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My resources are grammar based and include graphic organizers, worksheets, tests, quizzes, and personal questions. Most grammar items are based on present, preterit, imperfect, and present subjunctive tenses. Most resources are accompanied by an answer key. I hope you find them helpful for your students and your courses.




My resources are grammar based and include graphic organizers, worksheets, tests, quizzes, and personal questions. Most grammar items are based on present, preterit, imperfect, and present subjunctive tenses. Most resources are accompanied by an answer key. I hope you find them helpful for your students and your courses.
Los números (Numbers) practice worksheet

Los números (Numbers) practice worksheet

Los números (Numbers) practice worksheet For each set, write the correct letter of the answer after solving each problem. *There are 5 sets with 4 problems each (20 total) a. diez / b. dos / c. seis / d. nueve _____ 1. 8 + 1= _____ 2. 10 - 4= _____ 3. 8 ÷ 4= _____ 4. 5 x 2= Note: For answers, only numbers between 1 and 50 are used. Answer key is included on page 2. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.
Gustar verbs very easy practice

Gustar verbs very easy practice

Gustar verbs very easy practice Verbs included: Page 1: Gustar / Page 2: Encantar / Page 3: Aburrir / Page 4: Doler For each verb, there are 10 sentences and 2 personal questions. *A table with indirect object pronouns is included on every page. Sample: Gustar: to like, to be pleasing Complete each sentence by writing the indirect object pronoun in the first blank. In the second blank, write the verb ending “a” for a singular noun and infinitive, and “an” for plural nouns. A mí _______ gust _____ el libro. A ti _______ gust _____ las clases. A Ud. _______ gust _____ dormir por la tarde. A él _______ gust ______ los museos. Answer in a complete sentence in Spanish. ¿Qué te gusta? Answer key is included on pages 5-8. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.
O-UE stem change verbs quick review practice

O-UE stem change verbs quick review practice

O-UE stem change verbs quick review practice Guidelines for each infinitive *For the following conjugations: Yo, Tú, Él / Ella / Ud, Ellos / Ellas / Uds, write the stem change “ue” in the first blank and the appropriate verb ending in the second blank. *For the Nosotros and Vosotros conjugations, write the ending only. *Then, choose any one subject (person) and verb conjugation and write a short sentence in the template provided. 3 infinitives included: Almorzar, Poder, Dormir *A table with -ar, -er, -ir verb endings is included for reference Sample: Yo: alm______ rz ____ Tú: alm______ rz ____ Él / Ella / Ud.: alm______ rz ____ Nosotros: almorz ___________ (no stem change) Vosotros: almorz ___________ (no stem change) Ellos / Ellas / Uds.: alm______ rz ____ Template for sentence: Subject + Conjugation of Almorzar + Add 3-4 words Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.
E-IE stem change verbs quick review practice

E-IE stem change verbs quick review practice

E-IE stem change verbs quick review practice Guidelines for each infinitive *For the following conjugations: Yo, Tú, Él / Ella / Ud, Ellos / Ellas / Uds, write the stem change “ie” in the first blank and the appropriate verb ending in the second blank. *For the Nosotros and Vosotros conjugations, write the ending only. *Then, choose any one subject (person) and verb conjugation and write a short sentence in the template provided. 3 infinitives included: Empezar, Querer, Preferir *A table with -ar, -er, -ir verb endings is included for reference Sample: Yo: emp ______ z ____ Tú: emp ______ z ____ Él / Ella / Ud.: emp ______ z ____ Nosotros: empez ___________ (no stem change) Vosotros: empez ___________ (no stem change) Ellos / Ellas / Uds.: emp ______ z ______ Template for sentence: Subject + Conjugation of Empezar + Add 3-4 words Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.
E-I stem change verbs quick review practice

E-I stem change verbs quick review practice

E-I stem change verbs quick review practice Guidelines for each infinitive *For the following conjugations: Yo, Tú, Él / Ella / Ud, Ellos / Ellas / Uds., write the stem change “i” in the first blank and the appropriate verb ending in the second blank. *For the Nosotros and Vosotros conjugations, write the ending only. *Then, choose any one subject (person) and verb conjugation and write a short sentence in the template provided. 4 infinitives included: Pedir, Servir, Repetir, Decir *A table with -ir verb endings is included for reference Sample: Yo: p ____ d ____ Tú: p ____ d ____ Él / Ella / Ud.: p ____ d ____ Nosotros: ped ___________ (no stem change) Vosotros: ped ___________ (no stem change) Ellos / Ellas / Uds.: p ____ d _____ Template for sentence: Subject + Conjugation of Pedir + Add 3-4 words Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.
Practice: Ser and -AR, -ER, -IR verbs present tense

