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One Stop English and Humanities Shop

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Unique resources created by an experienced Secondary English and History teacher. These are academically rigorous resources that target children between 13 and 18 years of age.




Unique resources created by an experienced Secondary English and History teacher. These are academically rigorous resources that target children between 13 and 18 years of age.
Hospitality Studies – Celebrity Chef Unit – Viewing an episode of Luke Nguyen’s Vietnam

Hospitality Studies – Celebrity Chef Unit – Viewing an episode of Luke Nguyen’s Vietnam

A free worksheet used for watching Season 2, Episode 1 of Luke Nguyen’s Vietnam (available on Click View – if your school is a member). In Luke Nguyen’s Vietnam, the popular chef explores the country of his heritage, cooking up an abundance of dishes from this much-loved cuisine. In this episode, Luke explores the food and culture of Hue, home to the ruling Emperors of the 17th century in central Vietnam. The recipes prepared In this episode are available on the SBS website. Resources designed for use in an 11 Hospitality Practices class in Australia (2019 curriculum). My school has 70-minute lessons. (2 x theory and 1 x prac).
War Poetry - Analysing Aftermath by Sigfried Sassoon

War Poetry - Analysing Aftermath by Sigfried Sassoon

A PowerPoint to guide students as they read the World War One poem ‘Aftermath.’ It includes information about the author’s background and encourages students to speculate about how that influenced him to write Aftermath. As they read the poem there are little discussion-prompting questions and annotations down the side. Afterwards, students will suggest an intended reading and explore how the language features contributed to this message. Finally, students will review what they have learned about WW1 as next lesson they will move onto a new time period. The handout with the typed questions from the PPT.
A brief history of cinema

A brief history of cinema

A PowerPoint exploring the origins and evolution of film (1895-present). Information about The Seven Ages of Film and the advent of sound. Video clips from 'Singing in the Rain' which depict how film studios began to make talking pictures. Looking at the advent of colour in films with clips from The Wizard of Oz showing the use of technicolour. Information about the introduction of The American movie rating system in 1968. The phenomena of Midnight movies - with clips from the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Protest poetry - unit intro and spelling words

Protest poetry - unit intro and spelling words

This is part of a series of resources developed for a year 8 English class in Australia. The first resource is a list of context-specific spelling words for the first six weeks of the term (24 words per week). The second is a PowerPoint introducing the unit and key terms. It specifies the difference between a theme and an issue, gives examples of specific social issues and it has a viewing activity to help students understand a particular social issue (poverty). Finally, it includes some images and creative writing prompts to get students thinking and writing themselves.
Joint construction of a feature article about the Simpsons activity and a lesson plan

Joint construction of a feature article about the Simpsons activity and a lesson plan

Document 1: a worksheet to step students through the process of writing a feature article. This is an interesting topic and ideally the students would work together to develop ideas and then share them with the teacher who would construct the feature article on the board. This is designed to be the students first experience of writing a feature article and uses the I do, we do, you do method where some paragraphs are provided while other sections have key points that the students need to elaborate on to complete the feature article. Document 2: The lesson plan for this activity with talking points and key questions to ask.
Political issues and the Liberal Party of Australia

Political issues and the Liberal Party of Australia

An introduction to the Liberal party and their ideology. A copy of one of their advertisements prior to the election. Some clips from the Chaser talking about the events in the lead up to the election. Looking at the Jobs and Growth slogan and what it meant. Looking at info on their website which explained how they were going to achieve this. Looking at the trickle down theory (and the flaws with this idea). A brief overview of the 14 election issues. Additional resource: voting in Australia booklet 2016 which explains the three levels of government in Australia, what electorates are, how federal elections work, how to enrol to vote, what a ballot paper looks like, how the results are counted, explaining what a referendum is and how to be an active citizen.
Australian politics - contentious issues

