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GCSE Spanish AQA Hablando de parejas
GCSE Spanish Resource to match AQA Oxford Text Book and Kerboodle. Talking about partners and reflexive verbs

GCSE Spanish AQA Vamos a comer fuera
A lesson on eating out which follows Kerboodle AQA GCSE resources.

GCSE Spanish AQA Me, my family and friends.
Six lessons following AQa Kerboodle Resources, with grammar activities, both Foundation and Higher. Covers topic of Me, my family and friends.

AQA A Level Spanish. Tradiciones y Costumbres. 5.1B
Resources for AQA new specification Spanish A Level 2016 on the topic of traditional festivals in Spain. Resources accompany the Kerboodle text book.

GCSE Spanish AQA Una Cena Especial
A lesson on eating out which follows Kerboodle AQA GCSE resources.

El Poder de Pepe el Romano y Bernarda en La Casa De Bernarda Alba.
A Level Spanish essay plan focusing on the power held by Bernarda Alba and Pepe el Romano. La Casa de Bernarda Alba by Federico García Lorca.

GCSE Spanish AQA La vida en familia
A lesson on family life which follows Kerboodle AQA GCSE resources

GCSE Spanish AQA Las Fallas
A lesson on Las Fallas festival which follows Kerboodle AQA GCSE resources

AQA GCSE Spanish Llevas Una Vida Sana
A lesson on healthy lifestyle which follows Kerboodle AQA GCSE resources

AQA GCSE Spanish Cómo prefieres mantenerte en contacto
AQA GCSE Spanish resources which follow the Kerboodle Text Book on topic of keeping in touch via technology.

AQA GCSE Spanish Podrías vivir sin el móvil
AQA GCSE Spanish resources which follow the Kerboodle Text Book on topic of mobile phone dependency.

AQA GCSE Spanish El móvil para todo
AQA GCSE Spanish resources which follow the Kerboodle Text Book on topic of using mobile phones.

AQA GCSE Spanish Comunicarse por Internet
AQA GCSE Spanish resources which follow the Kerboodle Text Book on topic of communicating by Internet.

A Level Spanish AQA Mujer en el Mercado Laboral 3.1A
Presentation and links to activities for new spec GCE AQA Spanish A Level. Follows AQA Kerboodle book

A Level Spanish AQA Machismo y Feminismo 3.2B
Presentation and links to activities for new spec GCE AQA Spanish A Level. Follows AQA Kerboodle book

A Level Spanish AQA Derechos de los Gays 3.2A
Presentations and links to activities for new spec GCE AQA Spanish A Level. Follows AQA Kerboodle book.

A Level Spanish AQA Iglesia Catolica 1.3B
To accompany new GCE AQA Kerboodle textbook. Covers all exercises, translations, speaking, grammar points.

AQA GCSE Spanish Lo Bueno y Lo Malo del Instituto
GCSE Lesson based on Kerboodle AQA text book on topic of school and positives and negatives.

AQA GCSE Spanish Mi casa y mi barrio
AQA GCSE Spanish resources which follow the Kerboodle Text Book on topic of house and area.