40 x Higher English A grade folio essays: creative, reflective, persuasive, discursive.Quick View

40 x Higher English A grade folio essays: creative, reflective, persuasive, discursive.

All essays are around 1000 words.<br /> 1) Reflective essay on mountaineering/phobia of heights. .<br /> 2) Creative essay about a conflict between two sisters. .<br /> 3) Discursive essay about Formula 1 racing safety. Fully referenced. <br /> 4) Creative essay (1300 words), about the ethics of drug use.<br /> 5) Creative essay re. reflections on the banking crisis. <br /> 6) Reflective essay about gymnastics. <br /> 7) Discursive Essay Rehabilitation vs Retribution. <br /> 8) Discursive Essay: women serving on the front lines. <br /> 9) Creative essay (1300 words) inspired by 'The Great Gatsby'.<br /> 10) Creative essay. Short story called 'SPQR' set in ancient Rome. <br /> 11) Discursive essay: academic pressures on students. <br /> 12) Discursive essay on extreme sports. Full references included. <br /> 13) Reflective essay: peer pressure and consumerism at Christmas. <br /> 14) Personal reflective essay: the impact of divorce. <br /> 15) Personal reflective essay: the film 'Mississippi Burning'. <br /> 16) Persuasive essay: swearing. <br /> 17) Persuasive essay: bullying. <br /> 18) Persuasive essay: making Music studies a compulsory subject in schools. <br /> 19) Persuasive essay: Moon landing conspiracy theories. <br /> 20) Persuasive essay on the topic of food waste. <br /> 21) Persuasive essay on head coverings worn in public <br /> 22) Persuasive essay which argues against undertaking cosmetic surgery. <br /> 23) Persuasive essay arguing against animal testing. <br /> 24) Persuasive essay on comparing the merits of fiction with journalism. <br /> 25) Discursive essay: LGBTQ issues. <br /> 26) Reflective essay on depression and grief. <br /> 27) Reflective essay on growing up in Mauritius. <br /> 28) Reflective essay: ambitions. <br /> 29) Discursive wild animals as pets. <br /> 30) Reflective essay: sibling rivalry. <br /> 31) Reflective essay: alcohol. <br /> 32) Persuasive essay: banning zoos. <br /> 33) Discursive essay: genetic engineering. <br /> 34) Discursive: Welfare State / Benefits. <br /> 35) Discursive: Population Control and One Child Policy. <br /> 36) Discursive: Intervention in Syria (Obama Administration). <br /> 37) Persuasive: Intervention in Syria (Trump Administration). <br /> 38) Reflective essay - Spanish holiday . <br /> 39) Creative essay re. a lost dog. <br /> 40) Persuasive essay on the fashion industry and fat shaming.
10x A grade Higher English folio persuasive essaysQuick View

10x A grade Higher English folio persuasive essays

1) Higher English sample persuasive essay on the subject of swearing. Approx. 1000 words.<br /> 2) Higher English sample persuasive essay on the subject of bullying. Approx. 1000 words.<br /> 3) Higher English sample persuasive essay on making Music studies a compulsory subject in schools.<br /> Approx 1300 words. <br /> 4) Higher English sample persuasive essay on Moon landing conspiracy theories<br /> Approx 1300 words. <br /> 5) Higher English sample persuasive essay (approx. 1000 words) on the topic of food waste. <br /> 6) Higher English sample persuasive essay on head coverings worn in public (1300 words).<br /> 7) Higher English sample persuasive essay which argues against undertaking cosmetic surgery. Approx. 1000 words. Discusses the subject in the context of the way that young girls may be influenced by the physical appearances of Disney princesses / characters etc during their formative years and how this kind of media pressure can promote an unrealistic perspective about their looks. The essay discusses the issue of diversity and the Disney portrayal of the links between 'virtue' and beauty. Full list of references included.<br /> 8) The essay argues against animal testing. Approx. 1000 words. Full list of references included. <br /> 9) The essay argues for the merits of fiction in comparison to journalism. Approx. 1300 words.<br /> 10) A Grade Higher English Discursive / Persuasive Essay: Population Control and the One Child Policy. The essay is around 1000 words and includes in-text references and a bibliography.<br /> These essays may be used as class preparation for the Higher English portfolio.
English Vocabulary and Grammar ResourcesQuick View