Practice: Ser and -AR, -ER, -IR verbs present tense

Practice: Ser and -AR, -ER, -IR verbs present tense Part 1: Complete each sentence with the correct present tense conjugation. *There are 6 sets with 4 sentences each (24 total). *Each set includes a sentence with Ser, and 1 sentence each with a different -ar, -er, -ir infinitive Sample: Yo _________________ estudioso. (Ser) Yo _________________ con mis amigos. (Hablar) Yo _________________ en la cafetería. (Comer) Yo _________________ la tarea. (Escribir) Part 2: Answer each question in a complete sentence in Spanish. (10 total) *There are 6 questions with Ser and 4 with 1 -ar, 2 -er, and 1- ir infinitive. *A structured template is provided for student answers. Answer key is included on pages 4-5 for part 1 only. For part 2, student answers will vary. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip, or sub plans.
Los números: Numbers matching practice (Spanish)

Los números: Numbers matching practice (Spanish)

Los números: Numbers matching practice (Spanish) Write the correct letter of the Spanish translation of each number. *Numbers 1-100 are included. Page 1: #1-25 Page 2: #26-50 Page 3: #51-75 Page 4: #76-100 Sample: J. dieciocho Y. uno _____ 1. _____ 18. Answer key is included on pages 5-8. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.
Los quehaceres description matching practice

Los quehaceres description matching practice

Los quehaceres description matching practice For each chore, write the letter of the room or the place in the house where the chore would generally be completed. Note: Some letters will be used more than once. (20 total) a. el patio / b. la sala / c. el garaje / d. el jardín / e. la cocina / f. toda la casa / g. el cuarto de lavado / h. el baño / i. el dormitorio / j. la entrada de coches _____ 1. Lavar y secar los platos _____ 4. Cortar el césped Answer key is included on page 2. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip. *This practice can also be used with the Para Empezar chapter of Realidades 3.
Present tense regular verbs basic easy practice (-AR, -ER, -IR)

Present tense regular verbs basic easy practice (-AR, -ER, -IR)

Present tense regular verbs basic easy practice (-AR, -ER, -IR) For each infinitive type (-ar, -er , -ir) students will write the correct present tense ending for each of the 10 infinitives and write 2 short sentences with the guidelines provided. *A table with -ar, -er, -ir verb endings is included. Page 1: -Ar verbs / Page 2: -Er verbs / Page 3: -Ir verbs *There are a total of 45 infinitives (15 per infinitive type). Example: -AR verbs To speak / hablar / Yo: habl ____ To listen / escuchar / Tú: escuch____ To watch / mirar / Él: mir____ To dance / bailar / Ella: bail ____ To help / ayudar/ Ud.: ayud ____ Answer key is included for the conjugations only on pages 4-6. For the original sentences, answers will vary.
Irregular yo verbs mixed fill in practice (Present tense)

Irregular yo verbs mixed fill in practice (Present tense)

Irregular yo verbs mixed fill in practice Verbs included: Hacer, Poner, Salir, Caer, Decir, Tener, Venir, Traer, Oir, Saber, Conocer Part 1: Complete each sentence with the correct conjugation from the word bank. (11 total) Sample: Word bank: conozco: I know / hago: I do / sé: I know (how to) / salgo: I leave / oigo: I hear / caigo: I fall / tengo: I have (to) / traigo: I bring / pongo: I put / vengo: I come / digo: I say Yo _______________ mi tarea. Yo _______________ de la escuela a las tres. Yo _______________ en el suelo (floor) cuando corro rápido. Part 2: Conjugation practice: Write the correct conjugation using the word bank. *Students will write the 6 conjugations for all 11 infinitives in the template provided. Example: Hacer: to do, to make Word bank: hago / haces / hacen / hacemos / hace / hacéis Yo: _____ Tú: _____ Él / Ella / Ud.: _____ Nosotros: _____ Vosotros: _____ Ellos / Ellas / Uds.: _____ Answer key is included on pages 5-8. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip, or sub plans.
Irregular preterit mixed fill in practice

