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I teach KS3 and 4 French and KS3 Spanish at a school in the East Midlands. I hope my resources make your life a little bit easier. :)




I teach KS3 and 4 French and KS3 Spanish at a school in the East Midlands. I hope my resources make your life a little bit easier. :)
Writing starters for Y8 Holidays topic - new GCSE

Writing starters for Y8 Holidays topic - new GCSE

Writing tasks for Year 8 studying the topic of Holidays (Expo 2). Developed in response to requirements of the new GCSE proposals, as the current Y8 will be the first affected. Aim is to get them used to regularly writing stuff without access to their books, word mats or dictionaries, reusing prior knowledge. Focus on conveying information and using correct verbs, rather than developed and fancy work. Mixture of task bullet points for writing tasks, and translation (both directions).
Describing others - 3rd person - er verbs

Describing others - 3rd person - er verbs

Goes with Expo 2 - Module 1 - Unit 1 (Mon album de famille). Starter - matching 3rd person sentences to characters. Key 3rd person phrases. Presentation and practice of -ER verbs. Work on pronunciation. Writing descriptions of family members. Donner/garder les points game to finish.
French speaking activity - family's jobs

French speaking activity - family's jobs

Hand out grids - pupils mustn't show partner. Use question 'Qu&'est-ce que ton pere/ta mere fait dans la vie?' and answer with 'il/elle est...' based on grid. When finished, compare grids in pairs to check answers.
La ropa - clothing

La ropa - clothing

First lesson for low ability beginners group on clothing. Revision of colours, presentation of vocab, beat the teacher repetition game, reading and writing task, true or false plenary (did this as thumbs up/down).
Cover work - la personalidad

Cover work - la personalidad

Simple lesson to revise/introduce personality. Designed for a cover lesson, to ensure classes whose teacher is absent will have covered the same content.
French tenses guide

French tenses guide

Reference material for high ability KS4 groups. I am giving this to my groups quite early on and teaching them to use the verb tables in the middle of the dictionary. So whilst at the moment they haven't covered the imperfect or conditional in much detail (and haven't done the A* tenses at all) some should be able to use their initiative and go beyond what they have been taught, with this guide to help them.
Simple future tense - Qué deporte harás? - Kerboodle F p.58

Simple future tense - Qué deporte harás? - Kerboodle F p.58

Lesson to introduce the simple future tense to mid/low ability Y10 (who had only done immediate future in KS3). To do the listening, you need to have Kerboodle. I have added a gapfill activity to exploit the Kerboodle sound file in a different way. Differentiated lesson. Most able - range of subjects, some si clauses with set sentence openers Least able - 1st person (other subjects with support).
Various starters and plenaries y8 food & drink

Various starters and plenaries y8 food & drink

Assorted starters and plenaries for food and drink topic, with pictures. Includes: -noughts and crosses -beat the teacher -settling starters (match-up/gapfill/multiple choice) for pupils to do in their books -give/keep points translation game -spot the mistakes -past present or future -guessing game
Travel to school - aller + transport

Travel to school - aller + transport

Lesson introducing the verb aller and different methods of transport. Doesn't involve loads of drilling of aller, but exposes pupils to the concept of irregular verbs. They should be able to use 'je vais' 'tu vas' and 'il va' and just be aware of the other forms.
Holidays past tense read and run (vert)

Holidays past tense read and run (vert)

Read and run activity for bottom set Y8. 4 fairly straightforward texts about holidays in the past tense, with 15 questions for pupils to answer in teams by reading the texts around the room. The last 3 questions require them to answer in French by finding the correct phrase.
Reading task - where you live and are from

Reading task - where you live and are from

A reading task I made for a Y9 bottom set beginners Spanish group who have been learning Spanish for about 10 weeks so far. The main aim is to recognise the difference between 'soy de' and 'vivo en' with place names, but there's plenty of added detail to make it a bit more challenging. I&'ve made the font size big so it can be copied 2:1, giving A5 sheets.
Year 8 - Expo 2 Module 1 - present tense

Year 8 - Expo 2 Module 1 - present tense

Present tense lesson for Year 8: -match-up starter with grammar extension for more able -tutorial and drilling on present tense formation -writing task -'donner ou garder les points' plenary game - pupils translate sentence, then decide whether to keep the points or give to the other team BEFORE the points are revealed.
Saying how near/far places are

Saying how near/far places are

Straightforward resource for presenting and practising key vocabulary. -Recap of some places in town (crossword). -muy/bastante/cerca/lejos -kilometros/minutos -andando/en coche etc. Aimed at low ability KS3.
Les vacances - modal verbs and relative pronouns

Les vacances - modal verbs and relative pronouns

2 lessons for a top/middle set Year 10 class. Focus is on getting pupils to write good sentences to include in controlled assessment preparation, exposing more able pupils to advanced structures without making it too scary for those who struggle more. EDIT: Just to say that several of the slides come from other TES resources so many thanks if you spot your own work.