All lessons posted are full lessons, which include all necessary worksheets and sources. All lessons posted have been tried and tested in the classroom.
All schemes of work are available as a pack or individually, check out the free lessons to get an idea about the types of sources and activities included in other lessons.
All lessons posted are full lessons, which include all necessary worksheets and sources. All lessons posted have been tried and tested in the classroom.
All schemes of work are available as a pack or individually, check out the free lessons to get an idea about the types of sources and activities included in other lessons.
This is the first lesson of a scheme of work investigating Life in Medieval Times, the Medieval Church and the Black Death.
This lesson is ready to teach and includes all worksheets and resources needed.
During the lesson pupils will:
- Identify what they already know about life in Medieval England.
- Complete a true or false activity to test their knowledge about life during the period.
- Complete an image analysis to understand the types of structures that might exist in a medieval village.
- Complete an emotive task to try and understand what it might be like to live in a medieval village.
- Complete a card sort to identify the key aspects of life during the period
- Compare modern homes to medieval huts.
There are quite a few activities in this lesson so it might be best to split it over two lessons.
This lesson is aimed towards year seven but could be easily adapted for key stage 1 or 2.
This lesson is ready to teach and includes all the resources needed.
if you buy this lesson, please leave a review to tell me what you think.
This is the sixth lesson in a series covering the new Edexcel A-Level History unit: Mao's China 1949 - 1976. This series of lessons covers Key Topic four: Social and Cultural Changes 1949 - 1976.
The lesson is ready to teach and includes all worksheets and sources.
The lessons refer to the textbook "Communist States in the Twentieth Century " (Bunce, 2015 - Hodder) although other textbooks could be used with the lessons.
During the lesson pupils will:
* Pupils will investigate the changes in culture and the 8 allowed performances in China under the communists.
* Use the text to investigate the role of Jiang Qing in culture during this period.
* Discuss communist attitudes towards religion.
* Investigate the proposals towards religion in the Common Program for China and discuss in terms of communist attitudes towards religion.
* Use the information from the text to create short presentations about how different religions were treated by the communists during this period.
* Discuss if the CPC dealt "effectively" with religion in China.
This lesson is based on a double lesson (100 minutes) but could easily be broken up into a number of smaller lessons.
Please go to my shop (click on my username above) for more free and premium History lessons.
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This is the second lesson in a scheme of work about the Atlantic Slave Trade. In this lesson, pupils attempt to prove that "civilisation" existed in Africa before the start of the slave trade. In particular, pupils use evidence and sources to respond to a quote from David Hume.
This lesson includes -
*Attitudes of Europeans towards Africa during the slave trade.
* Examples of civilisation and technology in Africa before the slave trade.
* Investigation of the Mali Empire as an example of civilisation in Africa before the slave trade
* Homework task to get students to respond to European attitudes towards Africa based on the evidence they have considered during the lesson.
The whole scheme of work (7 lessons) is available to buy for £5.
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This bundle contains six full lessons of a scheme of work about the Roman Empire.
The lessons are aimed towards key stage 3 (year 7) but could easily be adapted for Key stages 1 and 2.
The bundle contains the following lessons:
Lesson one - Introduction and Chronology of the Roman Empire
Lesson Two - The Story of Romulus and Remus
Lesson Three - The Roman Amry
Lesson Four - The Roman invasion of Britain
Lesson Five - Boudica's Rebellion
Lesson Six - Legacy of the Romans
All lessons are ready to teach and include all necessary resources.
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This bundle contains four full lessons covering Key Topic Three: Canada and the Durham Report of the new edexcel A-Level History course, Britain loosing and gaining an Empire 1763 - 1914.
The bundle contains the following lessons:
Lesson 1 - Canada and the Revolutions of 1837
Lesson 2 - Revolts against British Rule
Lesson 3 - Events and results of the Canadian Revolts
Lesson 4 - The impact of the Durham Report
The lessons are ready to teach and include worksheets and sources. The lessons refers to the textbook "Britain: Losing and gaining and Empire, 1763 - 1914" (Christie, 2016 Pearson) although other textbooks could be used with the lessons.
Check out my shop (click on my username above) for more free and premium resources including breadth and key topics for this unit.
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This bundle contains four full lessons covering Key Topic Five: The Nile Valley 1882 - 98 new Edexcel A-Level History course, Britain loosing and gaining an Empire 1763 - 1914.
The bundle contains the following lessons:
Lesson 1 - Reasons for British Occupation
Lesson 2 - British Invasion of Egypt
Lesson 3 - British involvement in Sudan
Lesson 4 - Gordon, Kitchener and Sudan
The lessons are ready to teach and include worksheets and sources. The lessons refers to the textbook "Britain: Losing and gaining and Empire, 1763 - 1914" (Christie, 2016 Pearson) although other textbooks could be used with the lessons.
Check out my shop (click on my username above) for more free and premium resources including breadth and key topics for this unit.
If you buy this bundle, please leave a review.
