A Level macroeconomics theme 2 - economic growth notes
This 5 page document details everything Edexcel A Level economists need to know on the topic of economic growth, including examples and a graph.
A Level macroeconomics - AD notes
This 4 page document details everything Edexcel A Level economists need to know on the topic of aggregate demand, including examples and a graph, as well as influences on AD.
A Level microeconomics theme 3 - labour markets notes
This 7 page document details everything Edexcel A Level economists need to know on the topic of labour markets, including examples and a graph. Includes info about the mobility of labour.
A Level macroeconomics market structures notes
This 21 page document details everything Edexcel A Level economists need to know about market structures, including hand-drawn graphs and relevant examples.
A Level economics - monopsonies notes
This 3 page document details everything Edexcel A Level economists need to know on the topic of monopsonies, including examples and a graph.
A Level macroeconomics theme 2 short answer questions
This list of 26 quick fire questions will test Edexcel economists’ knowledge of the “measures of economic performance” topic.
A Level microeconomics theme 3 keywords and phrases list
This list of keywords includes everything Edexcel A Level economists need to know about theme 3 microeconomics, including market structures and business growth. A handy revision tool.
A Level microeconomics quick fire exam questions theme 3
This list of 59 short exam questions will help A Level Edexcel economists test their knowledge, primarily on the market structures topic.
A Level microeconomics - theme 3 complete notes
This 42 page document details everything that A Level Edexcel economists need to know about theme 3 microeconomics (studied in year 13 and paired with theme 1). From the theory of the firm to market structures and government intervention, this is a vital revision tool, containing relevant graphs, diagrams and examples.
A Level economics theme 2 macroeconomics complete notes
This 31 page document details everything that A Level Edexcel economists need to know about theme 2 macroeconomics, including relevant examples, graphs and keywords. From economic growth to AD/AS and government policies, these are a vital revision tool.
A Level economics theme 1 key terms and phrases
This 7 page document contains all the keywords needed for year 12 and 13 Edexcel economists, from the nature of economics to government failure and demand and supply. A vital revision tool.
A Level Economics theme 1 microeconomics complete notes
This 26 page document details everything that Edexcel economists need to know about theme 1 microeconomics, from the economic problem to government failure. Contains key topics like the nature of economics, market failure, how markets work and government intervention. Includes graphs, key terms and relevant examples.
A Level economics - micro theme 1 - 1.4 Government Intervention notes
This 9 page document details everything A Level Edexcel economists need to know about government intervention, including max/min prices, subsidies, taxes, buffer stocks, government provision of goods and government failure. A vital revision tool for those who wish to achieve top grades.
A Level economics - micro - theme 1 - 1.3 Market Failure notes
This 4 page document details everything that Edexcel year 12/13 economists need to know about market failure, including externalities, public goods and information gaps. A useful revision tool.
A Level Economics - micro theme 1 notes - 1.2 How Markets Work
This 8 page document details everything Edexcel AS/A Level economists need to know about supply and demand, PED/PES etc, rational behaviour, taxes and subsidies.
A Level Economics micro theme 1 - Nature of Economics notes
This 7 page document includes notes about PPFs, the economic problem, types of economies, specialisation, division of labour and famous economists. These notes were written for the Edexcel Economics A course, perfect for Year 12s or those Year 13s in need of revision.
A Level Economics - Theme 1 Government Intervention
A full set of notes for those studying the AS/A Level Edexcel Economics A course. Covers all the key topics of government intervention, including taxes, government failure and buffer stocks.
A Level Economics Theme 1 - Market Failure notes
This set of notes details all the key concepts of market failure, as studied at AS/A level by those on the Edexcel Economics A course. Includes graphs.
Fast Fashion presentation AS/A Level microeconomics externalities
This powerpoint describes the private costs, external costs and social costs of the fast fashion industry, inclduing case study information and hand-drawn graphs. It looks at the causes of environmental degradation, how we can prevent it as well as bright and colourful graphics.
AS/A Level microeconomics Edexcel Buffer Stocks graphs
This powerpoint gives some context behind why buffer stocks are used and how they work, as well as giving examples such as the EU’s CAP. It includes a maximum price, minimum price and target price graph as well as alternatives.