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Unique resources created by an experienced Secondary English and History teacher. These are academically rigorous resources that target children between 13 and 18 years of age.




Unique resources created by an experienced Secondary English and History teacher. These are academically rigorous resources that target children between 13 and 18 years of age.
Modern History: Synthesis Lesson using sources about eugenics in Nazi Germany

Modern History: Synthesis Lesson using sources about eugenics in Nazi Germany

Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). This lesson includes: 1 x PowerPoint 1 x Booklet containing sources and activities which help students to practice synthesising and forming historical arguments based on information from sources 1x synthesis poster that I made on the Canva website Context: My school runs this program in Alternative Sequence (yr 11 and 12s in together) due to the small size of the school. The sequence of this lesson: This lesson followed on from a lesson about evaluating sources. It begins with some advice about evaluating taken from the QCAA’s 2021 Modern History subject report. This is followed by a warm up where students are shown 5 example exam questions and they have to explain what they believe the question is asking them to do. This is followed by viewing a visual source and students have to suggest what the explicit and implicit meanings are. This is followed by another visual source where they have to suggest the intended reading and the ideologies showcased by the source. Following this, the learning intentions and success criteria are unpacked before turning our attention to the core skill for the lesson: synthesis. It begins by defining this term and looking at some words which may appear in a question which would hint that you are being asked to synthesise. This is followed by a 6 step process that students can use when synthesising. This is followed by an example student response to IA1 (essay under exam conditions) taken from the QCAA’s 2021 Modern History Subject Report. After reading this exemplar the class discusses the merits of this work. Following this, the year 12s begin working through the synthesising work booklet while I take the year 11’s through some more explicit teaching. It begins with what questions to ask yourself when interrogating sources. This is followed by tips of how to introduce the authors of sources (as this helps the reader know how credible the points are). There are tips for how to talk about two sources simultaneously. We then unpack how synthesising is assessed in the QLD Modern History criteria (guide to making judgements). The importance of creating a sophisticated historical argument is emphasised. This is followed by an example historical argument for a different topic. This is followed by instruction on how to create a purposeful topic sentence for each body paragraph. Next information about what should be featured in supporting sentences and the final linking sentence is provided. Then year 11’s begin working on the independent work booklet while I go through the answers with the year 12s. Students complete any unfinished portions of the booklet for homework.
Homework booklet for students reading Once by Morris Gleitzman

Homework booklet for students reading Once by Morris Gleitzman

Includes 6 weeks worth of homework activities including chapter questions, a vocabulary list (and activities) and tips for creative writing. It steps students through an assessment task which requires students to write a short story (a transformation of a section of the novel and a preface justifying their creative decisions). Specific task details are below. Mode/Medium: Imaginative Written short story (fiction). Subject Matter: Throughout time short stories have captured the imaginations of both readers and listeners. A good short story will capture the interest of its audience and hold it to the end. Purpose: To entertain and demonstrate your knowledge of the short story genre. Task: For this task you have a choice: 1. Write an imaginative short story that creates a character or “gives voice” to a silenced or marginalised character in the novel that you have studied in class. 2. Place the character into the novel which you have studied in class. This can be at the beginning, the middle or end of a scene. For example, you might write from the perspective of someone who observed an event, assisted the protagonist or befriended them. Or you may create a new character. E.g. A new best friend for the protagonist. Your teacher will explain what it means to “give voice” to a character in a novel. Your character must interact with the novel’s protagonist. You may change the storyline and plot to accommodate your character if you desire, however, your story must remain true to the themes and setting of the novel. (E.g. you can’t turn it into a comedy or change the country where the novel is set). Requirements: Length is to be 400-500 words plus a 100 word preface explaining how the story is both original and imaginative. You must demonstrate that you have a sound knowledge of short story conventions and adhere to the short story structure. You can make your story both original and imaginative in the following ways: • Creative use of the conventions of a short story, for example a twist at the end. • Create non-stereotyped characters that make unpredictable choices. • Juxtapose related texts. • Promote alternative beliefs and values through your writing.
Teen Stereotypes Unit