This is the Fourth lesson in a series covering the new Edexcel A-Level History unit: Britain losing and gaining an Empire 1763 - 1914.
This series of lessons covers the second breadth study: The Changing Nature of the Royal Navy
The lesson is ready to teach and includes all resources in the power point. The lessons refer to the textbook "Britain: Losing and gaining and Empire, 1763 - 1914" (Christie, 2016 Pearson) although other textbooks could be used with the lessons.
During the lesson pupils will:
* Complete a starter focusing on world capitals and linking Freetown, Sierra Leone with the suppression of the Slave trade from the previous lesson.
* Investigate a letter of Marque (issued by the US congress in 1776) to identify the creation of privateers and discuss what it suggests about the nature of Navies in the 18th and 19th centuries.
* Discuss how the expansion of the British Empire and the Royal Navy may have contributed to the rise of the "Golden age" of Piracy.
* Investigate some prominent pirates and the Pirate laws created by Captain Bart Roberts to identify and infer features of piracy during this period.
* What two videos covering pirate tactics and the development of Piracy.
* Use the text to investigate methods used by the English and Dutch to suppress the piracy and why this was a priority for them.
* Complete an investigation of the Barbary Pirates looking at depictions of them in Europe, their raids on European towns (such as the Sack of Baltimore) their growing power and subsequent suppression by the Royal Navy and others.
* Discuss the statement - The suppression of Piracy and the attack on Algiers in 1816 proves that the Royal Navy’s role had developed to a force for global peace.
Check out my shop (Click on my username above) for more free and premium resources including more lessons from this unit
This is the second lesson in a series covering the new Edexcel A-Level History unit: Britain losing and gaining an Empire 1763 - 1914.
This series of lessons covers the second breadth study: The Changing Nature of the Royal Navy…
The lesson is ready to teach and includes all resources in the power point. The lessons refer to the textbook “Britain: Losing and gaining and Empire, 1763 - 1914” (Christie, 2016 Pearson) although other textbooks could be used with the lessons.
During the lesson pupils will:
* Use images of different ship designs between the 16th century and 1906 to make inferences about the development of the Navy over time.
* Identify and discuss the key roles and importance of the Royal Navy to Britain
* Investigate naval tactics during the age of sail through a brief study of the Battle of Trafalgar.
* Evaluate the different ships in the Royal Navy from ships of the line to sixth-rate ships and the roles they undertook.
* Evaluate the effectiveness of the Royal navy during the age of sail.
Check out my shop (Click on my username above) for more free and premium resources including more lessons from this unit.
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This pack contains a series of lessons to cover Superpower Relations and the Cold War, 1941 - 1991.
The pack includes 15 lessons that are based on the new (first teaching September 2016) Edexcel specification and include practice exam questions based on that paper. Obviously, the lessons could be easily adapted to other exam boards.
Lessons cover the following topics:
1. Communism vs Capitalism
2. Tehran, Yalta and Potsdam conferences
3. Truman Doctrine
4. Berlin Airlift and the creation of NATO and the Warsaw Pact
5. The Hungarian Uprising
6. The Berlin Wall
7. The Cuban Missile Crisis
8. The Prague Spring
9. Detente and the Invasion of Afghanistan
10. Reagan and Gorbachev/ The Second Cold War
11. The end of the arms race
12. The end of the Cold war.
All lessons are self contained and any sources, worksheets or video links needed are included in the power points. Many lessons refer to a text which could be adapted for any GCSE cold war textbook.
This lesson introduces Germany after the First World War and the problems they were facing during the early 1920s. The lesson is designed as an introduction to the new Edexcel 9 - 1 History unit Wiemar and Nazi Germany 1918 - 1939 but could easily be adapted for other exam boards or key stages.
During the lesson pupils will:
- Analyse and infer from casualty figures for the Central Powers during the First World War.
- Analyse ISM of the cartoon "Clémenceau the Vampire"
- Complete a gallery tour task to gather and record information to identify and describe the problems Germany faced after the war.
- Write a report on the problems and prioritise their seriousness.
- Complete an inference exam question based on the content of the lesson.
This lesson is ready to teach and contains all the resources needed.
Check out my shop (click on my username above) for other free and premium History resources.
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This is a full lesson covering the key revolutionary battles of Saratoga and Yorktown and the end of the American Revolution.
The Lesson was part of a series of A-Level History lessons for the new Edexcel unit - Britain Losing and Gaining an Empire: The loss of the American colonies. (2015 specification)
The lesson is ready to go and includes all resources. The lesson refers to the Pearson textbook produced for the unit.
I have also posted all 7 lessons in a pack for sale at £5. (click on my username to find the other resources)
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This is the first lesson from a scheme of work about the Atlantic Slave Trade. The lesson is a general introduction about slavery throughout History and most activities are discussion based on pupil response to images and pictures of slavery.
The lesson includes:
* Discussion of the nature and purpose of slaver.
* Discuss on the types of slavery that had existed through time.
* Picture source analysis
This lesson is ready to teach with all resources included in the power point.
