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KS3 Spanish - mi tiempo libre KO + sentence builders booklet
Viva 1 - module 2
Material: KO, sentence builders and assess your knowledge for students
Level: KS3
Topic: free time (module 2 Viva 1 segunda edición)
¿Qué te gusta hacer? (what do you like to do?)
¿Qué haces en tu tiempo libre? + expresiones de frecuencia (what do you do in your spare time + expressions of frequency)
¿Qué tiempo hace? + las estaciones (what is the weather like? + seasons)
¿Qué deportes haces? (what sports do you do?)
Los días de la semana (days of the week)
Question words
High-frequency words
Includes a section on how to study vocabulary from sentence builders, as well as two strategies to learn vocabulary (strategy 1: look, say, cover, write, check; strategy 2: cognates, near-cognates and false friends).
Grammar: opinions, negatives, -ar verbs in the present tense, irregular verb hacer, stem-changing verb jugar.

KS3 Spanish - mi vida KO + sentence builders booklet
Viva 1 - module 1
Material: KO, sentence builders and assess your knowledge for students
Level: KS3
Topic: basics (module 1 Viva 1 segunda edición)
Saludos (greetings)
¿Qué tipo de persona eres? (what sort of person are you?)
Mi pasión (my passion)
¿Tienes hermanos? (do you have siblings?)
Los números (1-31)
¿Cuántos años tienes? (how old are you?)
¿Tienes mascotas? + colores (do you have pets + colours)
Includes a section on how to study vocabulary from sentence builders.
Grammar: use the definitive article, use the verb ser, make adjectives agree, use the verb tener.

GCSE Spanish - writing preparation lessons
Material: lessons.
Level: KS4 / GCSE
Topic: writing preparation
Preparation for photo description.
Preparation for 40-word task.
Preparation for 90-word task.

KS3/4 Spanish flashcards technology
Material: flashcards
Level: KS3 or KS4
Topic: technology
Activities in the present tense you can do with technology (take photos, listen to music, share TikToks, etc)
Types of technology (computer, iPad, laptop, etc)
Adjectives to give opinions about technology
Activities in the past tense you can do with technology (took photos, listened to music, shared TikToks, etc)
Grammar: present tense, past tense, opinions.

KS3/4 Spanish flashcards free time activities
Material: Flashcards
Level: KS3 or KS4
Topic: free time activities and opinions
Grammar: near future tense