Produced for gifted and talented KS2 students to spark aspiration, and develop skills. As this is open-ended it could be used with students of any ability, as it has scaffolds and prompts to support thinking and investigation if needed.
Could be used over a long period of time, to drop in and out of, or as holiday homework. There are 10 challenges, which can be completed individually in isolation, as a complete set, and in any order. A range of topics are included to develop a wider range of skills, and to capture student interest.
Carousel activity: pictures, equation and general info to be spread around the classroom, depending on level of ability.
Demo: Yeast and glucose solution, with layer of oil on top. Delivery tube to limewater.
Year 9 OCR GCSE Biology.
Practical - stomach acid contents made by science technicians so students may complete a Benedict's test, Sudan (III) stain and Biuret reagent
Lesson designed for Year 9 iGCSE class, high ability. Lesson plan and worksheets all included.
Starter: As students enter the room, pictures laid out on the tables. Can they work out the lesson topic?
Main: 4 stations set up around the room for students to consider the causes, effects, solutions to acid rain and an intro to Indicator species.
Plenary: Used a word loop on acid rain and the greenhouse effect, found on Tes.
Graded Outstanding
Biology lesson on theme of Conservation
Starter: images printed on the tables.Students to link these to previous learning (human impact on the environment, population) and try to decipher the topic of the lesson.
True/false activity - students write 1-6 in the back of their books and decide whether each statement is true or false. At the end of the session, revisit this task and allow them to change answers. Then go through altogether and see who has improved their understanding since they first did this.Amazing way to show progress!
Main: group activity, each group given information pack on a species, and they work to answer the questions in the presentation and design a conservation program.
Comprehension activity to consolidate learning.
Plenary: conservation loop game to be completed in small groups, good competition!
This lesson was graded as OUTSTANDING.
Year 7 Science lesson with cross-curricular themes.
Practical where students are given a sample of muddy water and need to consider how they would clean this. After having an initial brainstorm, then give them the equipment and see if they can use this to draft their method.
Link to citizenship, as students consider the work of Water Aid, and the global issue and consequences that arise from lack of clean drinking water. Very thought provoking lesson, and encourages students to think deeply on the subject matter. Students really enjoyed the challenge of this lesson.
Was rated outstanding by observer.
Year 7 Science lesson - theme of exploration.
As they enter the classroom there are an array of items spread out on their desks. I used opera glasses, a fossil collection, a meat thermometer, heart rate monitor, etc.
The aim is to get them to brainstorm their thoughts, which focus on what we already know, rather than asking questions and concentrating on the unknown. Prompt them to consider this and develop their questioning!
In groups they take a research topic where much doubt remains. They look at what people used to think, what scientists now believe and what we may find out in the future. Then present their findings to other groups, I used a carousel activity.
Amazing results - one group looked at subatomic particles down to quarks!
Could be spread over more than one lesson. Worked really successfully with my group, as children realised that science is evolving and many questions must be asked if we are to enhance human understanding.
Year 9 Physics lesson, could be adapted.
Students to work in small groups to put the order of events in a power station into the correct sequence.
Discussion of fission and fusion.
Students given source cards and to decide how they would invest the government energy budget, using evidence to support their answers.
Exam question practice - could peer assess using markscheme.
Plenary: nuclear energy loop game
Lesson designed for KS3 to creatively approach the topic of the tilt of Earth's axis and the seasons. Using hibernation and migration to explore these concepts.
Students start by watching short clip (John Lewis Bear and the Hare)
Research activity on the seasons and hibernation
Choice of task: produce a documentary on the tilt of the axis OR to imagine a world without seasons (choose how to present this). Lower ability could make a model to demonstrate how the tilt affects the seasons.
Taboo plenary
For use over several lessons to enable students to explore this area fully. Fun and interactive!!! (and highlighting the hedgehog which is in huge decline in this country)
100 minute session designed for KS3 - could be expanded or reduced.
Students understand the role of the respiratory system through:
- true or false activity with key stats
- demo of lambs lungs with bellow
- ordering the sentences for inhalation and exhalation
- team challenge to make a model of the system using limited resources
- introduce gas exchange
100 minute session on the effect of exercise, smoking and asthma on the lungs
Could be extended over several lessons.
Learners conduct a practical to measure lung capacity, and could test the effect of exercise on breathing rate
Focus on graph work and concluding practical results.
Resource I made to cover a couple of tutorial sessions, as we rejoin after the Christmas break.
We discussed the number of famous people who died in 2016, and how they were influential. I went through two examples of inspirational people (this could be adapted) - Carrie Fisher for her work with mental health issues, and George Michael regarding his charity work and LGBT campaigns.
Pupils then asked to consider who inspires them and to prepare a presentation on this, to deliver to the class/table to convince them of why their icon is the most inspirational (and the effect they have had on them). Class then votes. Good way to get them to consider what makes someone inspirational.
Nice mix of celebrities, characters from novels, campaigners, and family members.
Year 7 Science lesson, focus on forces, building considerations, and developing collaboration skills.
Students to consider compression and tension as forces that affect building stability.
Students to think about the factors which affect your building design.
Students to design and create their own structure using spaghetti and marshmallows.
Students to update the 'Leaning tower of learning'.
Extension activity