English Vocabulary and Grammar Resources

English Vocabulary and Grammar Resources (particularly suited to P6-S3 level classes depending on ability)<br /> <br /> 1) 1 page Word document vocabulary assessment with the following directions: Circle one of the three words (choices) that most nearly expresses the meaning of the italicized word in the phrases that are in the left-hand column. <br /> <br /> 2) 1 page close reading exercises asking students to correct spelling and grammar mistakes in the passage. <br /> <br /> 3) 2 page 25 most common spelling mistakes. Students have to choose the correct spelling for each word.<br /> <br /> 4) Worksheet in the form of a letter which includes lots of spelling and grammar mistakes for students to correct.<br /> <br /> 5) 7 slide Powerpoint presentation on the use of colons.<br /> <br /> 6) 35 slide Powerpoint presentation on clause analysis. <br /> <br /> 7) One page Word document with sentences which need to have full stops and capital letters added by students.<br /> <br /> 8) 93 slide Powerpoint with advice on vocabulary, structure and punctuation usage.<br /> <br /> 9) 40 page Word document revision booklet for EFL / ESL / Primary English students. This includes notes and exercises on questions, conditionals, prepositions, vocabulary, clichés, and imagery etc.
Higher English 5x critical essays, tasks and test 'The Great Gatsby'Quick View

Higher English 5x critical essays, tasks and test 'The Great Gatsby'

Essay one discusses the importance of the Plaza scene as a key turning point in the plot of the novel and its importance in an analysis of the American Dream. Approx. 3400 words.<br /> <br /> Essay two explores Gatsby's flawed character and how this results in his tragic end. This essay is approx. 1000 words.<br /> <br /> Essay three (approx. 1700 words) focuses on the ways in which the setting in time and place is particularly significant to the novel as a whole.<br /> <br /> Essay four examines the use of symbolism. This essay is approx. 1000 words.<br /> <br /> Essay five is around 1200 words and argues that Gatsby is an admirable character.<br /> <br /> 6 page test booklet<br /> <br /> 1 page of personal research questions on the novel<br /> <br /> 1 page of suggested essay questions
Primary English Reading Comprehension Exercise 'Life Is A Rollercoaster'Quick View

Primary English Reading Comprehension Exercise 'Life Is A Rollercoaster'

Primary English reading comprehension exercise called 'Life Is A Rollercoaster'. This is a 7 page Word document which includes a story followed by 25 questions on its ideas/characters/relationships etc. <br /> <br /> The questions introduce the following techniques: metaphor, simile, foreshadowing, and pathetic fallacy. Students have to spot examples of each within the text and then explain their effects. They also have to identify and explain phrases with double meanings. There are questions (with hints) about the usage of parenthesis, and inverted commas. The concept of 'schadenfreude' is explained and the student has to find an example from the story, and then express an opinion on whether it's a 'good' thing to feel. The idea that the English language borrows words from other languages is also introduced and students have to provide further examples. <br /> <br /> Students are then asked for ideas about what might happen next in the story (in terms of both plot and character development).<br /> <br /> The booklet concludes with a crossword puzzle and clues relating to the key ideas from the text. This puzzle is useful for evaluating how much has been retained by the student.<br /> <br /> This would be particularly suitable for a higher ability P7 group.
40 slide Mixed Topic Maths Word Problems Healthy Lifestyle Theme Powerpoint GCSE/National 5Quick View

40 slide Mixed Topic Maths Word Problems Healthy Lifestyle Theme Powerpoint GCSE/National 5

40 slide Powerpoint with multi-part questions on mixed topic Maths word problems all on the theme of promoting awareness of what it means to have a healthy lifestyle (focusing on nutrition and exercise/heart rates/target setting/BMI etc).<br /> <br /> Maths topics include:<br /> <br /> Finding missing angles<br /> Direct Proportion<br /> Exact trig values<br /> Finding the mean<br /> Pie Charts<br /> Percentages<br /> Pythagoras<br /> Polygon patterns <br /> Polyhedron surface area<br /> Proportion: both direct and indirect<br /> Distance, speed and time<br /> Compound interest<br /> Selection of (and substitution of values into) simple formulae<br /> Unit conversion (inches, feet, cm, metres, miles, minutes, hours, pints, cubic cm)<br /> Arc length<br /> Circumference<br /> Rounding<br /> Prime numbers<br /> Simultaneous equations<br /> Quadratics<br /> Volumes<br /> Gradient<br /> <br /> Data and formulae used for the questions are as realistic as possible and are based on actual nutritional information found on foods, exercise and BMR/BMI data and formulae are taken from the Compendium of Physical Activities and from Diabetes and Cancer charities.<br /> <br /> The initial questions would be particularly suitable for an S3/S4 middle-higher ability Maths class, and may be used as part of a cross-curricular project with Home Economics/PE/Science and Guidance departments etc. Later questions would be particularly useful for assisting GCSE/National 5 Maths classes with exam revision.<br /> <br /> This might be used at the start of a new year's term for the purpose of helping to make healthy new year's resolutions.<br /> <br /> In the interest of clarity, 'calories' are used to represent kcals for the purposes of this presentation.<br /> <br /> Answers are included for most questions (except for those which are more open-ended in nature).
GCSE/National 5 Maths 107 slide Revision Problem Solving PowerpointQuick View