Irregular preterit mixed fill in practice

Irregular preterit mixed fill in practice Part 1: Complete each sentence with the correct conjugation using the word bank. (15 total) Note: All sentences are in the Yo conjugation. Verbs included: Dar, Ir, Ver, Hacer, Querer, Venir, Andar, Estar, Tener, Saber, Poner, Poder, Decir, Traer, Conducir Sample: traje: I brought / di: I gave / tuve: I had to / hice: I did / estuve: I was / conduje: I drove / anduve: I walked / quise: I tried to / supe: I found out / puse: I put / pude: I managed to / dije: I said / fui: I went / vi: I saw / vine: I came Yo ______________ un regalo (gift) a mi amigo. Yo ______________ mi tarea ayer. Part 2: Conjugation practice: Write the correct preterit conjugation using the word bank. *Students will write the 6 conjugations for all 15 irregular infinitives in the template provided. Sample: Ir: to go / Ser: to be Word bank: fui, fueron, fuimos, fue , fuisteis, fuiste Yo: _____ Tú: _____ Él / Ella / Ud.: _____ Nosotros: _____ Vosotros: _____ Ellos / Ellas / Uds.: _____ Answer key is included on pages 6-10. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip, or sub plans.
Andar, Estar, Tener preterit mini practice

Andar, Estar, Tener preterit mini practice

Andar, Estar, Tener preterit mini practice Part 1: Write the correct preterit endings for each conjugation. *For all 3 infinitives, students will write the endings for all 6 conjugations. *A table with irregular preterit endings is included for reference. Sample: Andar: to walk (Stem: Anduv) Yo: anduv ____ Tú: anduv ________ Él / Ella / Ud.: anduv ____ Nosotros: anduv ____________ Vosotros: anduv ____________ Ellos / Ellas / Uds.: anduv ____________ Part 2: Complete each blank with the correct preterit conjugation of Andar, Estar, and Tener. Note: Each verb is used twice. (6 total) Example: Yo _________________ en el parque ayer. Answer key is included on page 2. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.
Saber, Poner, Poder preterit mini practice

Saber, Poner, Poder preterit mini practice

Saber, Poner, Poder preterit mini practice Part 1: Write the correct preterit endings for each conjugation. *For all 3 infinitives, students will write the endings for all 6 conjugations. *A table with irregular preterit endings is included for reference. Sample: Saber (+ que): to find out (Stem: Sup) Yo: sup____ Tú: sup ________ Él / Ella / Ud.: sup ____ Nosotros: sup ____________ Vosotros: sup ____________ Ellos / Ellas / Uds.: sup ____________ Part 2: Complete each blank with the correct preterit conjugation of Saber, Poner, and Poder. Note: Each verb is used twice. (6 total) Example: Yo _________________ mis libros en la mochila. Answer key is included on page 2. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.
Decir, Traer, Conducir preterit mini practice

Decir, Traer, Conducir preterit mini practice

Decir, Traer, Conducir preterit mini practice Part 1: Write the correct preterit endings for each conjugation. *For all 3 infinitives, students will write the endings for all 6 conjugations. *A table with irregular preterit endings is included for reference. Sample: Decir: to say, to tell (Stem: Dij) Yo: dij____ Tú: dij ________ Él / Ella / Ud.: dij ____ Nosotros: dij ____________ Vosotros: dij ____________ Ellos / Ellas / Uds.: dij ____________ Part 2: Complete each blank with the correct preterit conjugation of Decir, Traer, and Conducir. Note: Each verb is used twice. (6 total) Example: Yo no _________________ mi teléfono a la escuela. Answer key is included on page 2. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.
Las materiales escolares (school supplies) description matching practice

Las materiales escolares (school supplies) description matching practice

Las materiales escolares (school supplies) description matching practice For each sentence, write the correct letter of the appropriate school supply item. (17 total) School supplies included: las tijeras / la carpeta / el diccionario / el cuaderno / la cartulina / el pegamento / la calculadora / el borrador de lápiz / el bolígrafo , el lápiz / el líquido corrector / el resaltador / mi mochila / la regla / la carpeta de argollas / la grapadora / los marcadores , las crayolas Example: j. el bolígrafo y el lápiz n. la regla _____ 1. Yo escribo con ____________________ _____ 2. Yo dibujo una línea con____________________ Answer key is included on page 2. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.
El arte: Sentence completion practice

