My top evil six Nazi Leaders names were written onto a cube. Once created the cube can act as a start activity or revision tool.
Great for homework assignments. Look on my store for blank versions and more Nazi and Revision Cubes
These are some of the worksheets I have created on Frankenstein. These cover the basic elements of the novel. The others in the PAID version cover themes, settings and more.
I have also included the Docx files so you can edit these.
Do check out the paid version for more sheets
These work with Lessons 1 and 2. These can be edited and amended to fit in with what you already have.
Before Lesson 4 you may want to consider if you need to cover more of the Industrial Revolution and Agricultural Revolution.
I Believe Population Changes because...?
L. Objective: To recall information in a clear concise fashion
These are presentations and worksheets for Lesson 1 and 2 out of 4 on Population Change in the Industrial Revolution. The time frame can be shorten if sheets are edited, the ability of your class or used for homework.
(I would insert an agricultural revolution primer or lesson before the 4th assessment lesson)
Learn with Emojis is a simple series of slides which contain A4 and A5 posters, activities, examples and more.
Use them for revision, classroom activities and more.
You can use the cube as a learning, selection and revision tool.
Why not put simple facts on each side? Why not write out key analytical terms to use in your essay? How about putting six individuals that link to one theme?
Here are 6 PowerPoints which cover the 19th Century and the major changes in History.
the pages link to the old EdExcel textbook but the PowerPoints can still be used for general lessons. Some lessons are more video-driven and the links are embedded
This worksheet combines Film Studies and History to show how the position of a camera can affect the viewer's understanding and interpretation of a source.
This is useful in revising the subjects of the key topics.
Students can RAG each part of the topic.
All 9 slides could be printed on a large A3 sheet
I would print 3 slides to a page and leave the right-hand side for notes for when they RAG the topics a second time.
There are also samples for my paid resources. These contain around 30% of the paid versions.
This is a useful revision resource for the new American West GCSE Unit from Edexcel and other exam boards.
Basically, each unit has a central title and it is up to the opponent/teammate/student to identify 8 key events, people, themes etc that link to it. You can decide on how much time you want to give them. There are more relevant cards and there are even some cards on exam questions from Edexcel.
You (or your team) have 30 seconds to name eight historical events, people places etc. linked to a certain theme. After eight rounds you add up the score to decide the winner. 1-32 Players or 2-4 Teams
Single player - Narrative Revision: This is a form of revision with which all eight of the Historical 8 must be used to create a story or narrative which meets the criteria of the title. This will aid their recall, as stories are easier to remember than facts alone. This can be a game as well as the partner can judge the effectiveness of the story and award points.
Photograph your Exam Hall
This is a simple revision technique that links the exam hall space with key information for the exam.
Simply take a photo of the exam hall, insert it into a PowerPoint and then add key facts or terms into shapes or word boxes.
When a student sits there exam they can look up and recall those terms.
This is a sample PPTx file which I used to have students do research on a topic so they could share basic facts with their classmates. Also a good revision tool.
See other topics and American West Bundles.
This only contains a 1 page and 2 to a page version of - Key topic 1.1 The Plains Indians: their beliefs and way of life. Key Topic 1.2 and 1.3 are in the PAID for Topic 1 or Bundle
These are useful starters and the 1-page versions are appropriate for an extended activity or homework.
This is a simple A4 handout that students can follow in class or at home to explore more behind the meaning of their own name and the names of people they are interested in.
The elevator pitch concept is quite simple and there are examples o them online. Can your students apply the concept to a historical figure, event, invention, era or literally anything to do with History.
In this FREE version, there is one worksheet and the basic concept.
In the PAID version there are several worksheets and you also have the original file that you can use.
The handout is useful for students to have KEY TERMS in their books
The poster allows you to refer to them in the classroom
Word searches are there as a simple activity to complete.
PAID Version gives you more word searches in PDF and DOCX format and the Historical Skills Poster in PPTX, which can be edited to suit your curriculum.
This is an American Football inspired two-minute PPT countdown
During practice, the team works out a plan for the last two minutes of the half or game. Everyone knows what to do.There is little communication, as everyone knows their task.
You can use the two-minute drill to focus the students for two-minutes or have them tidy up.