GCSE/National 5 Maths 107 slide Revision Problem Solving Powerpoint

GCSE/National 5 Maths 107 slide Revision Problem Solving Powerpoint:<br /> Topics include:<br /> Algebraic Fractions, Substitution and Inequalities<br /> Circles, Triangles, and Similarity<br /> Spheres, proportion, substitution, Rearranging the subject and Scientific Notation<br /> Cylinders and Distance, Speed and Time<br /> Statistics:<br /> Mean, Median, Mode, Range, Quartiles, Standard Deviation, Cumulative Frequency, Moving Averages, Grouped Frequency Tables, Stem and Leaf Diagrams<br /> Probability: Tree Diagrams<br /> Trigonometry (solving equations, identities and wave functions)<br /> Straight Lines (all of GCSE/National 5 syllabus plus an intro to areas in the Higher Maths/A level Maths syllabi)<br /> Logs and Exponentials (as an introduction to the Higher Maths/A level Maths syllabi)<br /> <br /> Questions are multi-topic<br /> Fully worked solutions are provided.
8 x UCAS sample personal statements / Royal Veterinary College ApplicationQuick View

8 x UCAS sample personal statements / Royal Veterinary College Application

<p>7x UCAS sample personal statements.<br /> Each statement complies with the UCAS character and line guidelines. These could be used as part of a Guidance lesson on applying for university courses in the following subjects: Computing, Mathematics (x2), Economics, Nursing, and Accounting and Finance.<br /> Mechanical Engineering</p> <p>1x Royal Veterinary College (RVC) application answering three standard questions:<br /> What is the most valuable thing you have learnt about yourself in the last year?<br /> What is the single most important thing that you think you can bring to either the RVC, the course or the veterinary profession?<br /> If you were asked to find someone who fully complemented you, what would you be looking for?<br /> 900 words total.</p> <p>Samples for specific course applications are available on request.</p>
13 essays Duffy Havisham/Originally/Shooting Stars/Education for Leisure/Hathaway/War PhotographerQuick View

13 essays Duffy Havisham/Originally/Shooting Stars/Education for Leisure/Hathaway/War Photographer

1) Higher English sample critical essay 1 on Carol Ann Duffy's 'Havisham' poem. Approx. 820 words.<br /> 2) Higher English sample critical essay 2 on Carol Ann Duffy's 'Havisham' poem. Approx. 1100 words.<br /> 3) Higher English sample critical essay 3 on Carol Ann Duffy's 'Havisham' poem. Approx. 1300 words.<br /> 4) Higher English sample critical essay 4 on Carol Ann Duffy's 'Shooting Stars' poem. Approx. 850 words. <br /> 5) Higher English sample critical essay 5 on Carol Ann Duffy's 'Education for Leisure' poem. Approx. 1100 words.<br /> 6) Higher English sample critical essay 6 on Carol Ann Duffy's 'Havisham' poem. Approx. 1100 words.<br /> 7) Higher English sample critical essay 7 comparing the theme of love as portrayed in Carol Ann Duffy's 'Havisham' and 'Anne Hathaway' poems. Approx. 1000 words.<br /> 8) Higher English sample critical essay 8 discusses the way in which a poem allows the reader to view a character from a more unusual perspective. Approx. 1150 words.<br /> 9) Higher English sample critical essay 9 discusses the significance of the closing lines of Havisham. Approx. 950 words.<br /> 10) Higher English sample critical essay 10 on War Photographer. Approx. 1300 words. Essay question: Choose a poem which you find emotionally unsettling or intellectually challenging.<br /> Show how the poem elicits the response from you and discuss how it contributes to your understanding of the central concern(s) of the poem.<br /> 11) Higher English sample critical essay 11 on War Photographer. Approx. 1000 words. Choose a poem, which deals with conflict, danger or death.<br /> Show how the poet creates an appropriate mood for the subject matter and go onto discuss how effectively the poet uses this mood to enhance your understanding of the central concerns of the poem.<br /> 12) Higher English sample critical essay 12 explores the way in which Duffy conveys the theme of loneliness in the poem Havisham. Approx. 900 words.<br /> 13) An A-grade Higher English critical essay (around 1300 words) on Carol Ann Duffy's 'Originally' poem. The essay explores the techniques used to convey the central concern of the poem and compares and contrasts the poem's ideas with those of Jon Stallworthy's in the &quot;The Almond Tree&quot;.
Fractions, and Percentages with Money word problemsQuick View