Teen Stereotypes Unit

PowerPoint 1: Unit introduction including classroom expectations (rules), an explanation of the unit, key questions for the unit, explaining the 2 assessment tasks, looking at famous quotes about teens and seeing if they agree, a list of teen issues and themes, common settings and characters for teen films. PowerPoint 2: exploring teenage stereotypes. This lesson defines stereotypes and gives examples of what stereotypes are, explores why we stereotype people, looks at common stereotypes about teenagers. The PPT includes excerpts from 2 Hollywood films (10 Things I Hate About You & Mean Girls) and questions to encourage students to identify the stereotypes in them.
12 Essential English – Hero and Villain Pop Culture Unit – Film Review Handout

12 Essential English – Hero and Villain Pop Culture Unit – Film Review Handout

About the PPT: A PPT designed to be used when handing out the assessment. It visually displays key information from the task sheet. There is some information about what I look for in a multimodal spoken presentation. I also have information about how to structure a PowerPoint (particularly if students plan on incorporating their spoken delivery into the slide). There are details from the school’s oral assessment policy – particularly around pre recording their submission. There is an example PPT which I created for Aquaman. There are also instructions for how to record themselves. About the Word Documents: A planning scaffolding document to be completed before students begin writing. A writing scaffold with lines for students to write on as students are required to handwrite their drafts to avoid AI usage. A B standard exemplar for The Incredibles A B standard exemplar for Justice League Context: A lesson designed for use in a 12 Essential English classroom in Queensland, Australia as part of Unit 4: “Representations and popular culture texts.” During this unit students learned about Hero and Villain films and how filmmakers use cinematic techniques to portray them and create an intended message. Their assessment at the end of this unit was to write a 4-6 minute multimodal (speech) to be delivered live or pre-recorded reviewing one of the three films shown within the unit.
Modern History - Evaluating sources about Youth in Nazi Germany

Modern History - Evaluating sources about Youth in Nazi Germany

Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). This lesson includes: 1 x list of source types for warm up evaluation activity (can be laminated with a magnet on the back for sorting activity) 1 x PowerPoint 1 x Source Booklet with sources about Hitler Youth 1 x Independent Work Booklet with various activities designed to help students practice the evaluation skill Context: My school runs this program in Alternative Sequence (yr 11 and 12s in together) due to the small size of the school. The lesson begins with some teaching that both grades can do together before the year 12s are assigned some independent work and the year 11s are given some more focused teaching. Then the year 11’s do independent work while the year 12s share their answers and receive feedback. The sequence of the lesson: The lesson begins with a warm up activity where students have to place types of sources on a grid in terms of how reliable and useful they typically are. Next students have to brainstorm some synonyms and antonyms for ‘reliable’ and ‘useful.’ Following this, year 12s are given a booklet which has evaluation activities (starting at simple activities and building up to those styled like the short response questions in the Term 4 exam). They begin completing these while the year 11’s get a more teacher centred lesson. In this portion of the lesson we begin with defining ‘evaluate’ before zooming in on the evaluation criteria we use in modern history – reliability and usefulness. There is information about what reliability is and that there are levels of reliability. There are tips for how to write a judgement of reliability and some things to look for when determining reliability. There is a list of reasons why a source may be deemed unreliable. There is an example reliability statement which has been colour coded to show how the writer has included various features of evidence in their evaluation. Following this, the gradual release method is used to engage with the first few sources in the booklet. (I explain the first activity, we engage with Source 1 and then complete the question together – with me modelling my thinking process via think alouds. Students then do Source 2 as a pair and Source 3 on their own). This is followed by explicit teaching on how to determine the usefulness of a source. There is also information about the importance of corroboration (including a video from the History Skills website). This is followed by some sentence starters which can be used when corroborating. This is followed by completing activities from the booklet (first as a we do, then students do one in a pair, then they do one on their own). Following this, the year 11’s continue doing the booklet independently while I go through the answers with the year 12s.
Deadly Unna: Chapters 6 - 10

Deadly Unna: Chapters 6 - 10

A PowerPoint used to teach chapters 6-10 of Phillip Gwynne’s 1998 novel Deadly Unna? We would read one chapter at a time (or listen to the audio book on CD) and then students would answer the chapter questions. This PowerPoint contains a summary for each chapter and then slides with answers to the chapter questions. The PPT also includes links to ClickView where parts of the film Australian Rules have been snipped which illustrate events from that particular chapter (I did not show the film in its entirety as it has some parts where it differs from the novel). This PPT also includes the questions for chapters 11-14 (no answers). Resources designed for 10 English in Queensland, Australia. It is part of a novel study unit which culminates in a 90-minute examination (500 to 800-word essay). Students had 1 week notice of the question and could bring 100 words of notes in with them.
Ned Kelly English Unit - Black Snake Imaginative Recount Assessment Task and scaffolding

