A worksheet to help student to understand the principal of state symbols and practice them on a range of different question styles.
AQA chemistry 11-16
A full lesson detailing the types of error in science (random and systematic). This lesson includes a range of activities including a starter, word-fill, quiz and worksheet.
It would be suitable for higher KS3 or GCSE classes and is useful as a standalone lesson or as part of a SciSkills module.
A market place style lesson starting with recap of previously taught material and then giving the importance of biodiversity. lesson has been designed around the AQA combined science spec, but is applicable to other exam boards.
should take around 1 hour and is fully resourced.
A Duke of Edinburgh maps skills lesson aimed to introduce the different types of map and help students gain understanding of map symbols. Includes 3 activities designed to help students use OS maps. (requires OS maps/printouts of OS maps)
Aimed at 13-16 year olds but applicable to older students.
This may also be applicable to Geography and outdoor skills classes.
A GCSE Biology and Combined Science lesson on the structure of the four main types of pathogen as well as how bacteria and viruses cause disease in the body. Designed for AQA.
FULL LESSON and with all worksheets. lesson includes a link to a video with questions, a worksheet and info slides, starter question and plenary card sort.
A Duke of Edinburgh training session aimed at teaching students how to use Tents and when different types of shelter are applicable. This includes activies designed to explain the pros and cons of different types of stove and how to use a trangia. (card sort included)
This lesson includes a practical aspect of using trangia stoves. session takes around 1 hour.
Aimed at 13-16 year olds but applicable to older students and may be applicable to geography.
This lesson focuses on transmission of disease and the modes of transmission giving examples of each mode and ways to prevent the spread of disease.
This is a full lesson, included is…
Starter on key words
Defining transmission
Questions on a video
Mode of transmission
An information gathering task on mode of transmission (worksheets and info tables provided)
exam style question
white board quiz to finish.
The lesson is planed for GCSE AQA spec but is applicable to other exam boards, it is aimed to be around 1hour in duration. It is fully resourced and has a slide explaining what needs to be printed/requested.
A Duke of Edinburgh training session aimed at teaching students how to use Tents and when different types of shelter are applicable. This includes 3 activities designed to teach about different types of camping shelter, the pros and cons of different shelters and when to them. (worksheet included)
This lesson includes a practical aspect of setting up tents. session takes around 1 hour.
Aimed at 13-16 year olds but applicable to older students and may be applicable to geography.
A Duke of Edinburgh skills lesson aimed to introduce students to basic first aid and emergency response in a camping/walking situation(s). This lesson includes a number of activities including discussion on first aid kits, use of survival shelter/blankets (optional), the recovery position, how to call for help and how to apply the knowledge to different scenarios.
Aimed at 13-16 year olds but applicable to older students.
This may also be applicable to Geography and outdoor skills classes.