Fractions, and Percentages with Money word problems

2 page Word document with 12 word problem questions relating to working with money, fractions and percentages. Some of the questions are multi-part. Some of these questions would be good as extension problems for more able students. These problems would be particularly suited to a mid-high ability S2/S3 class. Questions include words such as dividend, quotient, and divisor. A sound knowledge of long division prior to attempting these questions would be preferable. Non-calculator questions. Some questions involve finding fractions of fractions as percentages.
Higher Physics RMS and Peak Voltage Assignment Lab ReportQuick View

Higher Physics RMS and Peak Voltage Assignment Lab Report

<p>Higher Physics RMS and Peak Voltage Assignment Lab Report</p> <p>10 pages including:</p> <p>cover page<br /> contents page<br /> Aim<br /> Underlying Physics<br /> Method<br /> Experimental Results<br /> Graph of results and analysis<br /> Comparative (2nd source) data<br /> Evaluation<br /> Conclusion<br /> Bibliography</p>
Higher English All My Sons, Of Mice and Men Arthur Miller 4 x critical essays and summary notesQuick View

Higher English All My Sons, Of Mice and Men Arthur Miller 4 x critical essays and summary notes

Higher English on the plays 'All My Sons' and 'Of Mice and Men' by Arthur Miller <br /> <br /> 1) Sample critical essay on 'All My Sons' re. the use of contrast. Approx. 1000 words.<br /> 2) Sample critical essay on 'All My Sons' re. the ways in which a central character helps to convey a particular theme. Approx. 1000 words.<br /> 3) Sample critical essay on 'All My Sons' re. a character analysis of Joe Keller in Act 1. Approx. 1000 words.<br /> 4) 8 page Word document summarising aspects of the main themes, characters etc with close reference to key quotes from the text. Example exam style questions are included at the end. Useful as a student handout.<br /> 5) Sample critical essay on a character analysis of Lennie in 'Of Mice and Men'. Approx. 1300 words.
Higher Chemistry Sodium Thiosulphate and HCl Investigation ReportQuick View

Higher Chemistry Sodium Thiosulphate and HCl Investigation Report

<p>Higher Chemistry Sodium Thiosulphate and HCl Investigation Report</p> <p>10 pages including cover page, contents page, aim (to establish the relationship between the rate of reaction between sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid at differing temperatures and determine a value of Activation energy), underlying chemistry, method, experimental results and analysis (including a graph), comparative (2nd source) data, evaluation, conclusion and bibliography.</p>
Higher English responses to 10 mark Duffy and MacCaig poetry critical reading questionsQuick View

Higher English responses to 10 mark Duffy and MacCaig poetry critical reading questions

<p>Higher English sample responses to 10 mark poetry critical reading questions:</p> <p>1. In many of Duffy’s poems, the personality of the speaker is central to the poem’s message. With reference to this [Mrs Midas] poem and another poem or poems by Duffy, discuss how Duffy uses this feature to explore theme.<br /> 2. Discuss how Duffy uses symbolism in this poem [Anne Hathaway] and at least one other of her poems to develop theme.<br /> 3. In many of her poems, Duffy explores the depth and complexity of love. With reference to this poem [Valentine] and one other by Duffy, discuss the importance of this theme in her work.</p> <p>The three responses come to a total of around 2050 words.</p> <p>A 10 mark response to a question on comparing MacCaig’s ‘Assisi’ with another poem (in this case ‘Brooklyn Cop’) is also included (around 1000 words).</p>
Higher English critical essay, revision notes on Arthur Miller's play 'The Crucible' Quick View

Higher English critical essay, revision notes on Arthur Miller's play 'The Crucible'

1) Sample critical essay on 'The Crucible' play (relating to a Higher questions on concealment of truth). This may be used as part of a Higher English discussion of the play. <br /> 2) 1 page character map summary<br /> 3) 1 page Word document with suggestions for critical essay structures.<br /> 4) 7 page document discussing the McCarthy era and its influence on Miller's play.