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This pack of notes is written in French and in English for students that have just started learning French or that are still in their first two years of studying. Apart from the notes this pack has a lot of exercises related to grammar points, comprehensions, writing tasks and speaking activities. The topics covered are: French greetings The alphabet Classroom instructions that the teacher uses in class. Useful questions for the students to use during the lesson. Personal pronouns The verb s’appeler The numbers The days of the week, seasons and months The adjectives The verbs avoir and etre The present tense of the verbs that end in -er The colours The nationalities The countries The family members The definite articles The possessive adjectives The animals The stationery The indefinite articles The school subjects The 12 hour clock The negative forms The sports The hobbies The verbs “faire” and “jouer”
Gli articoli determinativi: definite articles

Gli articoli determinativi: definite articles

This bundle includes enough resources to cover two lessons: an activity with some flashcards two PowerPoint presentations with some examples that can help you during the explanation two handouts with both notes and exercises
Presentarsi e salutarsi

Presentarsi e salutarsi

The first handout includes a small comprehension about some basic dialogues in Italian. The second handout is an aid to speak the first basic sentences in Italian.
Alfabeto e salutarsi

Alfabeto e salutarsi

This lesson includes: A PowerPoint presentation: includes a basic dialogue with some basic greetings in Italian A handout (3 pages): notes about the alphabet in Italian and also greetings in Italian. Finally there is an exercise for the students to work out.
Est-ce que tu aimes…? Loisirs: Do you love ...? Hobbies

Est-ce que tu aimes…? Loisirs: Do you love ...? Hobbies

This handout includes expressions in French and images about common hobbies. This is the title of the game: During this game you have to go around the class and ask some questions to your classmates. If your classmates answer the question positively, ask them to sign under the image and the questions. You have 8 minutes to complete the task. A. Je pose la question “Est-ce que tu aimes…?” (Do you love … ?) B. Je demande à mes camarades de classe de signer.
Loisirs: Se présenter  ... Hobbies: presenting ourselves

Loisirs: Se présenter ... Hobbies: presenting ourselves

This handout (4 pages) is a guide for students to write an email to their penfriend about their hobbies and self description. Apart from explaining how an email should be written, this handout includes a list of vocabulary of physical and character adjectives and also hobbies and sports.
Personal Description: Asking Questions

Personal Description: Asking Questions

In this lesson you will find two resources: A PowerPoint presentation: a dialogue between two people that are getting to know each other. They ask each other basic questions A handout: This handout is an activity in which the students have to ask some questions to their friends. In the second activity they have to write a paragraph about the answers of their friends.
Negative forms "ne ... pas"

Negative forms "ne ... pas"

This bundle includes a PowerPoint presentation and a handout. The PowerPoint introduces the students to simple examples of the negative form in French. While the handout includes the explanation of the negative form in French together with simple examples and also some exercises to work out. The notes are explained in English too.
Le présent de l’indicatif (Present tense)

Le présent de l’indicatif (Present tense)

This bundle is composed of a PowerPoint presentation that revises the pronouns and introduced the present tense of the verbs that end in -er and the verb Préférer. The handout is composed of three pages and it includes the note and also some exercises.