Ned Kelly English Unit - Black Snake Imaginative Recount Assessment Task and scaffolding

A PowerPoint explaining the assessment task to students and what they are being marked on. This is interlaced with tips and activities for the various criteria. There are tips for writing dialogue (reviewing punctuation rules), past vs present tense, homophones etc. It also includes a list of common errors made by students in the previous year for this task. A planning booklet for students to use to brainstorm their ideas prior to writing their short story (aka imaginative recount). It includes prompts and graphic organisers which students can work through in class and for homework. A series of PowerPoints designed for the drafting phase of the unit. Each begins with a mini lesson with a specific focus (e.g. characterisation, juxtaposition etc.) they then focus on students writing a particular part of the narrative in the lesson (e.g. orientation) with hints, examples and reminders. A graphic organiser for students to write their short story (imaginative recount) into. A draft feedback form which lists common errors that students make. The teacher merely needs to highlight the feedback which applies to the student. This speeds up the drafting workload for the teacher and ensures all students are receiving consistent feedback based on the cognitive verbs prioritised in the unit. Part of a set of resources created for a year 7 English class in Australia (ACARA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons (with extra activities as a back up if the class is advanced). The focus text is ‘Black Snake: The Daring of Ned Kelly’ by Carole Wilkinson.
Hunger Games 2 (Catching Fire) Student Work Booklet

Hunger Games 2 (Catching Fire) Student Work Booklet

This booklet has been designed as part of a unit of work on Catching Fire (the second book in the Hunger Games trilogy). It includes activities about characters, the setting and language features which students are to complete as they read the novel. There are also questions about the events/themes/character's perspectives et cetera for each chapter. This is all in preparation for a creative writing assessment where students take what they have learned to create two or three diary entries which provide insight into a minor character from the novel. In doing so they must reveal the personality of their character through what they see, think, feel, hope for and fear. Students were assessed on how purposefully they shaped their representations of people, places, events and concepts in the novel.
Hunger Games 1 Homework Booklet - comprehension questions

Hunger Games 1 Homework Booklet - comprehension questions

Hunger Games 1 Student Work Booklet. This booklet has been designed as part of a unit of work on moral issues. It includes activities about characters, the setting and language features which students are to complete as they read the novel. There are also questions about the events/themes/character's perspectives et cetera for each chapter. This is all in preparation for a feature article assessment where students respond to the following statement:‘In times of conflict people disregard the social and moral norms of the time. This has been reflected in various fictional texts.’ Students must form and argument and persuade their audience to accept your viewpoint. They also had to analyse quotes and examples from the novel and use them to justify their argument. Within their feature article they had to:  Use specific examples of moral issues from The Hunger Games.  Focus on one or two characters in the novel (and their perspective of the moral issue).  Quote from the novel and identify language features which help position readers to view the moral issue in a particular way. You must explain the effect of these language features  Include genre features such as a headline, by-line, two columns, images and captions  Write in 3rd person and use a range of language features to engage your readers (e.g. similes, metaphors, rhetorical questions etc.).
12 Essential English IA1 task handout – persuasive multimodal

12 Essential English IA1 task handout – persuasive multimodal

A PowerPoint taking students through the assessment task (a 4-6 minute multimodal presentation). It includes a list of possible issues under the following categories: environmental issues; human rights issues; mental health issues and cultural / heritage issues. The requirements for filming their speech are included. Information about devices available to film their speeches on are provided. information is also provided about the live presentations and the requirement to submit a recorded draft. The importance of not getting an N is explained. Following this, the criteria is explained (I have turned these into student friendly “I can” statements.) Following this there is an exemplar speech about “Youth Mental Health” to read as a class. Afterwards the various parts of a persuasive speech are explained [thesis > introductions > body paragraphs > conclusion]. Then students are shown the specific structure intended for their 4 body paragraphs. Then they have time to work on their planning booklet. A copy of the “I Can” Statements The planning booklet which students used (it contained research prompts and planning steps before they began writing)
Nineteen-Eighty Four: Themes in the Text

