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Engineering, Product design, textiles and food teacher. Ks3-5.

Engineering, Product design, textiles and food teacher. Ks3-5.
Cover Activity Sheet-Food and Nutrition

Cover Activity Sheet-Food and Nutrition

During my training I created a few resources that would help out cover teachers and teachers themselves, as it can be used 5 times and cover staff only have to monitor behaviour. The resource is design to get students thinking outside the box and problem solving. It covers a lot of different topics and can be used for a range of ages. i have a PDF file and a PPT incase you wanted to edit it a bit.
Design and Technology COVER activity sheet

Design and Technology COVER activity sheet

I have created an A4 activity sheet for cover lessons in technology, there are 5 different problem solving task meaning that this can be used multiple times with the same group. It is also quite versatile and can be used across different year groups.
6 R's Cover/Theory lesson Worksheet

6 R's Cover/Theory lesson Worksheet

This is a 1 A4 page hour lesson task, can be used for a cover lesson or a general theory lesson. It goes trough the meaning of the 6 R’s of sustainability, with an introductory match up task, a look at these objects and analyse task, leading to a re design drawing task. It encourages, group learning and independent designing. Little to no teacher talk is needed (you could always accompany it with printed images of objects as opposed to physical ones).
Annotating Designs Help Sheet - Design and Technology KS3 & KS4

Annotating Designs Help Sheet - Design and Technology KS3 & KS4

i created this help sheet to support my year 10 students with their ‘mini NEA’ but realised that it can work further down the school too. It has lots of different ideas as to what sort of annotations students should be writing about their designs, i have separated them into 2 sections - the non-negotiables and the get higher marks. I have found it has worked really well with getting my lower targeted students into those top brackets. (I have also added hints and tips to support any tricky wording) This has both the original PowerPoint document and a PDF as i like to use specific fonts, which unless you have them downloaded will not work on your computer, so feel free to fiddle with it.
Year 7 STARTER/DO IT NOW tasks

Year 7 STARTER/DO IT NOW tasks

I love doing PPT’s so its time i shared them, so here are 14 different starter tasks (which could also be adapted to be plenaries) i would say for a year 7 or 8 class as they are about the basics of food and nutrition, to just embed and enforce the important topics, presented in an engaging way; anagrams, true or fasle, catagorise, fill in the gaps, spot the difference, direct questioning etc. Some of the topics; washing up/working together chopping boards good and bad fats eatwell guide balanced diets key vitamins and minerals carbohydrates seasonal veg and fruit weighing and measuring key labels equipment food miles/impacts on the environment
Resistant Materials STARTER TASKS - KS3

Resistant Materials STARTER TASKS - KS3

Starter tasks - a large range of different types see image for examples: there are 26 tasks in total, can be adapted for plenaries as well. Tasks include; anagrams fill in the gaps spot it what do you see question guru odd one out check your spellings scrabble tiles how many uses what problems do you see They cover a lot of different RM topics focusing on metals and workshop equipment.
Design & Technology Revision Lesson - Timber Based Materials (With Maths)

Design & Technology Revision Lesson - Timber Based Materials (With Maths)

A full 2 hour revision lesson (or more depending on ability) based around a focus of timber based materials and processes - GCSE Design and technology content. All answers included as well as extension worksheet that has been placed in the middle and end of the lesson to support faster workers, can also be set for HW. Questions range in marks.
Materials Worksheets (Woods & Metals) - Design and Technology

Materials Worksheets (Woods & Metals) - Design and Technology

There are 3 Metals and 3 woods. Metals; Copper Steel Aluminium Woods; Hard Wood (oak) Soft Wood (pine) Manufactured Board (MDF) They have a started where students have to look into the uses of the different materials and then get student to explain a process relevant to the material, finally they are to complete a task asking them to explain and justify the materials different uses in specific products. I have found them great for homework, as some the kids have spent a long time drawing images for the different process section. But it could be a great revision task using textbooks as support, or an accompanying Powerpoint that you could go through as a class.
Ethical Food Choice complete Lesson

Ethical Food Choice complete Lesson

I have done a lesson on ethical food choice a few times and i think it is a key one to do with the students, some of the images are a bit graphic but i think its important. It has a video link to do with the students of chicken farming for KFC. The lessons is important in enforcing chosing the right foods, free range and red tractor. There is a starter and a plenary.
GEODESIC Domes - Engineering DESIGN

GEODESIC Domes - Engineering DESIGN

A single design challenge based around the construction of a GEODESIC dome using sweets and cocktail sticks. The pp goes into detail about who invented/pioneered the domes then onto instructions (including a printable PDF for students to refer to). (starter and plenary included)
Helicopter engineering challenge - KS3/2

Helicopter engineering challenge - KS3/2

1 engineering lesson to do with students discussing how helicopters work, understanding the rotation of the blades, then making a successful one out of A4 paper and a paper clip. Can have fun with the testing.