The whole scheme of work (7 full lessons) is also available for £5.
Click on my username to see the rest of my resources.
If you buy this lesson, please leave a review.
This is a lesson from a scheme of work for the new Edexcel History unit: Crime and Punishment through time, C1000 - Present.
During this lesson pupils will:
- Identify and discuss the arguments for and against the use of the death penalty as a punishment.
- Watch and evaluate a video outlining some of the arguments supporting or opposing the death penalty. Discuss which arguments are the most convincing.
- Complete a summary task identifying some of the changes in British society leading to the abolition of the death penalty.
- Comprehension and prioritisation task evaluating information about some of the main reasons for the abolition of the death penalty.
- 16 point exam question and peer assessment.
The lesson is ready to teach and all resources needed are included in the PowerPoint.
This is the first lesson in a scheme of work for the new GCSE Edexcel unit: Weimar and Nazi Germany 1919 - 1939.
This lesson serves as an introduction to the unit, evaluates pupil knowledge and begins to explain the situation in Germany after the First World War.
During this lesson pupils will:
* Gain a basic understanding of the Wiemar and Nazi Germany exam paper.
* Complete a card sort to create a timeline of some of the key events from the unit.
* Begin to identify some of the key figures who contributed to Hitler's rise to power.
* Watch a video and investigate sources to identify key aspects of the situation in Germany after the First world War.
* Write a report to explain the types of problems that Germany was experiencing and their impact.
This lesson was designed for a 100 minute double lesson but could easily be broken up.
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This is the fourth lesson of a scheme of work investigating life in Medieval Times, the Medieval Church and the Black Death.
This lesson is ready to teach and includes all worksheets and resources needed.
During the lesson pupils will:
- Revise their learning about the Black Death from previous lessons.
-Think about and identify what causes illness and sickness.
- Complete a primary source analysis to identify some of the perceived causes of the Black Death.
- Investigate cures people attempted for the Black Death and link them to the perceived cause.
- Homework task - Write a the first part of the Historical fiction to explain what people believed caused and cured the Black Death.
This lesson is aimed towards year seven but could be easily adapted for key stage 1 or 2.
This lesson is ready to teach and includes all the resources needed.
If you buy this lesson, please leave a review to tell me what you think.
This is the third lesson in a series of six covering the new Edexcel A-Level History unit: Mao's China 1949 - 1976. This series of lessons covers Key Topic One: Establishing Communist Rule 1949 - 1957.
The lesson is ready to teach and includes all worksheets and sources. The lessons refer to the textbook "Communist States in the Twentieth Century " (Bunce, 2015 - Hodder) although other textbooks could be used with the lessons.
During the lesson pupils will investigate:
* Mao's proclamation of the PRC
* Problems facing Mao and the communist party in 1949.
* Mao Zedung though and the stages of communism according to Marx.
* The common program for China and Mao's political vision for China
* Beginning of political reform in China
The first lesson in this scheme of work is available for free and all 6 lessons in the scheme of work are available for £5 in my shop. (Click on my username above)
If you buy, please review.
This pack contains the sixth and seventh lessons in a scheme of work about the Tudors.
The scheme of work is directed towards year 7 but could easily be adapted for KS1, KS2 or other year levels.
The focus of this lesson is on investigating the reasons for and failure of the Spanish Armada.
During these lessons pupils will:
First Lesson:
- Complete an ISM task to identify what happened in 1588.
- Evaluate the key reasons (MEERPS) for Phillip sending the Spanish Armada to invade England.
- Analyse and evaluate the Spanish plan of attack and English plan of defence and use this evidence to decide who they think would win .
Second Lesson:
- Listen to Elizabeth's speech at Tilbury and suggest how much impact it might have.
- Use inference to try and identify the main reasons why the Spanish Armada failed.
- Investigate what actually happened to the Armada
- Begin as assessment task/essay evaluating and prioritising the main reasons for the failure of the Armada.
This lesson is ready to teach and the power point includes all necessary resources.
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Check out my shop (click on my username above) for other free and premium History resources.
This is a big board quiz covering the key aspects of the development of the Cold War. Pupils work in teams to select questions of varying difficulties based on the point values.
If you like this resources, please check out my shop (click on my username above) for other free and premium History resources for KS3, 4 and 5.
KS3 lesson to introduce evidence and how Historians use evidence to learn about the past. Could be used as part of a unit of Historical skills and before work on primary and secondary sources.
You will need to bring a bag of "stuff" to use as evidence.
This is the fifth lesson in a scheme of work about the Battle of Hastings. The lessons are aimed towards year 7 but could easily be adapted for other year levels.
This lesson is ready to go and includes all resources.
During this lesson, pupils will:
- Use information and learning from previous lessons to create a newspaper acticle to outline the key events of the Battle of Hastings and suggest why William won.
This lesson is also avaliable in a bundle with all of the lessons in the Battle of Hastings scheme for £6 (or £1 a lesson).
Make sure to click on my username above to look at the rest of my resources.
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