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AS Level religious studies - evil and suffering (Edexcel)
These 3 resources prove valuable in teaching as well as revision for students. They answer 3 key themes surrounding evil and suffering: Does evil and suffering exist?, Theodicies and solutions to the problem of evil and suffering and does evil have a prupose? Inclusing Process, Irenaean and Augustinian theodicies, as well as quotes from famous scholars and philosophers like Spinoza, Leibniz and Plantinga. Gives all the key information, and more detailed notes, about this topic.
Porphyria's lover by Robert Browning AS Level English literature revision guide
This short revision guide includes an overview, context, in-depth language analysis, key themes and structure/form. Quotes are included and analysed in depth. Designed specifically for A Level English Lang and Lit anthology (AQA).
My Last Duchess by Robert Browning A Level English Lit revision guide
This short revision guide includes an overview, context, in-depth language analysis, key themes and structure/form. Quotes are included and analysed in depth. Designed specifically for A Level English Lang and Lit anthology (AQA).
Karl Marx A level Economics Edexcel
This brief factfile examines Karl Marx’s main beliefs as well as info and the advantages and disadvantages of Capitalism vs a command economy.
Home-Thoughts from Abroad by Robert Browning A Level English lit and lang
This helpful revision guide includes key themes, context, motifs, a summary and language analysis of this poem from the AQA AS Level anthology.
Meeting at Night/Parting at Morning by Robert Browning A Level English Lang and Lit
This helpful revision guide contains the key themes, a summary, motifs and language analysis as well as context about these two Browning poems from the AS Level AQA poetry anthology
A Level religious studies The Ontological arguments
This helpful fact sheet will guide students through St. Anselm’s Ontological argument as well as its critics and weaknesses. Also includes Descartes, Hume and Aquinas. Highlighted key terms are also included to help students learn faster.
A Level religious studies the Teleological arguments
This handy set of highlighted notes explains the 5 teleological arguments simplistically. It includes Aquinas, Paley, FR Tennant, Richard Swinburne and Michael Behe and the Washington Institute. Notes are highlighted for useful key terms which will help students learn faster!
A Level religious studies Islam - Angels (mala'ika)
A handy revision tool outlining everything about angels in Islam - including Jibrail and a brief summary of what angels are like. Includes quotes from scholars and highlighted key terms to help students learn faster!
A Level religious studies Islam - Tawhid (the nature of God)
This useful revision guide simplifies Tawhid, including information on Shirk and the 99 beautiful names of God. It includes highlighted key terms to help students learn information faster and a useful summary box at the end.
A Level religious studies Islam Prophethood (nabuwwa/risallah)
This useful resource contains information about the main prophets including Jibrail and Muhammad. Great for revision and there are keywords highlighted to help students learn fast! Also includes a summary and interesting fact.
A Level religious studies Revelation of scriptures (kutubullah) Islam
This resource uses a cornell notes-style template to present information about the 4th of the 6 Islamic beliefs - Kutubullah (or revelation of the Scriptures). This handy revision tool includes information about the Qur’an, including useful definitions and clear knowledge. Also includes a summary at the bottom and highlighted key words and phrases.
Power and Conflict poems English Lit revision guides AQA
15 individual revision guides for each of the AQA GCSE 9-1 English Literature Power and Conflict poems. Contains a section about context, detailed language and quotation analysis and a section on key themes, form and structure. Also has an exam question at the bottom of each page. All go into much more depth than most revision guides and are therefore suitable for higher sets. Each revision guide is between 1 and 2 pages long. I’m selling this bundle for £35.00, which is 22% cheaper than if you bought them all individually.
Tissue by Imtiaz Dharker GCSE English Lit revision guide
A handy revision guide containing detailed language analysis of several key quotes from this poem from the AQA GCSE English Lit Power and Conflict poetry cluster. Also includes: context, structure, form and key themes incorporated into linked bullet points. Can be used in class or set for students’ own at home revision. Includes an exam-style question at the end.
Poppies by Jane Weir GCSE English Lit revision guide
A handy revision guide containing detailed language analysis of several key quotes from this poem from the AQA GCSE English Lit Power and Conflict poetry cluster. Also includes: context, structure, form and key themes incorporated into linked bullet points. Can be used in class or set for students’ own at home revision. Includes an exam-style question at the end.
Storm on the Island by Seamus Heaney GCSE English Lit revision guide
A handy revision guide containing detailed language analysis of several key quotes from this poem from the AQA GCSE English Lit Power and Conflict poetry cluster. Also includes: context, structure, form and key themes incorporated into linked bullet points. Can be used in class or set for students’ own at home revision. Includes an exam-style question at the end.
My Last Duchess by Robert Browning GCSE English Lit revision guide
A handy revision guide containing detailed language analysis of several key quotes from this poem from the AQA GCSE English Lit Power and Conflict poetry cluster. Also includes: context, structure, form and key themes incorporated into linked bullet points. Can be used in class or set for students’ own at home revision. Includes an exam-style question at the end.
Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley GCSE English Lit revision guide
A handy revision guide containing detailed language analysis of several key quotes from this poem from the AQA GCSE English Lit Power and Conflict poetry cluster. Also includes: context, structure, form and key themes incorporated into linked bullet points. Can be used in class or set for students’ own at home revision. Includes an exam-style question at the end.
Exposure by Wilfred Owen GCSE English Lit revision guide
A handy revision guide containing detailed language analysis of several key quotes from this poem from the AQA GCSE English Lit Power and Conflict poetry cluster. Also includes: context, structure, form and key themes incorporated into linked bullet points. Can be used in class or set for students’ own at home revision.
Remains by Simon Armitage GCSE English Lit revision guide
A handy revision guide containing detailed language analysis of several key quotes from this poem from the AQA GCSE English Lit Power and Conflict poetry cluster. Also includes: context, structure, form and key themes incorporated into linked bullet points. Can be used in class or set for students’ own at home revision.