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AQA Democracy and Dictatorship: Christianity and the Nazis
Lesson Objective:
To understand what impact the Nazi government had on Christianity in Germany.
Lesson Plan
Starter: Family Fortune
Activity: Target Graph
Assessment: source analysis Martin Niemöller – First They Came (1946)
Black Death, 1384
Topic included;
Introduction to the Black Death
Lesson Plan;
Stater: What you already know
Activity: Character Cards
Main: put the symptoms in the correct order
Plenary: True or False
Medicine Through Time: Ancient Medicine
Lesson Objective
To understand ancient ideas towards health and medicine.
Lesson Plan
Starter: Picture analysis
Activity: Jigsaw Activity
Assessment; Compare the medical knowledge of two ancient civilisations. In what ways were they similar? (8 marks) ( with mark scheme)
Plenary: Silent Debate
AQA Democracy and Dictatorship: Did Hitler Make Germany ‘Self-Sufficient’?
Oxford AQA History for GCSE: Germany 1890-1945: Democracy and Dictatorship will aid in learning throughout this lesson.
Lesson Objective;
To understand the different way in which Hitler became self sufficient.
Lesson Plan
Starter: Recap Question
Activity: Fact File
Assessment: What interpretation do you find more convincing about the success of Goering economic policy? (mark scheme included)
AQA Democracy and Dictatorship: Resistance and opposition to Hitler
Learning Objective:
To understand why some people resisted and how they opposed the Nazis.
Lesson Objective:
Starter: Spot the passive resistor
Activity: Source Analysis & Jigsaw activity
Plenary: Discussion
What Made so Many People Sick in Industrial Britain
Lesson Objective;
To understand what were the most common diseases in the 19th century.
To understand why diseases were so common at the time.
Lesson Plan
Starter: trip adviser
Activity: Match disease to the definition
Assessment: How did people’s environment make them sick? (writing frame included)
Plenary: Doctor Game
AQA Democracy and Dictatorship: Impact of War
Lesson Objective:
To understand how war affected the economy.
To understand how war impacted the German people.
Lesson Plan:
Starter: Source Analysis
Activity: Carousel Activity
Assessment: In What Ways Were Germany People Affected by the War (writing frame included)
Plenary: Pictionary
AQA Democracy and Dictatorship: Winning People Over
Learning Objective:
To understand how the Nazis utilised propaganda and censorship.
Lesson Plan
Starter: Explain the difference
Activity: Source Analysis
Plenary: Sticky Note decisions
Britain 1931-1951 Booklet
Booklet full of information and activities. Perfect to use as a revision booklet or adapting lessons round.
Topics covered;
The Depression Years in Wales and England;
What was the impact of the Depression on Industry?
What measures were taken to try and tackle unemployment?
How effective were the Hunger Marches?
What did people do for entertainment in the 1930s?
What was the impact of the Depression on women?
Were there 'Two England's' in the 1930s?
Life on the Home Front;
Why did Britain follow a policy of Appeasement in the 1930s?
How did Britain prepare for war?
Why was the Dunkirk evacuation so significant?
What was the impact of the Blitz on the people of Britain?
What was the impact of evacuation?
How was the media and censorship used?
What role did women play in WWII?
Why was Winston Churchill so important to the war effort?
Political, social and economic developments in post-war Wales and England;
Why was the Beveridge Report produced in 1942?
Why did Labour win the 1945 General Election?
Why was the NHS introduced?
What changes were there to education and housing?
What was the effect of Nationalisation?
Causes of World War I
Each Lesson feeds perfectly into the next.
English Civil War
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Causes of the English Civil War
New Model Army
Charles Execution
Black Death
Introduction to the Black Death
Black Death Causes and Spread
Black Death was it a Disaster?
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Public Health (Industrial Britain)
What Made People Sick
Who were the Public Health Heroes
Edwin Chadwick
Medicine Through Time 1.1
Ancient Medicine
Galen and Hippocrates
Medieval Beliefs
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The Slave Trade
Life before slavery
Middle Passage
Zong Slave Ship
Auction Block
Plantation Life