
Can You See The Rainbows Round?
Fun Music for KS1 and Early Years
PSHE links - Think positive & thankfulness.
SCIENCE links - Plants, weather, rainbows, life cycle of butterflies, minibeasts.
MUSICAL STYLES - Rock ‘n’ roll, country, rag time, ballad … plus many more.
Fully orchestrated MP3 downloads of 11 songs all about animal, mini beast, plant life and different types of weather in a garden.
Dance and movement included in the songs.
PDF of creative instrumental’ activites, lyrics, guitar chords and piano music.
27 MP3 downloads of orchestrated music for movement and mime sketches.
Birds searching for worms, tortoises, caterpillars turning into butterflies, a sunrise, planting bulbs, flowers growing, frogs at the pond, cat and mouse games, nine varieties of mini beasts, different weather scenes.
Mini Musical Play - Early Years and Key Stage 1
Little Tortoise was having a rather busy day watching all his garden friends… but then it began to rain and thunder…until the rainbow appeared…
Illustated Power Point Story of the play - ideal for assembly or circle time.

KS2 Music Song Composing for 'Peace in War'
A straight forward lesson plan including performances by refugees, how to compose personal song lyrics for peace and feelings about war with creative and expressive related art work.

Covid 19 Sleeping Beauty, Tchaikovsky for Children. Martin Luther King, Jr - Environmental Issues
For Primary School
I made this musical video with story telling, interactive dance, listening to music and related puppet / mask making activities during Lockdown 2020 for fun at home and also in school. Martin Luther King, Jr lived in Atlanta, Georgia, where the ballet scenes were performed.
PDF sheets included.
Solo musicians on the piano and violin blend with the music played by a full orchestra.
Opportunities for movement and mime to a scene where Prince Florimund, his friends and their horses explore the magical forest.
Time for quiet reflection to gentle music.
It includes 4 short scenes from the ballet that blend with the story and
offer an introduction to this type of theatre which many children are very unfamiliar with.
Do some research to find out more about Martin Luther King, Jr with a friend or teacher.
It includes making puppet characters and masks out of very simple materials
that might be found in recycling bins etc.
A colouring in sheet gives opportunities to think about how the natural environment can be helped.
A Disney Song excerpt at the very end which is based on Tchaikovsky’s Music.

Toy Songs
Enjoy the toys come to life with these 11 catchy songs. Plenty of scope for movement and mime!
Sarahhudsoncomposer - on youtube