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GCSE hair and beauty example of 1990s assignment guidance
An example of a hair and beauty assignment covering the 1990s
used to demonstrate the stages of completing in a student friendly manner.
this is a 14 slide powerpoint that can be used as a presentation or note form for students to refer to.
can be adapted to suit your teaching style

GCSE Hair and Beauty Revision Cards
Set of revision cue cards that cover all of the sylabus for the hair and beauty GCSE. These cards are laminated once printed so that students can use these at home and on holiday. The cards are kept togeher on a key ring.
If students use these for intense revision they will at least achieve a pass grade, to get a higher level, students can add more by adding more cards.

Hairdressing and Beauty GCSE power point
The power point has been designed as a revision tool. Students can use this to learn the criteria and teachers can work through the slides when covering key areas.

Hair and Beauty through the ages game
To support students in learning the main features of the eras I constructed a game that would highlight all of the important aspects in the 3038-21 sylabus. students have found the resource helpful.
To prepare:
copy 6 sets of the era pages - from Ancient Egypt to 1990s
copy 6 sets of the tags
copy 6 sets of the titles that go in the middle of the eras page
to teach:
Issue 1, 2, 3 to students in groups of 3 or 4 - they need to spread out all of the middles and sub headings and place them on the era pages where they go - which era.
use the powerpoint to see if they got it right

GCSE Hair & Beauty History Hairdressing and Beauty Booklet
A 25 page booklet that has information regarding the eras and ingredients that were used in products, some interesting facts about different decades and used in conjunction with the eras game can support students in their revision. there are places for students to make notes, and it can be edited to suite needs.

Revision power point for the GSCE in hairdressing and beauty
This resource is a revision tool to support students revising at home and on the VLE. The whole syllabus has been included and some slides can be printed to use in sessions. I find this valuable when proving/showing differentiation within mixed ability groups.

Design rhyme - support for the GCSE in hair and beauty
The design area of the GCSE is the biggest question and marks in the exam, learnrs find this question difficult and hard to remember. To support the students it has proven successful to let them make up a rhyme that they can remember.

curriculum map for hairdressing 3038 - GCSE
A curriculum map that can be used to explain intent, implementation and impact when looking at planning and preparing for ofsted.
The map has all of the cross curricular links that are part of the global requirements in planing today.
This can be kept with the planners also included for years 10 and 11 - they are only planned until Christmas, but will help teachers plan for the next 6 months

curriculum planner for 3038 - Hairdressing and Beauty GCSE
The planner is intended to be used with the curriculum map. This is instead of a traditional scheme of work, the planner goes up to Christmas and is one hour practical and one hour theory.

Hair and beauty in the 1920s
Example of an assignment based on the 1920s, this is a power point to support teachers in preparing students for their synoptic assessment.
I always find if I produce my own assignment I have a better understanding of the assignment brief.
The assgnment is based on 1920s hair and beauty and the brief is this years City and Guilds information.
I would mark this as a distinction, so its a good example to follow for moderation

Hair and scalp disorders
A power point based on hair and scalp disorders - level 2 hairdressing or level 2 GCSE. Will be valuable in teaching this area. has images and explanations for each disorder.

rewards chart level 3 beauty therapy
A reward chart to be used with level 3 beauty therapy. A pack of coloured stars will be required

Level 3 hairdressing rewards sheet
Can be used to support professionalism when working in the salon. A pack of coloured stars will be required.

Hairdressing and Beauty GCSE - 1920S assignment example
Example of a distinction assignment for the synoptic assessment - City & Guilds 3038. The theme is 1920s and I find it easier to support the students if I complete the assignment before giving them the brief, it means that I have understood the topic and brief and I can research, making my moderation/analysis accurate.
Students can look at the assignment, but I use it as an example of copying/Plagiarism and how this is not allowed. This might help teachers running the GCSE for the first time, or just as an example to show students.