Mi dinero - Mira 3 Green - Module 4.1Quick View

Mi dinero - Mira 3 Green - Module 4.1

<B>Two lessons of work that loosely follow pages 60 and 61 of Mira 3 Green.</B><P> <B>1.1 and 2.1 - Ganarse la vida PPT (both lessons)</B><P> 1.2 - Mi dinero vocabulary<P> 1.3 - Sondeo - survey activity.<P> 1.4 - Hacer y poner verb table - reference<P> 2.2 - Starter. Match up. Answers on PPT.<P> 2.3- Mi dinero listening grid - multiple choice.<P> 2.4 - Conversation practice. In pairs, students write an answer to each question.<P> 2.5 - Mi dinero worksheet - reading and writing exercises.<P> <B>Please comment and leave me a review!</B>
Mi ordenador / Mi vida digital - Mira3Rojo - Mod 1Quick View

Mi ordenador / Mi vida digital - Mira3Rojo - Mod 1

My first two lessons from the first unit of Mira 3 Rojo. Based on pages 6 and 7.<P> <B>1A</B> - Starter activity. Paper copy for classroom entry.<P> <B>1B</B> - Lesson.<P> <B>2A</B> - Starter activity. Paper copy for classroom entry.<P> <B>2B</B> - Lesson. Main aim is to write a text based on how they use a computer.<P> <B>2C</B> - Extensive vocabulary sheet.<P> Present tense hand-out for their exercise books, just in case they've forgotten over the summer.
The cities of Spain - logic puzzle.Quick View

The cities of Spain - logic puzzle.

In my attempts to get some cross curricular into my Year 7s, I've put together a logic and labelling puzzle for them.<P> <B>You will need to test drive this first, before you give it to your students, and delete/erase any extra cities before you photocopy - otherwise they will get confused.</B><P> Map of Spain - students label with the cities and then colour.<P> Logic puzzle, 13 questions in Spanish/English, which get students thinking.
La vida sana - Mira 3 Green - Module 3.4Quick View

La vida sana - Mira 3 Green - Module 3.4

Here's my activities and lesson planning for Module 3 of Mira 3 Green.<p> 1 - PPT presents new vocabulary.</p><p> 2 - Battleships game for pairs</p><p> 3 - Listening, answers on PPT.</p><p> 4 - Translation sentences, including extension vocabulary.</p><p> 5 - Questions based on texts from p49 of Mira 3, with extension task of vocabulary finding.</p><p> 6 - Near future tense handout for student books.</p>
Edurne - Aquí se terminó - canción - PreteriteQuick View

Edurne - Aquí se terminó - canción - Preterite

A Spanish pop song with 15 examples of the preterite tense in the lyrics, both regular and irregular.<p> Worksheet for students</p><p> Solution for teachers</p><p> Your students will need to feel confident with the concept of the preterite tense before they do this activity because this will be completely out of their comfort zone!</p>
2/4 - Mira 2 Express: Making Excuses in SpanishQuick View

2/4 - Mira 2 Express: Making Excuses in Spanish

<b>LO: Making excuses in Spanish.</b><p> Starter: Students fill the gaps on the worksheet.</p><p> Main: 'No puedo' PPT. Revision of 'tener' in the present tense. You could chant in time to 'We will rock you' by Queen. The PPT has suitable pauses where students can ask '¿Quieres salir?' to their partner.</p><p>Also incorporates Listening exercises from the book.</p><p> Speaking activity: Texts based on Exercise 3, p30. Guidance is given how to extend the most able, and support the least able. </p><p>My resources from Mira 2 Express.</p>
Los números 30 a 100 - Module 3 - from ¡Mira! 1Quick View

Los números 30 a 100 - Module 3 - from ¡Mira! 1

LO: Aprender los números 30 a 100. <p> <b>You will need mini whiteboards and whiteboard pens for your students.</b></p> In the example, tres is displayed, with some letters highlighted, students have to guess how to form the word treinta using their prior knowledge of the numbers 1-10 in Spanish.</p> <p> Get them to write what they think the word is, and count up to 3 for them to show you and give feedback about how they've done.</p> <p> My Year 7s loved this today!
Fui a Cuba - Mira 2 - Module 3Quick View

Fui a Cuba - Mira 2 - Module 3

A worksheet I have whipped up to introduce IR in the preterite tense, together with some time expressions and countries. <P> Students have to write the correct Spanish sentence into the box provided.<P> A suitable consolidation or homework activity.<P>Will update how my Year 8s react to this.<P> Update - My Year 8s found this relatively easy. I've got 16 G&Ts in this class, so they need pushing!
¿Qué vas a hacer? - Mira 1 - Module 5.5Quick View

¿Qué vas a hacer? - Mira 1 - Module 5.5

<B>Two lessons worth of work that loosely follows pages 86 and 87 of Mira 1</B><P> Starter - differentiated.<P> How to form near future - for student reference<P> Listening activity grid - differentiated.<P>
End of Year 7 grammar test - based on Mira 1Quick View

End of Year 7 grammar test - based on Mira 1

I'm old school in that I want my pupils to actually know the various parts of grammar when learning Spanish, whether they like it or not.<P> Here is an End of Year 7 grammar test I&'ve cooked up for my more able pupils, because of the changes to the GCSE long term, being able to recognise and use these terms is very important.<P> Please comment and review if you find it useful.
Work experience vocabulary sheet - KS4Quick View

Work experience vocabulary sheet - KS4

<p>Vocabulary prompt sheet on the topic of Work Experience (Education/Work) potentially useful for GCSE.</p> <p>A colleague of mine gave me a paper copy of this, so I’ve typed it and added a few more expressions.</p> <p>Easily changeable into French or German as the English is also included. Word, Pages and PDF format.</p>
¿Adónde fuiste? - Speaking gridQuick View

¿Adónde fuiste? - Speaking grid

Questions and answers in a grid format with translations in English to help students.<P>Students are given guidance on how to give an extended answer to the question.<P>A speaking activity ideal for pairwork or work with the Language Assistant if you have one.<P>Questions and answers are from p6 of GCSE Mira Verde.
Listening practice - Módulo 3 - from ¡Mira 1!Quick View

Listening practice - Módulo 3 - from ¡Mira 1!

A listening practice exercise for the end of unit Listening assessments for Module 3 of Mira 1.<p> You can either print out the sheet for your students, or have them write the answers into their exercise books.</p><p> Transcript provided for you to read out to the class, with answers printed in bold.</p>
Present Tense IR verbs - 1 - Mira 1 ExpressQuick View

Present Tense IR verbs - 1 - Mira 1 Express

Worksheet that explains how to conjugate regular 'ir' verbs in the present tense with 'vivir' as an example.<P> Full paradigm is presented.<P> Activities for students: Translate to English for comprehension. Translation into Spanish from English. Independent sentence writing using the verb 'vivir'.
Vacaciones para todos - Speaking gridQuick View

Vacaciones para todos - Speaking grid

Questions and answers in a grid format with translations in English to help students.<P> Students are given guidance on how to give an extended answer to the question.<P> A speaking activity ideal for pairwork or work with the Language Assistant if you have one.<P> Questions and answers are from p10-11 of GCSE Mira Verde.
El futuroQuick View

El futuro

My lesson about 'El futuro', based loosely on p92 of the Edexcel GCSE Red textbook.<P> PPT for the lesson. <P> Vocabulary sheet for student/teacher reference.<P> Listening - Ex2, p92 transcript. Students gap fill. Sheet can be cut in half.<P>