Australian politics - contentious issues

Looking at marriage equality and what has been said about it on Q&A (with some clips to watch). Another Q&A clip about Independent Candidate Bob Katter (in an episode about mental health) where he gets challenged by Josh Thomas about his homophobia and his denial that there are any gay people in his electorate. This lesson also looks at immigration (particularly illegal immigrants) and looks at the language used to label them. It also looks at newspaper articles and political cartoons about a drowned three year old Syrian boy, Aylan Kurdi, whose lifeless body was washed ashore in Turkey. It includes scaffolding to write an analysis of some of these political cartoons. PLEASE NOTE: this resource was made in 2016 before marriage equality was achieved in Australia. The discussion of refugee issues is still pertinent but much has happened since then thus have marked down the price
Australian Stereotypes - Crocodile Dundee

Australian Stereotypes - Crocodile Dundee

Two PowerPoints for a 9 English Unit. The first PowerPoint includes a synopsis of the film and the film trailer is embedded. This is followed by a range of clips and viewing questions. It also includes information about how Indigenous Australians are portrayed in the film. Additionally, there is a section on exploring key quotes. Students have to pick out the slang and the beliefs of the protagonist which are indicated in the quote. The second PowerPoint is a paragraph writing lesson. It takes students through the various stereotypes in the film and includes some pre-writing (planning) steps. It reviews the PEEEL paragraph structure. It includes some scaffolding (suggested sentence starters) along with an example paragraph (which is colour coded to indicate which section it addresses). After this activity, there is information about modality and some examples of high and low modality words. There is also some information about linking words.
Protest Poetry - Analysing poems using the STEP UP acronym

Protest Poetry - Analysing poems using the STEP UP acronym

4 resources designed for a year 8 poetry unit. The first is a PowerPoint which takes students through the STEP UP acronym which they will use to analyse poems in their upcoming assessment: subject matter, theme, emotions, poetic devices, your interpretation, purpose… It includes prompting questions that students should ask themselves to help guide their response for each category. It then includes a poem about a refugee and slides which work through the STEP UP process. The second is a worksheet for modified students which has most of the notes written so that they only have to write a few. The third is a handout which explains STEP UP which could be used as a poster. The fourth is a typed version of the analysis of the refugee poem (in a Word Doc)
Australian Stereotypes - The Drover's Wife (Henry Lawson)

Australian Stereotypes - The Drover's Wife (Henry Lawson)

For many decades women were marginalised from texts about life in the bush. If they were mentioned at all they were the wives waiting back at the homestead and played no real role in the text. One exception is the short story ‘The Drovers Wife’ (1894) written by Henry Lawson. This PPT and Work Sheet guide students to read and analyse the story and the effect of its language features and descriptions on readers.
Australian Stereotypes - the Aussie Bushman

Australian Stereotypes - the Aussie Bushman

As part of a year 9 English unit investigating means to be Australian, this PowerPoint looks at one of the earliest stereotypes about Australians: that of the rugged bushman. It focuses on the bushman stereotype and poems written by Henry Lawson and Banjo Patterson. This PowerPoint was designed to teach students how to: Evaluate the use of stereotypes in the texts explain how the poet’s use of language helps to create meaning in the poem and positions readers in a certain way. Explain what is accurate and what may be inaccurate about the Aussie bushman stereotype This lesson explains the origins of this bush myth and why it was adopted by Australians. It introduces students to poetic ballads including the Man from Snowy River (which they watch a youtube clip of and must then respond to a series of questions). It also includes a summary of challenges often depicted in these poems. Subsequently, students read a Henry Lawson Poem (Ballad of the Drover) to compare the writing styles of Lawson and Patterson. Poems are included in this resource (as a handout). This PPT also explains the link between bushmen and diggers, lists recent films which continue this stereotype etc.
Aussie Stereotypes - True Blue + Kath and Kim

Aussie Stereotypes - True Blue + Kath and Kim

PowerPoint: Watching an Australian music video to identify the various Australian identities and pastimes it features (to discuss whether these are accurate or stereotypical). Watching an excerpt of a sketch comedy program called ‘Big Girl’s Blouse’ (1994) where Kath and Kim originated. The youtube link to the sketch ''Kim's Wedding'' is included. Post-viewing questions and answers are included.
Satire featuring teenagers

