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Sarah's Shop

Average Rating2.55
(based on 19 reviews)

I have been Head of RE, Pastoral Lead and Head of PSHE & Citizenship in my 19 year teaching career. I am currently Head of PSHE & Citizenship at a large secondary school 11-18. My shop includes: PSHE and Citizenship sessions, Assemblies, Tutor Time activities SMSC, Fundamental British Values and Religious Education. They are fully resourced RE or Citizenship lessons, worksheets or 15 minute assemblies/tutor time PSHE sessions suitable for 11-18 and some can also be used for younger audiences.




I have been Head of RE, Pastoral Lead and Head of PSHE & Citizenship in my 19 year teaching career. I am currently Head of PSHE & Citizenship at a large secondary school 11-18. My shop includes: PSHE and Citizenship sessions, Assemblies, Tutor Time activities SMSC, Fundamental British Values and Religious Education. They are fully resourced RE or Citizenship lessons, worksheets or 15 minute assemblies/tutor time PSHE sessions suitable for 11-18 and some can also be used for younger audiences.
Rights & Responsibilities in the Workplace Assembly, PSHE, Tutor Time, H&S, Careers

Rights & Responsibilities in the Workplace Assembly, PSHE, Tutor Time, H&S, Careers

This is a 15 minute assembly, tutor time session or PSHE session for KS4 and KS5 (Ages 14-18, Years 10-13) about the rights and responsibilities we have in the workplace. It contains discussion activities and information about how to treat people and how to be safe as well as the importance of both of these. It has three short downloaded video clips so they will never disappear and is a suitable introduction to the rights and responsibilities we have in the workplace. This fits in with the new RSHE curriculum, Gatsby Careers Benchmarks and the PSHE curriculum. It can easily be lengthened to last a whole lesson if needed.
Boris Johnson No 10 Lockdown Parties Assembly, PSHE, Citizenship, Tutor Time

Boris Johnson No 10 Lockdown Parties Assembly, PSHE, Citizenship, Tutor Time

This is a 15 minute session which can be used as an assembly, a PSHE or Citizenship tutor time session or could be easily lengthened to last a whole lesson. It is originally being used for a Citizenship tutor time News session. This is suitable for KS3 - KS5 (Ages 11-18, Years 7-13). There are no written activities but plenty of discussion tasks and a downloaded news clip that will never disappear. This covers: What happened at No 10 and other government buildings during lockdown in 2020-2021 A timeline of alleged events next to the coronavirus restrictions that were in law at the time A focus on 16th November, the parties the night before Prince Philip’s funeral Apologies from MPs and PM Discussion questions Class debate question Connection to Fundamental British Values Connection to the UN Rights of a Chilld A reflection point A brief look at what else is going on in the news this week A few links for extension tasks or home study It is fully narrated but this can easily be changed by deleting the icon on each slide. This PowerPoint will be updated when the Inquiry report is out. This session covers PSHE, Citizenship, Fundamental British Values, SMSC and Character Education and is suitable for a whole school focus.
Introduction to Hinduism KS2, KS3, KS4 RE Lesson

Introduction to Hinduism KS2, KS3, KS4 RE Lesson

This is a full lesson on an introduction to Hinduism covering their beliefs in god, festivals, beliefs, symbols, temple, worship etc. It includes a couple of short video clips and some discussion and written questions for students to complete. It has some extension tasks and is suitable for use in the classroom with no photocopying required. It is suitable for KS2, KS3 and KS4 (Ages 11-18) and takes an introductory look at one of the world’s most popular religions.
Introduction to Christianity RE Lesson

Introduction to Christianity RE Lesson

This is a 60-90 minute lesson introducing Christianity. It explores the central beliefs and teachings, practices and symbols of this religion. It can be used for KS3 or KS4 (Aged 11-16) to give students a better understanding of the religion. It includes video clips, discussion tasks, written tasks and a quiz to check learning. It is simple to edit if you require a shorter or longer lesson.
Preparing for Work, Interviews, Careers PSHE lesson

Preparing for Work, Interviews, Careers PSHE lesson

This was originally a 60 minute Year 10 lesson to introduce the world of work and preparing for job interviews. It covers body language, dress, how to give a good impression at an interview, body language and some suggested careers. There is a worksheet to accompany it with this lesson but it can be used without it. This lesson is suitable for older KS3-KS4 pupils (13-18 years old) and as part of their PSHE, Careers or Work Experience session in a tutor time. It can be easily shortened or lengthened and has worked well with my students.
Rasta Worship - Rastafarian RE Lesson

