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Gym Cardio Challenge Cards
A series of challenge cards to be used for rowing machines, treadmills, exercise bikes and cross trainers. Students can choose from a series of challenges on each card catered for different levels, focusing on distances travelled and calories burnt. Additionally, students can be challenged on their theory, with traffic light questions focusing on components of fitness (excellent for non-doers!).

Basketball Set Shot Checklist
Basketball Set Shot step by step using the BEEF technique. Can be used for self, peer or teacher assessment using bronze, silver and gold.

Circuit Training differentiated stations
Set of 12 differentiated (bronze, silver, gold) circuit training cards. Including pictures of how to complete each station (for each level) and which muscles are being worked at this station.

Gymnastics Rolls and Rotations
Gymnastics rolls and rotations step by step bronze, silver and gold cards

TopRounders - batting game
Batting Technique step by step, key teaching points card
TopRounders - rounders batting target game instructions and score cards

KS3 Badminton Scheme of Work
6 lesson scheme of work for badminton, using Head, Heart, Hands assessment criteria. Lesson aims, activities, differentiation, misconceptions and questioning included.