Satire featuring teenagers

Two PowerPoints for a 10 English class. defines satire, introduces key terms that students need to know including hyperbole, irony and parody. Introduces Daria as an example satirical text.An example clip and viewing questions. Defining mockumentaries. How mockumentaries use satirical elements to reflect human experience. View excerpts an example mockumentary (Summer Heights High). 3 clips and responding questions.
Reading Comprehension - QAR strategy

Reading Comprehension - QAR strategy

3 resources 1) A worksheet which explains the QAR strategy. It then includes a passage (excerpt) from The Time Machine followed by a series of QAR questions. 2) some posters suitable for a year 6-9 English classroom (explaining the QAR terms) 3) a PDF explaining the QAR process for teachers.
War Poetry - Analysing William Blake's poem A War Song to Englishmen and Robert Frost's Not to Keep

War Poetry - Analysing William Blake's poem A War Song to Englishmen and Robert Frost's Not to Keep

PowerPoint. Learning about William Blake and British Colonial Expansion. They will learn about a fundamental ideology of the period: The divine right of kings. Students will read ‘A War Song to Englishmen’ which is accompanied by my annotations (which they may copy into their poetry booklets if they wish). Discuss how everything he wrote was infused with religious meaning so you will see that this poem operates on two levels. We will then compare this to another First World War poem written by American poet Robert Frost. After reading the poem, students will research Frost to gain further context. Afterwards they will highlight the poetic devices used in ‘Not to Keep.’ Venn Diagram for comparing the two poems a table used for analysing the poems to prepare students for their exam (these will become their revision tools)
Protest Poetry - analysing poems about The Stolen Generations

Protest Poetry - analysing poems about The Stolen Generations

A PowerPoint presentation which teaches students how to structure a paragraph using the PEEL acronym. This will be used by students when they write their reviews of the poems they will later read. The PPT includes the words to Kidnappers by Iris Clayton which explores some of the consequences of the stolen generation. Children are asked to write a PEEL paragraph in response to a set question. Depending on the ability level of the class this can be done independently or as a group with the teacher writing their suggestions on the board. This process is repeated for another two poems. I have also provided a handout with the words for each poem and the questions (for students who need hard copies). Additional resource: homework handout - a three level guide (designed to prompt higher order thinking about the topic).
Protest poetry - An introduction to the Stolen Generations

Protest poetry - An introduction to the Stolen Generations

This is a history style lesson designed to help children understand the Stolen Generations before the next lesson where they will view poems about this issue and have to analyse them. It introduces students to the assimilation policy, includes images of newspaper advertisements at the time (selling half-caste children) and looks at the beliefs held at the time about this issue. It includes clips from the film Rabbit Proof Fence along with questions to help check for understanding and to develop empathy. Following this, information is provided about what the institutions were like as well as historical sources (testimonies of stolen children remembering the day they were taken). Finally, it looks at the effects and consequences of the stolen generation with information taken from the Creative Spirits website. Additional resources: A handout with the questions for the Rabbit Proof Fence viewing activity. A homework handout (mind mapping the effects of the stolen generation.)
Protest Poetry - Intro to critical literacy terms and poetic devices

Protest Poetry - Intro to critical literacy terms and poetic devices

Two powerpoints used in a 8 English protest poetry unit I designed. The first explores: What is critical literacy and why do we need these skills? How will it help us to understand protest poems? It introduces key critical literacy terms (ideology, privileged, intended reading, marginalised, silenced etc.) It includes a list of things it is important to be aware of when viewing or reading a poem/text. It also begins to introduce students to Indigenous Australian issues as these are the first series of poems to be explored. It includes poems about colonisation and questions to prompt students to analyse these poems. The second is an introduction to poetic devices which includes definitions and examples of personification, rhyme, onomatopoeia, alliteration, simile, metaphor etc. Additional resource: A handout I use at the end of the poetic devices lesson to check whether the students have understood what was taught (it is a matching terms activity).