Microsoft Access Database Lesson 02 to 04 - Data/Types/Validation/Queries/SQL
This lesson was originally used to teach Year 9 ICT - however, it can be adapted for other years in KS3, KS4 and even KS5 if necessary.
I have included, starter activities (within the lesson resource), a teacher lesson presentation with student activity booklet. The student activity can be edited e.g. location of files as you wish however, the content does correlate with the lesson presentation itself. The database that is require for the students is also included - this can be edited.
The lessons are as follow :
Lesson 02:
Quick mini review of attributes
Reviews what a flat file and DBMS
Task to insert data
Table Structure and Primary Key
Changing Data Types
Validating Input Data
Types of Validation
Lesson 03:
Review of what an entity is
Review: relationships and primary key
Primary Key and Foreign Key
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
SQL (Structure Query Language)
Logical Operators
Lesson 04
Review database queries
Review: comparison operators
Queries with SQL
Logical Operators
Multiple SQL Queries
Microsoft Access Database Lesson 02 - Data/Types/Validation
This lesson was originally used to teach Year 9 ICT - however, it can be adapted for other years in KS3, KS4 and even KS5 if necessary.
I have included, starter activities (within the lesson resource), a teacher lesson presentation with student activity booklet. The student activity can be edited e.g. location of files as you wish however, the content does correlate with the lesson presentation itself. The database that is require for the students is also included - this can be edited.
The lesson covers the following:
Quick mini review of attributes
Reviews what a flat file and DBMS
Task to insert data
Table Structure and Primary Key
Changing Data Types
Validating Input Data
Types of Validation
Other lessons resources are available that follow on from this lesson too.
Microsoft Access Database Lesson 03 - Queries/SQL
This lesson was originally used to teach Year 9 ICT - however, it can be adapted for other years in KS3, KS4 and even KS5 if necessary.
I have included, starter activities (within the lesson resource), a teacher lesson presentation with student activity booklet. The student activity can be edited e.g. location of files as you wish however, the content does correlate with the lesson presentation itself. The database that is require for the students is also included - this can be edited.
The lesson covers the following:
Review of what an entity is
Review: relationships and primary key
Primary Key and Foreign Key
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
SQL (Structure Query Language)
Logical Operators
Another lesson resources are available that follow on from this lesson too.
Basic Adobe Photoshop Skills PowerPoint Presentation
This is a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation - The documents has basic tutorials based on Adobe Photoshop which includes is step-by-step with annotations
This document can cooperated within other PowerPoints within other teaching resources.
Multimedia: Effectively Analyse a Client Brief
This lesson was originally used to teach Key Stage 3: Year 8 ICT - Multimedia Unit.
The resource includes a teacher lesson presentation and 3 worksheets (Client Brief/Proposal Template/Scanning the Client Brief).
This lesson was planned originally to correspond against the KS4 Creative iMedia Curriculum.
Editing of presentation will be required accordingly.
Programming Lesson - Small Basic (Lesson 03)
This lesson was originally used to teach KS3: Year 7 ICT - after teaching the Y7s LOGO.
The resource includes a teacher lesson presentation.
Lesson 03 Objectives:
LO1: Learn how to program loops within Small Basic and save a sub.
LO2: Learn to use subs to create more complex commands using turtle graphics.
LO3: Learn how to add shapes and images to the Small Basic window.
Programming Lesson - LOGO (Lesson 03)
This lesson was originally used to teach KS3: Year 7 ICT - prior to teaching the Y7s Small Basic.
The resource is a teacher lesson presentation with a lesson starter.
The lesson resource covers the following objectives:
ALL: Program basic shapes that are regular (L3)
MOST: Program shapes that irregular (L4)
SOME: Program more complex shapes. (L5 – 6)
There are 2 others lesson that follow on from this lesson - see user profile.
Microsoft Access Database Lesson 04 - Complex Queries/SQL
This lesson was originally used to teach Year 9 ICT - however, it can be adapted for other years in KS3, KS4 and even KS5 if necessary.