El arte: Sentence completion practice

El arte: Sentence completion practice Complete each sentence in the present tense using appropriate vocabulary relating to art, as needed. Add at least 4 or more words to complete each sentence. Avoid repetition (using the same words over and over). A list of helpful words is provided if students want to use them. (See below) Helpful words: ser + de + material type: what something is made out of / sobre, de: about / realista: realistic / surrealista: surrealistic / sencillo (a): plain / moderno (a): modern / complicado (a): complicated / hay: there is / there are / la entrada: ticket / la exhibición: exhibition / mezclar: to mix / crear: to create / dar una gira: to give a tour / el (la) guía: guide / la gente: people / el rey: king / la reina: queen / por: through / muy conocido (a): well-known / la piedra: stone / el oro: gold / la plata: silver / la obra de arte: work of art El artista pinta __________________________________ En el taller el artista _____________________________ En la pared (wall) _________________________________ El tema de la pintura es_________________________ El pintor usa ___________________________________ Note: The last sentence #27 will require the preterit tense. A list of helpful words (vocab related to art) is provided if students want to use them. This practice can be used with chapter 2A of Realidades 3. Length: 2 pages
Ser Estar Ir Tener Dar Hacer questions matching practice (Present tense)

Ser Estar Ir Tener Dar Hacer questions matching practice (Present tense)

Ser Estar Ir Tener Dar Hacer questions matching practice (Present tense) For each question and answer, write the correct letter of the conjugation. *There are 4 sets with 6 questions each. (24 total) *Note: The subjects in each set will be the same or similar. Sample: a. vas / voy b. das / doy c. estás / estoy d. haces / hago e. tienes / tengo f. eres / soy _____ 1. ¿Cómo ___________ tú? Yo ___________ inteligente. (Ser) _____ 2. ¿Cómo ___________ tú? Yo ___________ bien. (Estar) _____ 3. ¿A dónde ___________ tú? Yo ___________ al cine. (Ir) _____ 4. ¿Qué ___________ que hacer tú? Yo ___________ que estudiar. (Tener) _____ 5. ¿Qué ___________ tú a Pablo? Yo ___________ un regalo. (Dar) _____ 6. ¿Qué ___________ tú por la tarde? Yo ___________ la tarea. (Hacer) Answer key is included on pags 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.
Dar ir ser estar ver sentence completion practice

Dar ir ser estar ver sentence completion practice

Dar ir ser estar ver sentence completions (present tense) Length: 2 pages For each verb, conjugate it in the present tense in the first blank. In the second blank, add 4-5 words to create an original sentence. Your sentence must make sense. Avoid repetition (using the same words over and over) Students will write 6 sentences for every verb. *For each infinitive, a table with all 6 conjugations is included for reference. Note: Sentences do not link to any vocabulary or theme Example: DAR Yo __________ un libro ________________________________________ Tú __________ un regalo __________________________________________ Él _________ un discurso (speech) sobre (about) ____________________ SER (vary your adjectives) Yo ________ alto (a) ________________________________________ ¿ _____________ (ser) tú estudiante _____________________________
Go verbs paragraph with comprehension questions

Go verbs paragraph with comprehension questions

Go verbs paragraph with comprehension questions Verbs included: Hacer, Poner, Venir, Salir, Tener, Caer, Traer, Decir, Oir (9 total) *Note: A table with English translation of all 9 infinitives is included. Part 1: Read the paragraph about Marcos and write the correct present tense conjugation of each -go verb using the word bank. (9 total) Sample: Word bank: digo / hago / oigo / traigo / caigo / pongo/ salgo / vengo / tengo Hola. Yo soy Marcos. Yo _____________ mi tarea por la tarde. (hacer) Yo _____________ de mi casa a las siete de la mañana. (salir) Part 2: Answer each question in a complete sentence in the present tense based on the paragraph. (9 total) Sample: ¿Qué hace Marcos por la tarde? ¿Cuándo sale Marcos de su casa? This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip. Answer key is included on pages 3-4.
Reading: El día de la madre (Preterit)

Reading: El día de la madre (Preterit)

Reading: El día de la madre (Preterit) Luisa is sharing how she celebrated Mother’s Day with her friend Marta in an email. Complete the email using the word bank provided. *There are 20 blanks total (All answers are conjugated preterit verbs using the word bank) There are also 10 multiple choice (A or B) questions based on the reading. Answer key is included for the email (preterit conjugations) and comprehension questions on pages 3-4. This reading can be used for Spanish 2 or Spanish 3 classes. Example: Querida Marta, ¿Cómo estás? Ayer fue el día de la madre y yo lo (it) celebré con mi mamá. Cuando mi mamá se despertó, yo (1) _________________ un desayuno delicioso para ella. Mi mamá, mi papá, y yo (2) _______________ juntos en la cocina. También yo le (3) _________ un ramo (bouquet) de flores. Al mediodía yo (4) _____________ a mi mamá a su restaurante favorito para almorzar. Word bank for #1-6: hice / cociné / di / llegamos / desayunmos / llevé Comprehension questions: Answer the questions based on the reading. Write A or B. ¿Qué cocinó Luisa para su madre? a. desayuno b. almuerzo