Rasta Worship - Rastafarian RE Lesson

This powerpoint and worksheet are a full lesson on Rastafarian worship. It includes some key parts of their reasoning sessions, pictures, videos, discussions, written and creative tasks. It was originally a 90 minute Year 9 lesson but could be easily adapted for a shorter lesson or a KS2 or KS4 lesson.
Fake News Assembly PSHE Tutor Time Citizenship

Fake News Assembly PSHE Tutor Time Citizenship

This is a powerpoint that lasts 15 minutes which can be used from KS2 to KS5 to go through the important topic of Fake News with students. It involves no writing, just discussion questions and videos to give the students a snapshot of fake news in tutor time or a short session. Fake news is part of the new Relationships & Sex Education& Health Education curriculum and also includes a plenary quiz at the end. The videos are downloaded and there are no writing tasks. This can be used for a tutor time session, a PSHE or Citizenship lesson or as a whole school assembly.
Religious Festivals Assembly, Tutor Time, PSHE, RE

Religious Festivals Assembly, Tutor Time, PSHE, RE

This was a PSHE session for tutor time for KS3-5 (Ages 11-18, Years 7-13) which is 10- 15 minutes long and contains videos, discussions and important messages for students about different religious and cultural practices and diversity. This could be used as part of the diversity element of the PSHE and Citizenship programme or could be used as an assembly. The students responded well to this session. There are no written activities and it includes a quiz to check learning and two downloaded videos that will never disappear. One video is about religious festivals and the other about non-religious festivals. This session could easily be lengthened to create a whole lesson for RE on the importance of festivals.
Health & Safety Covid Sept 2021 Assembly, Tutor Time, PSHE

Health & Safety Covid Sept 2021 Assembly, Tutor Time, PSHE

This is a 15 minute PPoint which has videos downloaded and discussion questions about how to stay safe during the coronavirus pandemic now the lockdown has eased. It does not have any written tasks but is most suitable for a tutor time session, an assembly or a short lesson in Sept-Oct 2021. There is a short quiz at the end to test their knowledge. This can be used from KS3-KS5 but is most suitable for KS3 & KS4 students (Years 7-11 Ages 11-16). This is linked to the new RSE and Health Curriculum for Secondary Schools but can easily be used for upper Primary years as well and for a whole school focus on health and safety.
No Confidence Vote Boris Johnson Assembly, Tutor Time, Citizenship

No Confidence Vote Boris Johnson Assembly, Tutor Time, Citizenship

This is a 10-15 minute narrated assembly or Citizenship tutor time session on the no-confidence vote regarding Boris Johnson on 8th June 2022. This was to inform the students about what was going on in government, teach them about democracy and give room for debate. This could easily be lengthened to an hour’s lesson by holding a more formal debate. It is suitable for KS3-KS5 (Ages 11-18, Years 7-13, Grades 6-12) and can be used as an assembly or part of the Citizenship, PSHE, FBV, SMSC or tutor time programmes. This session contains: What happened on 8th June and what a no-confidence vote is Infogram about what happens in a no-confidence vote and what the outcomes could be The results of the no-confidence vote What the results mean with clear images and diagrams A short downloaded video clip showing the news about the results which will never disappear A debate slide about whether the students have confidence in Boris Johnson as the Prime Minister Its connection to the Fundamental British Value of Democracy A slide about the UN Rights of a Child A reflection Slide A slide about other news that is going on including links to other news sites Extra links for students to look at in their own time (great for online provision) Quotes, dual coding, discussion tasks and logos throughout This session is narrated but this can easily be changed by deleting the icon on each slide if you would prefer it not narrated. Please look at the hundreds of other assemblies, PSHE, Citizenship, FBV, SMSC and RE resources in my shop.
Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee Assembly, Tutor Time, Citizenship, Whole School

Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee Assembly, Tutor Time, Citizenship, Whole School