I have included, starter activities (within the lesson resource), a teacher lesson presentation with student activity booklet. The student activity can be edited e.g. location of files as you wish however, the content does correlate with the lesson presentation itself. The database that is require for the students is also included - this can be edited.
(Please note the duplicated document has been removed - the duplicated document was originally uploaded as a printable version).
The lesson covers the following:
Review database queries
Review: comparison operators
Queries with SQL
Logical Operators
Multiple SQL Queries
Programming Lesson - LOGO (Lesson 04)
This lesson was originally used to teach KS3: Year 7 ICT - prior to teaching the Y7s Small Basic.
The resource is a teacher lesson presentation.
The lesson resource covers the following objectives:
ALL: Program basic (regular) using loops and program irregular shapes (L3)
MOST: Create procedures to program repeated patterns (L4)
SOME: Program more complex repeated patterns. (L5 – 6)
There are another lesson that follows on from this lesson - see user profile.
Programming Lesson - LOGO (Lesson 02)
This lesson was originally used to teach KS3: Year 7 ICT - prior to teaching the Y7s Small Basic.
The resource is a teacher lesson presentation with a lesson starter.
The lesson resource covers the following objectives:
ALL: Write simple instructions to move the turtle around the screen. (L3)
MOST: Write a simple procedure to make a basic shape. (L4)
SOME: Use a number of procedures to create more complex shapes. (L5 – 6)
There are 3 others lesson that follow on from this lesson - see user profile.
CV Templates that you can fill in with your own information.
The CV is formatted and has space for you to type in your specific information.
The CV template is setup as a form, however can be taken back to an editable document.
It would be useful to have basic word skills to work with the documents.
Programming Lesson - LOGO (Lesson 05)
This lesson was originally used to teach KS3: Year 7 ICT - prior to teaching the Y7s Small Basic.
The resource is a teacher lesson presentation.
The lesson resource covers the following objectives:
ALL: Create procedures to program patterns with characteristics. (L3)
MOST: Use irregular shapes to program patterns. (L4)
SOME: Program more complex repeated patterns. (L5 – 6)
Lesson Evlautions Template
This is a word document it is setup as a form and it was created using Microsoft Word. This is really helpful for current teacher trainees should they wish/require to keep track of lesson evaluations.
This document encloses:
a front cover
content page (can be updated)
teaching standards
portfolio for the teacher
weekly templates for the lesson eval
Social networking logos lesson start for an E-safety lesson. This starter was originally created for Year 7s Computer Science classes however, it can be used for primary or even Year 8s. The starter is an independent starter and the slideshow can be used to review the whole classes’ answers. The slideshow also includes 2 mystery logos. The starter can also be easily updated if desired.
Please read the instructions on the first slide and incorporate the starter as you like.
**Helpful resource for those who want a template for lesson schedules **- I used this during my teacher training and NQT as a Computing trainee.
Helpful particularly if teacher training or starting teaching. Column I is also conditional formatted to make it easier to stay on task.
Created on - Software: Microsoft Excel - Apple MacBook Pro
Computer Science - Memory and Secondary Storage - Revision Map
This is a PDF document - The revision is based on the GCSE OCR Computer Science
This document is setup as A3 and can be printed off in A3/A4. Both sides have activities based on the two topics. The sheet also has answers to majority of the activities hence, students can go through it independently . This document’s main purpose is for revision however it can be used as a starter as well.
Computer Science - Binary and Logic Gates - Revision Map
This is a PDF document - The revision is based on the GCSE OCR Computer Science Specification on topics: binary and logic gates.
This document is setup as A3 and can be printed off in A3/A4. Both sides have activities based on the two topics. The sheet also has answers to majority of the activities hence, students can go through it independently . This document’s main purpose is for revision however it can be used as a starter as well.
Folder Covers
I used this during my year as a Computing Trainee.
Helpful particularly if teacher training or starting teaching - allows organisation.
Created on - Software: Microsoft Word - Apple MacBook Pro
Printable in A4