaeology and I've never lost a love for history and all things history based.
A primary school teacher for over 20 years. I've learned a thing or two to share. My degree is in archaeology and I've never lost a love for history and all things history based.
If you are looking for some ‘getting to know the teacher’ activities for September, then look no further. This is a powerpoint with slides that cover - all about me, my family, my hobbies and interests and my favourite things. After each slide of information there is a 2 facts and 1 lie slide for the children to see what they can remember about their new teacher. Can they find the lie? The last slide asks the children to have a go with 2 facts and 1 lie about themselves and test a partner. There are 3 different designs in the shop – classroom, floral or party. Choose the one that suits your personality best.
This is an easy-to-use and edit PowerPoint outlining the main points of the History Subject Review by Ofsted in July 2023. It is intended for Primary History Subject Leads to use as an opening CPD opportunity for staff and is editable so you can personalise it to your school’s needs in history.
It starts with Ofsted’s praise of Primary history and then works through the report’s headings of Curriculum, Pedagogy, Assessment, School Systems and Teacher Knowledge outlining 2 or 3 of the main findings. It concludes with 3 examples of history practice from effective primary schools and a final warning not to just fact check but provide a rich curriculum. The final slide has a link to the full report.
The slides transition like a flip chart and there are some simple animation on the third slide. These can all be changed if you want to. All images are from the royalty free site www.pixabay.com.
A super fun game for smaller people. Based on beetle drive, this is snowman drive. The numbers on the dice build the snowman. The first to build the snowman wins. There are 3 progressive levels of difficulty - easy (the children shake the dice and draw over the snowman on the paper), harder (shake the dice and draw the snowman independently) and hardest (additional rule that the body has to be drawn first before the arms can be added and the head needs to be drawn before the eyes, hat and carrot can be added). Download and be playing in the classroom tomorrow.
A PowerPoint for History Subject Leads to train staff in primary schools. The PowerPoint is around the effective use of artefacts in the classroom. It focuses on asking questions and using observation skills. It contains games that can be used in the primary classroom from the Foundation Stage to Year 6. Download and edit to personalise to your school.
This PowerPoint outlines how primary teachers and home-schoolers can use the local area for a unit of work in History. It takes the teacher through the resources that they can use to support a rich and multi-sourced investigation. It is intended to be used by the History Subject Lead as CPD or for a teacher / parent who needs help to plan a unit of work. There are embedded links to useful sites within the slides themselves, where sources have been suggested.
A Christmas themed maths quiz for Key Stage 1 children. There are 2 quizzes in the download - one has questions that require estimation and can be accessed by all maths abilities and the other has more problem based questions that need a systematic response and possible team work. The quiz can be a whole class lesson or continuous provision or small group work in the lead up to Christmas. Once downloaded it could be used every year. Don’t spend your time creating quizzes, download this one and spend your time enjoying Christmas with the children. The download is a PowerPoint presentation.
A colourful and engaging set of Christmas themed playdough mats asking the children to decorate Christmas biscuits and baubles or create a Christmas dinner and fill up Santa’s sleigh. Laminate and use again and again. File will download as a PDF.
This is the full school set of cover sheets for all year group topics. These can be glued into the children’s book before each topic starts. Great for Ofsted and we use them to mark out interventions for TAs in the small steps.
Each maths area has its own border, eg, length is tape measures and place value has colourful numbers. I have left them as a word document so you can edit to suit your school. As i have uploaded it to a new computer, the school font has not been recognised so you will need to change the font and ensure each unit is on a new page.
The title is the unit topic, then the White Rose small steps for that unit are below, a box for a before and after test results and a box at the bottom for the children to reflect on their learning within the topic. You can edit the boxes or wording, even the image around the edge if you like (it is a watermark under the design tab in word).
This is a handy sized booklet with a range of basic facts and reminders from the Key Stage 2 curriculum. It includes addition and subtraction (100 square and the part-whole model), multiplication and division (multiplication square and the part-whole diagrams), a range of shape key facts (including features and symmetry), angle reminders (shapes and lines), area, perimeter and volume formulas, fraction key information with diagram and a table of key facts for measures.
It is downloadable as a PowerPoint so that you can edit to suit the needs of your children by adding or removing diagrams or key information. It can be used for SEND children or those with dyscalculia.
An effective tool for all children but especially those with dyslexia or SEND and experiencing short term memory issues. This small booklet has simple colors on the cover to support any colour sensitivity and this makes it easier to copy on to coloured paper or card. The dictionary can be populated with useful words or can track the misspellings of the child to support their independent use when writing.