This is a 15-20 minute assembly about the Platinum Jubilee and includes information about the official programme for the Bank Holiday Jubilee Weekend in June 2022. It is suitable for KS3-KS5 (Ages 11-18, Years 7-13, Grades 6-12) and includes many discussion activities that could easily be lengthened as written activities if you wanted it to last for a 60-90 minute lesson instead. It was used as a Citizenship whole school tutor time session in May. It includes: What the Platinum Jubilee is and why we are celebrating it now What is happening on the Bank Holiday weekend A focus on what the Queen does and the Red Box A downloaded and clipped video which will never disappear with a quick biography of the Queen’s reign Class debate about whether the UK should have a monarchy How this links to the British Value of the Rule of Law A Platinum Jubilee school competition A reflection point about being respectful and safe during the nation’s celebrations A downloaded and clipped video which will never disappear showing pictures of the Queen’s reign Images that express the theme Links so students can watch or read about the issue further (excellent for online platforms) Quotes, pictures, dual coding, reference to other news stories of the week Ends with an online news quiz This is a narrated PowerPoint but it can easily be changed by deleting the icon on each slide if you would prefer it not narrated. This session fits into the Citizenship and PSHE curriculum but also covers SMSC, History and Fundamental British Values. Students reacted very well to this resource and many interesting discussions came from it. Please look at my other resources in my shop for hundreds of assemblies, tutor time sessions, PSHE & Citizenship presentations and RE and PSHE lessons.
World Hunger Day Assembly May 28th 2022, Tutor Time, PSHE, Whole School, Citizenship

World Hunger Day Assembly May 28th 2022, Tutor Time, PSHE, Whole School, Citizenship

This is a 10-15 minute assembly about World Hunger Day, specifically in 2022 but could easily be adapted for other years. It is suitable for KS3-KS5 (Ages 11-18, Years 7-13, Grades 6-12) and includes a point of reflection/discussion activity at the end that could easily be lengthened with planning an activity if you wanted it to last for a 60-90 minute lesson instead. It was used as an assembly for the whole school Ages 11-18 and was received very well by the students. It includes: What World Hunger Day is The theme for 2022 Why World Hunger Day is important A downloaded and clipped short video which will never disappear with a quick message about World Hunger Day Statistics to highlight how serious world hunger is right now Statistics and infograms about world hunger, focusing particularly on children A downloaded and clipped short video which will never disappear with a quick message about how unprecedented the situation with world hunger is in 2022 Ways to help the situation and become an active citizen both now and when they are older A downloaded and clipped short video which will never disappear with a quick message about how hunger is a solvable problem Images that express the theme A discussion / reflection point about what they will do to stop world hunger This is a narrated PowerPoint but it can easily be changed by deleting the icon on each slide if you would prefer it not narrated. This session fits into the Citizenship and PSHE curriculum but also covers SMSC, History, Geography and Fundamental British Values. Students reacted very well to this as an assembly and many interesting discussions came from it. Please look at my other resources in my shop for hundreds of assemblies, tutor time sessions, PSHE & Citizenship presentations and RE and PSHE lessons.
Terrorism - What to do in a terror attack? Assembly, Tutor Time, PSHE, Whole School

Terrorism - What to do in a terror attack? Assembly, Tutor Time, PSHE, Whole School

This is a 15 minute assembly, PSHE, tutor time session which covers what terrorism is, what the opinions of young people are about terrorism and focuses on what to do in a terrorist attack. It mentions the Prevent Strategy and has discussion questions and no written tasks. This was originally taught to Year 10 (14-15 year olds) and students reacted well to this presentation. It gives them advice, further information and support and helplines if they need further guidance. This is suitable for KS3, KS4 and KS5 students (Ages 11-18, Years 7-13, Grade 6-12) but it should be noted that this content should be discussed sensitively with students. There are two downloaded video clips which will never disappear. This could be shortened or lengthened according to the session and it can be used for tutor time, assembly, PSHE, Citizenship or British Values lesson or an informative look at what students should do in a terrorist attack as a whole school message. Students reacted very well to this session and lots of interesting discussions came from it. Please look at my shop for hundreds of other assemblies, whole school sessions, PSHE, Citizenship and RE lessons.
Stop Food Waste Day 2022 Assembly, Tutor Time, PSHE, Citizenship

Stop Food Waste Day 2022 Assembly, Tutor Time, PSHE, Citizenship

This is a 15-20 minute assembly about food waste and specifically Stop Food Waste Day on 27th April 2022. It is suitable for KS3-KS5 (Ages 11-18, Years 7-13, Grades 6-12) and includes many discussion activities that could easily be lengthened as written activities if you wanted it to last for a 60-90 minute lesson instead. It was used as a Citizenship whole school tutor time session for the week of Stop Food Waste Day 2022. It includes: What is Stop Food Waste Day? A downloaded and clipped video which will never disappear about how we can solve the world’s food problem. -Why it is so important to stop food waste including figures and facts. Images that explain practical ways to stop food waste A downloaded and clipped video which will never disappear about the UN World Food Program’s campaign to stop food waste. Class debate around personal responsibility for food waste How this links to the British Value of Individual Liberty How this connects to the UN Rights of a Child Discussion and reflection point Links so students can watch or read about the issue further (excellent for online platforms) Quotes, pictures, dual coding, reference to other news stories of the week Ends with an online news quiz This is a narrated powerpoint but it can easily be changed by deleting the icon on each slide if you would prefer it not narrated. This session fits into the Citizenship and PSHE curriculum but also covers SMSC, Geography, Health Curriculum and Fundamental British Values. Students reacted very well to this resource and many interesting discussions came from it.
Fertility Treatment - Methods & Christian Beliefs Lesson Ofsted Outstanding KS4 & KS3

