An introductory lesson for a 6 lesson enquiry on medieval African Kingdoms, which is focused around the enquiry question “What can Griots, amongst other evidence, tell us about medieval Africa”.
Subsequent lessons include: Mali; Songhai; Kongo; Benin and the fall of the African Kingdoms (all available on my TES account)
This introductory lesson introduces the key kingdoms of study, discusses Toby Green’s misconceptions of African History and includes a map activity to allow students to place the enquiry.
It includes a PowerPoint, worksheetfor students and information worksheet.
With thanks to and the textbook written by Dan Lyndon.
An introductory lesson to the Silk Roads (by Peter Frankopan) and the Middle Ages, including a guided reading task on the interpretation of Frankopan and a map annotating task. Including PowerPoint, labelled maps and differentiated worksheets.
Lesson 2 of a unit enquiry on medieval African Kingdoms.
A full lesson on Mansa Musa, centered around the question ‘What can the story of Mansa Musa reveal about medieval Mali’.
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and all worksheets needed.
Full lesson (including resources) on the Pendle Witches. The lesson is aims to prepare students for the narrative (write an account) question at GCSE. Resources included:
Differentiated Card Sorts
Differentiated Worksheets
Lesson 4 of a unit enquiry on medieval African Kingdoms.
A full lesson on medieval Benin, centered around the question ‘What can the art tell us about the Kingdom of Benin’. The lesson focuses on the Benin Bronzes and finishes with a debate around the Q of returning them to their home today.
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and all worksheets needed.
Lesson 4 of a unit enquiry on medieval African Kingdoms.
A full lesson on medieval Benin, centered around the question ‘How do we know about the Kingdom of Kongo. The lesson focuses on the disciplinary element of African history and includes a ‘Story, Source, Scholarship’ style sheet as inspired by Dan Warner-Meanwell.
A full set of lessons, including worksheets and resources on Mao's China. Including Part 1 Establishing Communist Control, Part 2 Agriculture and Industry and Part 3 the Cultural Revolution.
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A complete set of lessons and resources on the *SECOND PART of Topic 2 of the AQA Elizabeth GCSE Unit; 'Life in Elizabethan Times'.
Includes PowerPoints, worksheets, and exam practice.
Lessons include the CAUSES of poverty, and attitudes and responses to the poor.
For the AQA 9-1 GCSE on Elizabethan England.
A full A Level revision lesson on Mao’s China, Edexcel Route 2.E. Section A - 20 mark source question.
The lesson follows the I We You structure including teacher led modelling, joint construction and independent practice. An adapted version of the utility worksheet by @danwarnermeanwell is featured briefly.
Ideally to be used towards the end of the course, for revision, but also useful for introducing the question.
Celebrating Black History Month
PHSRE/Form Time PowerPoint containing Black Britons selected from Patrick Vernon and Angelina Osbore’s '100 Great Black Briton’s book.
Designed as a class/form time activity in which students research the individual to create a poster/infographic which can then be displayed in school/classrooms.
Can also be used as a display or inspiration for an assembly
In total there are 52 individuals on the PowerPoint (made to cater the number of form classes in my school)
*LESSONS ONE AND TWO* from Part 3 'The Cultural Revolution and its aftermath'.
A full collection of PowerPoints, worksheets and information for the new EDECEL ALevel Specification Route 2.E on Mao's China. Teaching from 2015.
Part Three - The Cultural Revolution
A full lesson (including resources) on BESS OF HARDWICK and her influence on the building and development of Hardwick Hall.
For the Historic Environment Lesson on the Elizabethan England 9-1 AQA GCSE.
A full collection of PowerPoint's, worksheets and resources on the end of the Cultural Revolution for the EDECEL ALevel Specification Route 2.E on Mao's China. Teaching from 2015
*Lessons 5, 6 and 7*
**Lesson THREE and FOUR** in Part 3 'The Cultural Revolution and its aftermath 1966-76
*Attacks on Class and Political Enemies*
A full collection of PowerPoints, worksheets and information for the new EDECEL ALevel Specification Route 2.E on Mao's China. Teaching from 2015.
A complete set of lessons and resources on the *FIRST PART* of Topic 2 of the AQA Elizabeth GCSE Unit; 'Life in Elizabethan Times'.
Includes PowerPoints, worksheets, exam practice and a summative assessment.
Lessons include the theatre, the cult of Elizabeth, the gentry and cultural changes.
For the AQA 9-1 GCSE on Elizabethan England.
A full lesson (including resources) on the influence of NEW RENAISSANCE ARCHITECUTRE on the building and development of Hardwick Hall.
For the Historic Environment Unit on the Elizabethan England 9-1 AQA GCSE.