Nineteen-Eighty Four: Themes in the Text

A PowerPoint presentation designed for use in a Grade 12 English class. it was designed to prepare the students for their external exam (where they have to produce an analytical essay in response to an unseen question / statement about the text). The lesson includes: • A warm up where students brainstorm some themes in the novel (20 options pop up as you click) • An explanation of the following themes: Theme 1: The Dangers of Totalitarianism; Theme 2: Psychological Manipulation; Theme 3: Physical Control; Theme 4: Control of information and history; Theme 5: Technology; Theme 6: Language as mind control; Theme 7: Philosophical Viewpoints; • Questions to prompt discussions Resources designed for the new senior General English syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The syllabus objectives would also be useful more broadly for English students in other states and countries with an interest in this text.
Nineteen-Eighty-Four: Lesson reviewing Stylistic Devices (Text Structures)

Nineteen-Eighty-Four: Lesson reviewing Stylistic Devices (Text Structures)

A PowerPoint presentation designed for use in a Grade 12 English class. it was designed to prepare the students for their external exam (where they have to produce an analytical essay in response to an unseen question / statement about the text). The lesson includes: • A warm up activity where students must find the language features in a song • An explanation of the term ‘stylistic devices’ from the syllabus • An explanation of ‘characterisation’ and a series of slides about this • Information about types of characters – sympathetic / unsympathetic, stereotypical etc. • Viewing activities to apply this new knowledge. • An explanation of ‘setting’ and ‘atmosphere’ + how some settings can be symbolic • An explanation of ‘tone’ and ‘mood’ • An explanation of ‘themes’ and ‘symbols’ • An explanation of literary voice and narrative viewpoint (e.g. external omniscient, internal, external limited, naïve) • An explanation of narrative structure and how this can effect meaning • A couple of examples from Nineteen Eighty Four Resources designed for the new senior General English syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The syllabus objectives would also be useful more broadly for English students in other states and countries with an interest in this text.
Nineteen-Eighty Four: Lesson unpacking Book 1, Chapters 1-5

Nineteen-Eighty Four: Lesson unpacking Book 1, Chapters 1-5

A PowerPoint presentation designed for use in a Grade 12 English class. It includes: • A summary of Chapter 1 and screen shots from the movie to illustrate key characters and locations • Important things to note about chapter 1 • Notes about how Orwell developed the setting (including quotes) • Information about surveillance and the ministries • Details about the protagonist Winston Smith and his diary • Important people that we meet in this chapter – Julia and O’Brien • The small distractions available to citizens – Victory Gin & Victory Cigarettes • The answers to the Ch 1 questions in the student work booklet (also available in my store) • A summary of Chapter 2 (including info about the junior spies) • Information about Hitler Youth (who were likely the inspiration for the junior spies in the novel) • Answers to the Ch 2 questions • A summary of Chapter 3 • Information about the Panopticon (18th Century) which may have influenced Orwell • Answers to the Ch 3 questions • A summary of Chapter 4 • Answers to Ch 4 questions • A summary of Chapter 5 • Answers to Ch 5 questions • A map showing Oceania, Eastasia and Eurasia • Some character profiles (to check what information students have located thus far) Resources designed for the new senior General English syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The syllabus objectives would also be useful more broadly for English students in other states and countries with an interest in this text.
Nineteen-Eighty Four: Historical Context

Nineteen-Eighty Four: Historical Context

A PowerPoint presentation designed for use in a Grade 12 English class. It includes: • Instructions for reading activities including what important information to record about the characters, • Historical context for Nineteen Eighty Four (when it was written, what the world was like post WW2 (during the Cold War), Orwell’s inspirations) • Key political terms – communism, fascism, totalitarianism, dictatorship etc., • Historical figures – Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin, Leon Trotsky • Examples of propaganda and rewriting history used by Stalin • Examples of propaganda and censorship in Nineteen Eighty Four • Orwell’s reasons for writing the text – i.e. showcasing his concerns for the future Resources designed for the new senior General English syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The syllabus objectives would also be useful more broadly for English students in other states and countries with an interest in this text.
Deadly Unna: Chapters 16-21