Fertility Treatment - Methods & Christian Beliefs Lesson Ofsted Outstanding KS4 & KS3

This lesson pack is a fully resourced Ofsted ready lesson about different Christian beliefs about fertility treatment and the main different methods that exist. It includes a carousel activity so students can find out about the different methods themselves with information cards, a chart worksheet to complete, differentiated questions, a match up starter activity, a full lesson plan and powerpoint focusing on exam skills and extra knowledge. This was originally a KS4 lesson produced for an Ofsted visit and it was graded outstanding and well received with the students. This can also be adapted to be used as a standalone resource for Fertility Treatment as part of PSHE or RSE & Health Education. Purchase this pack and you have everything you need ready for an observed lesson.
Race & Ethnic Disparities Commission PSHE, Citizenship, Tutor Time, Assembly

Race & Ethnic Disparities Commission PSHE, Citizenship, Tutor Time, Assembly

This is a 15-20 minute PPoint about the Race and Ethnic Disparities Report published by the Government in 2021. This has information, downloaded videos, discussion questions and a short quiz. It is suitable for KS3, KS4 & KS5 and may be suitable for the upper stage of KS2 to explain to pupils the recent findings of the Commission. This can be used for a tutor time session, a PSHE or Citizenship lesson or a whole school assembly about current events.
Introduction to PSHE Tutor Time, Assembly, Whole Lesson

Introduction to PSHE Tutor Time, Assembly, Whole Lesson

This session is suitable for a tutor time session, assembly or 60 minute lesson introducing PSHE. It also has a short downloaded video about its importance and then discusses the skills learnt and its importance to their lives. It also sets out some guidelines and has an activity to produce their own as a class. This is most suitable for a 10-15 minute tutor time session at the start of a year or to start your PSHE lessons off with the activity to creatively present the ground rules of the class on a tutor notice board or as a competition. Please leave a review.
Prescription Drugs PSHE, Assembly, Whole School, Tutor Time

Prescription Drugs PSHE, Assembly, Whole School, Tutor Time

This is a 10-15 minute presentation about prescription drugs. It covers definitions, types, uses, symptoms and the importance of knowing about them. It links to the new RSE & Health Curriculum for Secondary Schools and can be used for KS3, KS4 or KS5 (Ages 11-18 Year 7-13). It contains downloaded videos, discussion activities, sources of support for pupils and a quiz and reflection question as a plenary. It could easily be lengthened for a whole PSHE lesson if required.
Cabinet Reshuffle Citizenship News, Tutor Time, Assembly, PSHE, Whole School

Cabinet Reshuffle Citizenship News, Tutor Time, Assembly, PSHE, Whole School

This powerpoint is a narrated 10-15 minute session introducing the new cabinet which Boris revealed on 15th September 2021. It explains what a cabinet is, what a reshuffle is for and outlines who changed their roles or got promoted or sacked. It has a slide connecting it to British Values, a reflection slide and some discussion questions. It finishes with a quiz and links for further study and news stories. There is a downloaded short video clip showing the new cabinet to the students. This was originally delivered to Years 7-13 (KS3-KS5, Ages 11-18) in tutor time as a short introduction to the new Cabinet and to fit with the Citizenship curriculum and informing them on recent news connects to the PSHE syllabus. There are no written activities in this session but it could easily be lengthened to a whole lesson if needed. You can also remove the narration if you would prefer to do it yourself or leave it unnarrated for staff to deliver.
Teenage Pregnancy PSHE, Tutor Time, Assembly

Teenage Pregnancy PSHE, Tutor Time, Assembly

This session is a 10-15 minute PSHE session that can be used as an assembly or as a tutor time whole school pastoral focus. It outlines definitions, the law, issues that arise, key information and sources of support. This also has a downloaded short video and includes discussion activities and a plenary quiz. There are no written activities but this can be easily lengthened for a whole PSHE lesson. This is suitable for KS4 and KS5 students (Years 10-13, Ages 14-18) and links to the new RSE and Health Curriculum.