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GCSE History - Nazi Germany Revision Mats
Revision mats for the Nazi Germany GCSE History course
I get students to complete these at the end of each topic for revision - usually printed out on A3
GCSE History Revision Mat - Germany at War
I get students to complete these as revision for an end of topic test - usually printed out onto A3 paper
Powerpoint so full editable
GCSE History Revision Mat - Life for the Jewish Community & Minorities in Nazi Germany
I get students to complete these as revision for an end of topic test - usually printed out onto A3 paper
Powerpoint so full editable
GCSE History Revision Mat - Life for Young People in Nazi Germany
I get students to complete these as revision for an end of topic test - usually printed out onto A3 paper
Powerpoint so full editable
GCSE History Revision Mat - Life for Women and the Family in Nazi Germany
I get students to complete these as revision for an end of topic test - usually printed out onto A3 paper
Powerpoint so full editable
GCSE History Revision Mat - Life for Workers in Nazi Germany
I get students to complete these as revision for an end of topic test - usually printed out onto A3 paper
Powerpoint so full editable
GCSE History Revision Mat - Control & Opposition to the Nazis
I get students to complete these as revision for an end of topic test - usually printed out onto A3 paper
Powerpoint so full editable
GCSE History Revision Mat - Hitler takes control 1933-34
I get students to complete these as revision for an end of topic test - usually printed out onto A3 paper
Powerpoint so full editable