Deadly Unna: Chapters 16-21

A PowerPoint used to teach chapters 16-21 of Phillip Gwynne’s 1998 novel Deadly Unna? As these chapters weren’t crucial to the task, I summarised them rather than reading them with the class. This PowerPoint contains a summary for each chapter and then slides with chapter questions (no answers). The PPT also includes a creative writing activity for fast finishers (a way of exploring perspective). Resources designed for 10 English in Queensland, Australia. It is part of a novel study unit which culminates in a 90-minute examination (500 to 800-word essay). Students had 1 week notice of the question and could bring 100 words of notes in with them. Within this unit students explored how an author’s use of language features, images and vocabulary contributed to the representation of themes in the novel. They also gained a deeper understanding of key literary techniques, including (but not limited to) characterisation, plot, and setting.
The Hunger Games: Moral issues - Inequality and murder

The Hunger Games: Moral issues - Inequality and murder

One PowerPoint taken from a year 10 English unit taught in an Australian school. This PowerPoint is comprehensive and could be used over a few lessons. Within the unit Students compare and contrast the social, moral and ethical themes in the novel 'The Hunger Games.' Students are being prepared to evaluate how text structures and language features can be used to influence audience response. This presentation focuses on two moral issues within the text: Inequality and murder. It begins with a definition of inequality and listing the various types of inequality. This is followed by a YouTube video (a vox pop about Inequality in America) to clarify student's understandings of these issues. Subsequently, students are introduced to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and some of the important articles within this document. Students watch a clip from the second film and must identify which of those rights are being violated in the text. Information is provided contrasting life in District 12 with life in The Capitol. Extracts are provided for students to analyse to see how Collins constructs this inequality through her use of language devices. Different examples of inequality within the novel are provided. Reflection questions are provided at the end of this section for students to demonstrate what they have learned. In the murder section students are introduced to the terms murder and manslaughter and the differences between these crimes. Discussion questions are provided to get students to share their views on this issue. The PowerPoint then looks into the Christian perspective on murder focusing on scripture including one of the ten commandments. Following this the focus turns to killing within The Hunger Games and the various characters attitudes towards this. Film clips, quotes or summaries of each time Katniss kills in the games are provided.
12 Essential English – Unit Plan for IA4 – Australian narratives unit

12 Essential English – Unit Plan for IA4 – Australian narratives unit

Unit plan designed for a 10-week term of 12 Essential English. It includes a subject description, a description of the unit, a list of unit objectives (from the syllabus), my planned teaching and learning cycle, the unit learning intentions and success criteria, assessment task details and a list of recommended resources. Also included is the Learning Intentions & Success Criteria handout which students glue in their books + a more comprehensive Know-Do-Think table which teachers developed as a shared understanding of what we were looking for when marking the assessment.
Nineteen-Eighty-Four: Lesson Reviewing Aesthetic Features

Nineteen-Eighty-Four: Lesson Reviewing Aesthetic Features

A PowerPoint presentation designed for use in a Grade 12 English class. it was designed to prepare the students for their external exam (where they have to write an essay in response to a question / statement about the text). The lesson includes: • A quick quiz (11 questions) to establish prior knowledge (answers pop up when clicked) • An explanation of language features (with examples provided). Terms included: paradox, oxymoron, allusion, binary oppositions, portmanteau, motif, metaphor, extended metaphors (aka conceit), personification, simile, symbolism, • Information about the following techniques in Nineteen Eighty Four: allusion, binary oppositions, portmanteaus, symbolism, • A language features quiz to check for understanding (6 questions) Bonus resource: A word document table for assigning students a specific chapter to analyse (to contribute to the Class One Note) Resources designed for the new senior General English syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The syllabus objectives would also be useful more broadly for English students in other states and countries with an interest in this text.
Deadly Unna: Chapters 11-15

Deadly Unna: Chapters 11-15

A PowerPoint used to teach chapters 11-15 of Phillip Gwynne’s 1998 novel Deadly Unna? We would read one chapter at a time (or listen to the audio book on CD) and then students would answer the chapter questions. This PowerPoint contains a summary for each chapter and then slides with answers to the chapter questions. The PPT also includes links to ClickView where parts of the film Australian Rules have been snipped which illustrate events from that particular chapter (I did not show the film in its entirety as it has some parts where it differs from the novel). This PPT also includes the questions for chapters 16-17 (no answers). Resources designed for 10 English in Queensland, Australia. It is part of a novel study unit which culminates in a 90-minute examination (500 to 800-word essay). Students had 1 week notice of the question and could bring 100 words of notes in with them. Within this unit students explored how an author’s use of language features, images and vocabulary contributed to the representation of themes in the novel. They also gained a deeper understanding of key literary techniques, including (but not limited to) characterisation, plot, and setting.