A set of 8 mantras to support leaders to create a respectful and cooperative environment. Taken from the perspective of a classroom teacher who has seen the good, the bad and the down right ugly. They are the lessons I have learnt where leaders, heads and managers can make easy changes to win the trust and respect of their staff. Once that respect is achieved, it becomes a sted-fast loyalty and you have a school that shares the load and works together. Through my experience, this open, honest and cooperative environment can be the difference between a Requires Improvement inspection and a Good one.
A pack of colourful and engaging well being activities including meditation tasks, mindfulness activities, resilience building, when to find help and ways to promote good mental health from an early age. The pack can be used as table top cards for a general display or can be used as a targeted intervention. They could form part of a daily routine, such as the ‘3 good things that happened today’ sheet at the end of each school day or a chosen meditation before lunch each day or they can be used when you feel the class or an individual needs it. They have been made colourful and engaging to encourage use by small children within the primary classroom. These are skills for life not just for school!
The forces and magnets bunting is bright and engaging for an impressive science display in any classroom. Each flag has a colourful, high-quality image of a magnet with iron filings attracted in different orientations to reflect the topic being taught and support learning within the unit. The flags include the full alphabet so that the title reflects the specific wording that you would like - magnets and forces, the force of magnets, the power of forces and magnets…
The document will be a pdf format and so enlarging and reducing should be easy using the printing tools. There is a step-by-step guide at the end of the document to help you as well.
A catchy way to introduce letter formation groups and to continue practice throughout the primary years. There is the curly-wurly family (all c based letter formation), the bouncing family (letters that fall down and bounce back up), the soldier family (straight line, standing tall letters), the smiley family (rounded bottom letters) and the dangerous family (containing all the letters with sharp edges). A presentation that can be used for posters or on the Interactive White Board.
This PowerPoint investigates how ruins can offer an insight into the history of a buiilding, a village, national history and can be used as the incentive for a larger project including art and design and technology. It provides ideas for using the ruins themselves as a learning tool for the building’s history and then ideas for a wider project. If you are thinking of using local ruins, then this is a presentation to use before you plan your unit of work.
An effective support for any primary child, dyslexic student or SEND pupil. Print a copy and put on the table to remind children of the letter formation families, the writing process, a sentence checklist, a sounds mat on the back and a personal dictionary inside. It is colourful and bright to engage the user and support their long term memory of key literacy skills.
These colourful and engaging sheets offer children a chance to stop and think about how they are feeling. The first question asks them to identify an emotion they are feeling and is followed by having to identify what it looks like on a face. For those children that are learning to read emotional and social cues this can be invaluable training. For those learning to recognise emotional triggers, using these sheets daily as a morning task can support their growing awareness of themselves and their feelings. The sheets come in a multitude of genders, skins colours and hair styles so that you can find a fit for the child you are working with. A simple but really effective resource supporting our primary aged children as they try to make sense of themselves and the world around them.
Making school life just that little bit easier for teachers. Who has time to make powerpoints look engaging and exciting as well as making sure they contain lots of information? No one! This digital download contains a powerpoint design for a lesson or scheme of lessons about the Ancient Greece. It has been designed to ensure your slides are already engaging and exciting so that all you need to do is add the information for your students to learn. The download has editable slides, with elements that can be moved and fonts that can be replaced if your school has a strict cursive rule. There are 10 slide designs that can be duplicated and used to suit your needs. Be aware that it is a design only not a lesson plan. There is no information about Ancient Greece on the slides, they are designed to have Greek images and patterns ready for you to engage your students.
A professional and engaging PowerPoint template ready for you to download and edit for teaching. The slide design is colourful and attractive and suited to the Romans topic. The designs can be personalised with school fonts and the images rearranged to make way for text.
The presentation can be used in many ways - the pages can be printed and glued into books, pinned to a display, adapted as writing frames or even used within an ICT outcome for the history topic. Just download and make your own.
Your headteacher will think you’ve spent hours designing engaging slides for your class!
A bright and engaging illustrated dictionary of things you might find in a church. It could be used as CPD by history/RE/Literacy subject leads in school, teacher knowledge if using a local church, parent knowledge if home schooling or for pupils to carry as they investigate a church. Pupils could use it like a checklist or as a reference to extend their knowledge. A great reference for a range of subjects and a range of purposes.