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Tallybarnett's Shop

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(based on 228 reviews)

Hello, I have been teaching for over 20 years in secondary schools. I was a Head of English for 8 years and an examiner at GCSE, A Level and IB for a total of 10 years. My website has lots of free stuff on it, so please explore. It also has details of my new novel, "Larkfall" which I have just published and am very excited about. I hope that you find my resources useful. My review ratings are pretty high and I hope that I have helped people. All the best, Tallybarnett




Hello, I have been teaching for over 20 years in secondary schools. I was a Head of English for 8 years and an examiner at GCSE, A Level and IB for a total of 10 years. My website has lots of free stuff on it, so please explore. It also has details of my new novel, "Larkfall" which I have just published and am very excited about. I hope that you find my resources useful. My review ratings are pretty high and I hope that I have helped people. All the best, Tallybarnett
Free Resource - AQA GCSE Language Paper 1 City of the Beasts ASSESSMENT exercises

Free Resource - AQA GCSE Language Paper 1 City of the Beasts ASSESSMENT exercises

Dear Folks - this had over 3000 downloads since it was put on! Thanks for reviews so far! Please give me a review if it’s useful to you! If you like it I have LOADS more similar stuff in my shop - check it out! This free resource goes through the AQA City of the Beasts exam paper. It has support Powerpoints, Peer Assessment Activities, a peer assessment mark sheet and support for the structure section. Please download, and I hope it’s useful - but if you do, please give feedback. Best of luck with the exam! Please check out my wide range of GCSE resources - these are often available in very cheap bundles to save money! Check out my shop - I always have sales on, plus LOADS of FREE stuff, tallybarnett
"Macbeth" Memory Mat - Free resource to aid GCSE Revision !

"Macbeth" Memory Mat - Free resource to aid GCSE Revision !

This is a new idea of mine to look at key ideas in the play and aim to summarise key quotes etc on a MEMORY MAT, or Revision style mat. If you like this mat, the full resource has 4 others on: Ambition, Deception, Clothing and Nature. This is a free resource to assist teaching of “Macbeth” Please have a look at my shop and my web site - details are at the shop site, plus lots of other free resources. I try to offer big value bundles and large scale resources to cover a complete topic. I have a range of Big Cat Bundles that offer massive price reductions and offer lots of resources in one place. I also have a range of resources to support A Level teaching, particularly relate to TRAGEDY and CRIME. Many of the resources are handmade in order to provide a more personal, original touch. Many are designed for Interactive White Board presentation, or they can be copied into revision booklets etc. Another option is to download onto a school site, like Sharepoint, and allow students to view on their computers etc. If you like what you find, please offer feedback. Thank you and good luck with your teaching.
Teaching Richard II for A Level Tragedy

Teaching Richard II for A Level Tragedy

This is a free resource to assist teaching of AQA A Level Tragedy “Richard II” Other similar resources are in my Big Cat Bundles in my shop! Please have a look at my shop and my web site - details are at the shop site, plus lots of other free resources. I offer big value bundles and large scale resources to cover a complete topic. I provide a range of Big Cat Bundles that offer massive price reductions and offer lots of resources in one place. I also have a range of resources to support A Level teaching, particularly relate to TRAGEDY and CRIME. Many of the resources are handmade in order to provide a more personal, original touch. Many are designed for Interactive White Board presentation, or they can be copied into revision booklets etc. Another option is to download onto a school site, like Sharepoint, and allow students to view on their computers etc. If you like what you find, please offer feedback. Thank you and good luck with your teaching.
AQA Paper 1 Reading Skills - Rebecca

AQA Paper 1 Reading Skills - Rebecca

This is a support Powerpoint and example paper to improve skills on AQA Paper 1. If you like it please give feedback. You can purchase 10 similar papers for £3 from my shop. Also for £3 I have gone through answers to the last 6 AQA Exam papers for Paper 1 and 2 (2017/18/19). These are in two separate Powerpoints in my shop.
More Unseen Crime Extracts to analyse, with Model Answers

More Unseen Crime Extracts to analyse, with Model Answers

This resource is a companion piece to my other resources on Crime extracts as part of the AQA syllabus and follows a similar pattern. It includes 8 brand new crime extracts from 8 different novels. The resource includes clean copies of the extracts for the students, which are available individually and then also in a scanned booklet which includes all 8 of them, which could be printed off, e-mailed or displayed on IWB. Furthermore, Teacher notes on all 8 extracts are also attached in this resource as individual word docs, and these have also been scanned into a teacher booklet which also has annotated copies of the 8 extracts and then teacher notes after each one, ie 25 pages in all, with a front sheet. Overall, then, this offers students a further 8 practice extracts to work on prior to the exam itself.


