Music Video revision unit for Component 1 exam 2022.
5 videos.
1 of the videos has been chosen by me, so no mark scheme is available.
4 of the videos have been used in A/AS Media previously so mark schemes are available to inform teaching.
Ed Sheeran - Take Me Back To London (Sir Spyro Remix) [feat. Stormzy, Jaykae & Aitch] –No mark scheme BUT suggested contented available.
Drake - God’s Plan and Beyoncé - Formation (Official Video) Mark scheme AS October 2020
Ed Sheeran - Shape of You (Official Music Video) Mark scheme available AS May 2018
Vance Joy - ‘Riptide’ Official Video Mark scheme available A Level October 2021
Tinie Tempah ft. Jake Bugg - Find Me- Mark scheme available A Level Autumn 2020
Please note- I have used the exam board factsheet as a basis to create a unit of work on PPT.
The PPT covers:
Contexts- product context, the games, video game historical context, appeal of video games and Assassin’s Creed
Economic context- production distribution, circulation,
Industries-regulation, PEGI, digital convergence
Audiences- social and cultural contexts, audience experience
Theorists- Stuart Hall, Power and media industries (including Curran and Seaton), Regulation (including Livingstone and Lunt, Cultural Industries (including Hesmondhalgh), Blumler and Katz, Bandura, Henry Jenkins, Stanley Cohen
Exam question examples
A PPT presentation looking at The Sun newspaper.
Content covered:
Background context
Media Language
Historical Context
Cultural Contexts
Political contexts
Media Industries
Audiences (active/passive)
Stuart Hall Reception Theory
Gerbner- Cultivation Theory
I have used the factsheet as a basis for a PPT.
July 2021
Malala Yousafzai Front Cover
GCSE Component 1: Exploring the Media
Focus areas:
Media Language
Media Context
I have used the information provided in the fact sheets to create a unit.
I have used the factsheet as a basis for a PPT.
The Guardian, partygate, for exam 2024 onwards
Unit exploring:
Media Language
Media contexts
I have used the factsheet as a basis for a PPT.
Exploring NTTD, for examination 2024 onwards:
Media Language
Media Industry
Media contexts
Youtube channel
I have used the Eduqas textbook as a basis for the PPT
**New 2021 Black Panther & Newspaper Cover Slides Added 252 slides
Advertising: Audiences, Tide and WaterAid
Tide- historical context
Tide- target audience
Tide- social and cultural context
Gerbner- Cultivation Theory
Stuart Hall’s reception theory applied to Tide
WaterAid- background info, social and cultural contexts
The Film Industry: Straight Outta Compton
Mainstream, High-Concept Films versus Independent films
The film Industry
Regulation- BBFC
Straight Outta Compton: Industry
SOC: marketing: online, trailers, posters
SOC contexts
Black Panther slides
I, Daniel Blake- industry context
BBC Films, eOne
I, DB trailer
Newspapers: The Daily Mirror and The Times
Right Wing v Left wing
Criteria for selecting the news- news values, news agenda
Newspaper industry regulation
Set text: The Daily Mirror- annotate front cover, inside the newspaper, how newspapers target and attract audiences.
Applying Gerber’s Cultivation Theory to the Daily Mirror
Daily Mirror Contexts- social, political. Economical, influencers
Newspapers Codes and Conventions recap
The Times
Semiotics- Barthes, semiotic analysis of The Times cover
The Newspaper Industry
Who own the press?
Social and cultural change
Citizen journalism
Curran and Seaton
The Leveson Enquiry, IPSO, press regulation
IPSO & Impress
Hacked off campaign
Livingstone & Lunt
Set pages from the set texts
The Daily Mail
The Times
Who reads The Times?
The digital newspaper audience
The Times letters page
Times 2 Lifestyle supplement
Hard and soft news
The Times website and TV ads
I have used the factsheet as a basis for a PPT.
The Daily Mirror, 2024 onwards, Partygate
Media Language
Representation & Contexts
Media Industries
Media Contexts
+website pages
I have used the factsheet as a basis for a unit of work that covers:
Media Language
Film marketing
Conventions of vampire films
Hammer Horror
Theorists: Barthes, Neale, Strauss, Hall, Gauntlett, Van Zoonen
Success criteria
Assessment question
I have used the Eduqas textbook and factsheet as a basis for a PPT.
I have also added in content that I found useful when teaching this unit.
Slides included relate to:
Defining magazines as a media form
Masthead connotations
Language conventions
Women’s Lifestyle magazines-codes and conventions
Vogue basic analysis
The main functions of a magazine front cover
Semiotic analysis of magazines
Paradigms and Syntagms-
Inside the magazine- alley, gutter, white space, anchorage
Magazine genres- women’s magazines, James Curran
Gauntlett’s Theory of Identity
Domesticity and Gender Stereotypes in Women’s Magazines
Betty Friedan
Alternative representations-NOVA
Representations of female beauty
Representations of race, ethnicity and national identity
Industry, economic control, horizontal integration
Curran and Seaton
IPC and vertical integration
Conde Nast and advance publications
Audience- Vogue Media Pack, NRS
The Big Issue
Front cover analysis
The Big Issue genre hybridity
Levi-Strauss- binary oppositions
Gauntlett- representations of gender
Feminist Theory: Liesbet Van Zoonen
Race and under representation
Industry- mainstream and alternative magazines
Economic context
Impact of technological change
Digital distribution- Zinio
Regulation- Livingstone and Lunt
Power and Media Industries Theory: Curran and Seaton
Marketing and Distribution
Gerbner’s Cultivation Theory
Hall’s Reception Theory
Bulmer and Katz’s Uses and Gratifications
Audience interaction
Key theories
Recap of Act 2.
Group activites focusing on reading and analysing Act 3.1
The differentiated group activities are optional, the class could do the same activity.
Prediction task
Text analysis/highlighting
Embedded clip
A ‘big’ question exploring violence and conflict