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UNIT 10 Level 2 Human body systems and care of disorders
This pack of resources includes, Scheme of work, PowerPoints, spec, activities , a booklet to resume and exercise and assignments briefs.
Great resourse for learners on Level 2 in Health and Social Care.
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Healthy Living (Unit 9) Health and Social Care
This resource provide you with the Unit power point for to delivery this Unit effectively. Is designed to support learners on Level 2 Health and Social care and pass their Level 2 exam on unit 9.

Unit 4 Social Influences on Health and Social Care
A complete resource pack for this UNIT 4 in Health and Social Care.
Through exploring different types of social relationships, such as those within families and those between friends and work colleagues, you will develop an understanding of the effects these factors have on the health and wellbeing of individuals.
The resource starts include:
SOW of the Unit
Assignment brief front sheet
Learning aim A, B and C explained + Assignment brief
Power Point Socialization Amy Whinehouse
Agents of socialization and child socialization links
PDF book of 12 pages on Unit 4 social influences on health and well-being.
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Component 2: Health and Social Care Services and Values - BTEC Level 1/ Level 2 Tech Award in Healt
Resources are covering
Unit 2 Specification Aim A and B
Unit 2 possible assignment briefs for Aim A and B
Power points for Aim A and B
Possible sample structure for Aim A and B assignments

This is a booklet I created to better understand the reading book “Io non ho Paura”.
This booklet covered all the aspects you need in order to teach and learn the content for your writing essay.
At the end is also has a good list of expressions and vocabulary of “analytical language”, that you need to use in your essay.
Questo è un libretto che ho realizzato per capire meglio il libro di lettura “Io non ho Paura”.
Questo opuscolo copre tutti gli aspetti di cui hai bisogno per insegnare e apprendere il contenuto del tuo saggio di scrittura.
Alla fine c’è anche un buon elenco di espressioni e vocaboli di “linguaggio analitico”, che devi utilizzare all’interno del tuo saggio. Sono coperte tutte le tematiche principali.
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Creative and therapeutic activities in Health and Social Care
This resource is for the Unit about creative activities in Health and Social Care. Is up to date to 2020/2021 with lots of useful information and assignment guidelines for level 1, 2 and 3 BTEC.

Unit 7 - Equality and Diversity in Health and Social Care
Unit 7 Equality and Diversity Unit resources. This include four power points and assignments 1 and 2 guidelines, plus one class exercise about discrimination.
Resources are up to date and they are designed for learners on a Level 1 and 2 in Health and Social Care and Childcare vocational courses.

Unit 1 Human lifespan development Aim A and B- BTEC- UNIT RESOURCES AND FULL PLAN AND ACTIVITIES
The resources are covering
Unit specification for Aim A and B
SOW- Scheme of work
Power points for each topic and life stage with PIES
Sample of booklet to practice on with questions
E-book online of UNIT 1

This resourse include PowerPoints, Scheme of work, Spec and activities for B, C and D criteria.
Ideal pack for students on a Level 3 in Health and Social Care.

In this power point you can find some useful tips for learners.
In detail and with examples, learners will be able to make references from any types of sources.

Communication Unit
This resource include all the Power Point and Scheme of Work for the entire Unit.
Can be used for Level 2 in Health and Social care, but also suitable for level 1 and level 3. Please leave a feedback afterwards. Thanks