These resources are part of a package of resources that have one philosophy: to give you all you need to teach a text or a topic IN ONE PLACE. These resources include extensive presentation PowerPoints, lots of model answers, annotated answers, mock questions, extensive background research Powerpoints, and A3 helpsheets. They also ensure that Assessment Objectives and Mark Schemes are fully addressed. The idea behind these resources is to offer detailed work that has been tested in the classroom and proven to be successful. Although at first glance they may seem pricey, the resources do offer value for money, and always offer a free taster resource with a detailed contents page, outlining exactly what is on offer, and some free taster resources. This resource bundle seeks to offer all you need to start teaching the CRIME section of the AQA A Level specification. It includes lots of introductory Powerpoints and background on genre, plus lots of extracts to work through, with answers, plus tips to improve on the unseen examination. The Resource runs to nearly 40 documents, many of which are detailed and extensive.
When Will There Be Good News - 11 Exam Questions & Answers POSTERS,  plus chapter presentations

When Will There Be Good News - 11 Exam Questions & Answers POSTERS, plus chapter presentations

WWTBGN This resource offers 11 Essay questions with brainstorm answers for each one. The problem with teaching this text is the lack of assessment material, so this bundle of 11 detailed brainstorm posters attempts to deal with that. Questions include: 1. To what extent does JB satisfy reader’s expectation if detective hero? 2. “Crime fiction is based on formula and stereotypes” .Discuss this statement in relation to WWTBGN 3. “Crime novels are judged on their endings” how effectively does KA end WWTBGN ? 4. “Atkinson never takes crime too seriously – that is a strength and weakness of the novel” Discuss 5. “At the end of the novel, justice triumphs” – discuss 6. “Coincidence is more important in the solving of crimes in WWTBGN” – discuss 7. How does Atkinson subvert the crime genre in WWTBGN ? 8. “Plotting and calculation are central ingredients in crime literature” – explore how important plotting is to KA in WWTBGN 9. “In crime writing there are always victims” Explore the significance of the ways that victims are presented in WWTBGN 10. Explore the significance of places in relation to crime in the WWTBGN etc 11. Explore the significance of justice and injustice in WWTBGN etc I have also thrown in a WWTBGN Chapter summary poster and some Chapter presentation Powerpoints – these are “free” extras and are not part of the main resource which is the 11 Essay Question and Answer Brainstorm Posters. Other similar resources are in my Big Cat Bundles in my shop! Please have a look at my shop and my web site - details are at the shop site, plus lots of other free resources. I offer big value bundles and large scale resources to cover a complete topic. I provide a range of Big Cat Bundles that offer massive price reductions and offer lots of resources in one place. I also have a range of resources to support A Level teaching, particularly relate to TRAGEDY and CRIME. Many of the resources are handmade in order to provide a more personal, original touch. Many are designed for Interactive White Board presentation, or they can be copied into revision booklets etc. Another option is to download onto a school site, like Sharepoint, and allow students to view on their computers etc. If you like what you find, please offer feedback. Thank you and good luck with your teaching.
Even More! A Level Unseen Crime Extracts (Part 3)

Even More! A Level Unseen Crime Extracts (Part 3)

AQA A Level Crime - Unseen Extracts - 26 documents in total ! Even More Unseen Crime Extracts to Analyse! This is the third in my series of Unseen Crime extracts, to support the Crime paper on the AQA A Level English Literature examination. They follow a similar format to the previous two. There are 10 extracts, covering a range of Crime sub genres: Golden Age/Hard Boiled/Psychological thriller/Historical Crime/Courtroom crime drama etc. Each extract is in word individually for students to work on, plus they are gathered together into a 22 page scanned student booklet. All ten extracts (with teacher notes for each one) are also individually available in Word and are also annotated and collected into a scanned 32 page teacher booklet, which also has a page of teacher notes at the back of each extract to help teach each one and to prompt discussion. I have also added some extra Unseen resources to enhance the package: Ways into Unseen Analysis Posters, a very detailed PowerPoint lesson looking at the Susan Hill Unseen example paper, a presentation on TYPES of Crime fiction, and a PowerPoint with ideas on how to approach the Unseen element. This package should provide some last minute practice before the exams.
Teaching GCSE AQA English Language Paper 2 - READING Section

Teaching GCSE AQA English Language Paper 2 - READING Section

This detailed resource looks at how to answer ALL SIX Language Paper 2’s from AQA since 2017, focussing on the READING Section. The Powerpoint runs to 189 slides and goes through Questions 1 – 4 on: November 2019: Shooting an Elephant/Wild Animals in captivity Summer 2019: The Crossing/Idle Days in Patagonia November 2018: All Cyclists Fear Bad Drivers/Victorian Cycling paper Summer 2018: Morning Glass and the Hawaiian Archipelago November 2017: The Other side of the Dale/The Ragged School Summer 2017: How can my son be one year-old already/Boy Lost I have put forward model answers for questions 1-4. I have been teaching for 20 years and I have been an examiner for 10 years, including some of these papers, so I have a lot of experience in terms of how to approach them. You might be using these as mocks, so might find this useful to feed back AFTER the students have attempted the exams. I have not included the inserts or exam papers due to copyright, but they are freely available on the AQA site. The Presentation is purely my ideas on how to answer these questions and general tips on how to deal with Summary of Differences, Comparison, Language etc as per the specification of the paper.