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German Mein Beruf / My Job 90-word essay preparation
This sheet gives students suggestions about how to include ambitious sentences in a GCSE essay about jobs. In preparation for the essay, students translate 9 sentences (page 1) that would fit the essay bullet points. They use the grammar notes (page 2) to help them. Answers are on page 3. Once complete students should write their own essay. This task has produced some excellent essays for me in the past, and has helped those who frequently complain that they ‘don’t know what to write’.
SEXY Paragraphs for German Film & Literature essays / Good Bye Lenin
A Powerpoint showing how to build up a paragraph in a film / literature essay, here using 2 examples about the film Good Bye Lenin. Students are encouraged to support their statements with specific evidence from the film / text and then to extend and analyse. Having looked at the 2 examples (they can decide how successful they are), the final slide has a selection of essay titles for students to choose from and write a SEXY paragraph of their own.
A Level German Speaking stimulus phrases
Suggested phrases for a) summarising information in a stimulus b) giving opinions about a related issue c) giving factual information. Proven to help students structure their thoughts and express them more clearly. Promotes use of ambitious language.
German Die Schule / School reading comprehension
Reading comprehension in which Philipp and Gabi explain about their school. Questions are in English and there is a follow up writing task.
German imperfect tense rules and tasks
Worksheet outlining the rules for the imperfect tense (regular and irregular verbs) with 2 creative tasks for practice.
3 x German Texts / Jobs & Personal Info Reading Comprehension
3 separate reading tasks about 3 young people. Each one gives information about their jobs, family, interests, school, as well as referring to the past and future. The first task is a comprehension with questions in English, the second a gap text, and the third a translation. The texts are challenging but accessible. I have used for several different purposes - an assessment, a cover lesson, a task to focus students while speaking tests are taking place. They have proven to motivate and engage.
German ambitious tense structures for writing and speaking
Ambitious opinion and tense structures for GCSE writing and speaking, including different connective types. Ideal for adding variety to students’ work. Proven to help students access the higher grades at GCSE.
German cinema / Kino dialogue
Model dialogue in which 2 people arrange to go to the cinema. Students fill in the gaps by finding missing words in the word puzzle. As an extension task, they can complete the film programme information and devise their own conversation based on it.
Urlaubsspiel / Holidays / Vacation game to practise German past tense
Monopoly-style game on the topic of holidays. Students start on ‘Los!’ with 3 points. If they land on a picture they have to say what they did on holiday (pictures are a just a guide). 1pt for a short answer e.g. ich bin nach Italien gefahren. 2pts if extended e.g. Letztes Jahr bin ich nach Italien mit meiner Familie gefahren und wir haben Rom besucht. 3pts if an opinion is added to an extended answer. If a player lands on a question mark square, they pick up a (chance) card from the middle, work out what it means using help sheet and win or lose points. Great for practising past tenses, encouraging extension and ambition and allowing for peer evaluation.
German fashion - describing clothes. Kleidung / Mode
Useful sheet with vocabulary for different clothes and adjectives to describe them. The sheet also shows the gender of each item of clothing and indicates what adjective ending to use. Proven to broaden students’ descriptive vocabulary.
German speaking structures for picture descriptions (BUMFACE)
Useful phrases and structures to describe pictures. Includes language to describe what is in the picture but also ideas on how students can be more imaginative and ambitious. Motivating and engaging.
German Reading & Speaking Activity / Friends & Relationships
Students are given a list of qualities a friend may have which they rate by importance. They use this to discuss with different partners what an ideal friend (or boy/girlfriend) would be like. Excellent for engaging and motivating. Great vocab builder. Also good for practising ambitious sentence structures (esp subordinate clauses).
German food idioms worksheet
Students match German idioms relating to food to their literal and actual meanings. Great activity to boost vocabulary and as an extension task when doing the food topic at GCSE. Students could also look at ways of including the idioms when discussing other topic areas.
German connective types / conjunctions
Sheet showing the 3 connective types in German with examples of how to use them. Useful for adding variety to students’ writing and speaking, and for encouraging ambition.
German Shopping / Einkaufen match up
Useful shopping phrases to match up. This can then lead on to students devising their own shopping dialogues. They could read / act out their dialogues
to others and ask questions about it. Good practice for GCSE role-play.
German Phrases to talk about Music
A range of phrases and vocabulary to help students talk about musical interests and give opinions about different types of music. There are some ambitious adjectives here. I have used this by playing some different types of music as students move around the room discussing what they here. Encourages interaction and ambition.
German Music / Musik text with comprehension activities
‘Leonie spricht über Musik’ - 3 paragraphs and an audio recording in German about music with a range of comprehension and grammar tasks and increasing levels of difficulty (Gemütlich / Geht schon / Echt hart). Includes answers. Perfect for a classroom task, assessment or cover lesson. Challenges students at all levels. Proven to motivate and engage. Develops students’ ability to cope with a range of question types and tasks, including dictation.
Weihnachten / Christmas German Reading activities
4 paragraphs in German inviting a friend to a Christmas party, and a range of group activities to consolidate the language.
Students get 4 paragraphs in German, each in a different colour:
a) match up each English sentence with a coloured paragraph.
b) students read each paragraph with a partner, taking turns to read 1, 2, or 3 words at a time before their partner takes over. They alternate who reads. Person who reads the last word in the paragraph loses.
c) In pairs, students are given 4 small bits of scrap paper which they label gelb / grün / rosa / blau. Teacher reads a few words from one paragraph and students have to grab the correct colour before their partner.
d) in groups of 4 (ideally) with one captain - captain is given page 2 and calls out a short phrase in English. The student who gives the EXACT translation in German gets a point. Continue with a time limit.
Great activity for engaging and broadening vocabulary. Could be followed by students writing their own paragraphs, which they could then write questions about for others to answer.
In a German hotel - Making a complaint
German listening activity with questions to answer on 6 audio recordings of a hotel guest making complaints. Links in well with the Holidays topic at GCSE and is a good vocab booster. Proven to help with role-play tasks too.
German dream holiday (Traumurlaub) listening activity
Students listen to the descriptions of a dream holiday and spot / correct the errors on the transcript. They can then use language from the task to write their own answer to the question ‘Wie waere dein Traumurlaub?’ Good activity for developing use of the conditional.