All resources

Rainbow Slime
A fun activity where primary school children learn about polymers through a role play and then make rainbow slime.

Capillary Action and Rainbow Moving Water Experiment.
A great resource where students can learn about capillary action and how it can be used to move water up the stems of plants and along materials such as paper.

Create Your Own Rainbow Volcano.
A great activity where primary school children can learn about volcanoes and create their own one.

Analysing Rainbow Lorikeet Survey Data using Python 3.
A great resource for beginners in Python coding for creating bar charts.

Rainbow Lorikeet
An excellent resource introducing nursery and primary school children to the Rainbow Lorikeet, the birds in their own area and how to make a simple bird feeder.

Red Cabbage Indicator and Bicarbonate Fizzy Rainbows.
An excellent resource for introducing primary school students to pH, indicator solutions, acids and bases.

Diffusion and Rainbow Skittles.
A great resource for primary school students who are learning about molecules and diffusion.

Mixing Coloured Light and Splitting White Light.
Suitable for primary school introductory physics. Fits into the Scottish Curriculum For Excellence Science Outcomes: Vibrations and Waves.

Colour Vision and Colour Blindness
Background on Red-Green Colour Blindness for teaching X-linked disorders in genetics.

Creating a Rainbow using Python Code.
Python coded rainbow using the turtle graphics drawing board. Suitable for early stage coding.

Women in Science Activity
Suitable for science classes where students are about to choose subject options or tutorials where careers are being considered.

Making and Marketing Bath Fizzers/Bombs
An activity for secondary/adult students to make and market their own bath fizzers/bombs.
Suitable for Chemistry students studying acid/alkali reactions and Business students studying marketing.

Sugar density rainbows for teaching solubility, density and buoyancy.
Suitable for Key Stage 2 science and level 2 Curriculum for Excellence Science. An activity teaching pack which includes:
• Power point with suggested teaching outline.
• Density role play.
• Practical protocol with extension activity/project idea.
• Kahoot quiz link to test student progress.
• Wordsearch of key terms.