Fully differentiated lesson on Introduction and Government from the Early Elizabethan England GCSE module.
Introduction to the course
Context on who Elizabeth was and the situation when she came to power in England
Organise different roles and jobs in England
Task to give an understanding of roles in Elizabethan England
Explain what jobs the Queen should do
Plenary: Source inference activity
Part of a Year 9 Scheme of Work on the Holocaust. Resources are differentiated and include various activities. Includes some resources from the Holocaust Trust.
Fully differentiated lesson on the GCSE Edexcel Elizabethan England module.
Activity sheet on the changing relationship between Mary QoS and Elizabeth
Introduction: Anagrams of key words
Main: Watch video on Mary's early life, and complete flow chart to explain it. Easily differentiated for weaker students.
Choice activity - based on what could Elizabeth do to help/stop Mary QoS.
Evaluate changes in the relationship using activity sheet.
Progress check - why might Elizabeth want to help Mary?
Judgement - what is the main reason Mary was a threat to Elizabeth and why?
Plenary: Using the summary sheet (attached), highlight all key names and phrases to help with revision
Fully differentiated lesson on the GCSE Edexcel Elizabethan England module.
Introduction: How many differences can you think of between the rich and the poor
Main: What different activities do you think different social groups may have done?
Sport or pastime activity
Research leisure activities in the Elizabethan era, recording the information in a table
Progress check: How varied were the activities for the different social groups?
Debate tennis
Plenary: Complete the gaps in the summary sheets using the words on the board
Fully differentiated lesson on the GCSE Edexcel Elizabethan England module.
Fully differentiated resources on each of the three plots against Elizabeth.
Introduction: Can you guess what all of the following had in common?
Main: Complete research on each of the three main plots against Elizabeth.
Progress check - Various questions on the plots to check understanding.
Evaluation - Judge how much of a threat each of the plots was to Elizabeth
Explain why Mary was executed
Plenary: Can you complete the summary sheet using the key words on the board.
Fully differentiated lesson on the GCSE Edexcel Elizabethan England module.
Differentiated resources on the reasons why the Armada failed
Summary sheet for topic
Introduction: Source inference from a picture
Main: Order the events of the Armada
Research why the Armada failed. Use differentiated resources according to GCSE target grades (or as you feel appropriate)
Source analysis activity
What was the significance of the Armada?
Plenary: Draw a cartoon to illustrate what you learnt today
Fully differentiated lesson on the GCSE Edexcel Elizabethan England module.
Information sheets on the challenges that Elizabethan faced when she got to power
Starter: Comparing the roles between Elizabeth I and Elizabeth II
Main: Add key definitions to glossaries
Using information sheets, research different challenges that Elizabeth faced. Extensions built into presentation.
Progress checks to check understanding.
Tasks 2/3/4 build on knowledge, eg based on these challenges, what advice would you give Elizabeth?
Plenary: 30 word challenge - can you sum up what you learnt in 30 words?
Fully differentiated lesson on the GCSE Edexcel Elizabethan England module.
Differentiated sources on Elizabethan England
Source inference activity
Main: Explain what an Elizabethan timetable at school was like
Research what education was like in Elizabethan schools, using differentiated sets of sources.
Reflect on did everything change
Plenary: How far do you agree with the statement "Did everything change for education"?
Fully differentiated lesson on the GCSE Edexcel Elizabethan England module.
Table to record information
Differentiated information sheets on the key figures in the revolt
Introduction: Why might Elizabeth face lots of threats?
Main: For each of the key figures, explain WHY they might want to revolt. Use the differentiated information sheets.
Categorise the main causes of the revolt.
Events of the revolt - order the key events. Then, for each stage, give a rating of a 5 for how much danger there was for Elizabeth at each point.
What was the significance?
Plenary: What were the consequences of the revolt?
Fully differentiated lesson on the GCSE Edexcel Elizabethan England module.
Drake information sheet
Drake sheet to complete
Topic summary sheet
Introduction: Can you link any of the pictures together?
Main: Spider diagram for why exploration was becoming more popular
Add in answers on the board to your spider diagrams
Who was Francis Drake?
Use the information sheets to complete your A3 sheets on Drake's exploration
Progress check
Plenary: Tweet It!
This is a full scheme of work on World War II and the Holocaust, aimed for Year 9 (13-14).
All lessons are fully resourced, with a document containing all resources needed for the lesson. There is a detailed and varied powerpoint for each lesson.
Lessons on the Holocaust are made following guidance from HET (Holocaust Educational Trust) about how to best teach the Holocaust in schools.
All lessons will also be available separately to buy for £2 each on my author’s page.
Fully differentiated lesson on the GCSE Edexcel Elizabethan England module.
Differentiated information on the issue of religion
Starter: Recap on the previous learning so far
Main: Context on the issue of religion in Europe at the time
Using the differentiated information sheets on religion, complete a Venn diagram on the similarities and differences between the Catholics, Puritans and Protestants. Extensions built into presentation.
Explain the acts that Elizabeth brought in.
Explain how you think people from each religion would have reacted based on what you have learnt this lesson.
Plenary: Draw a cartoon to represent how Elizabeth dealt with religion
This is a full scheme of work on World War II and the Holocaust, aimed for Year 9 (13-14).
All lessons are fully resourced, with a document containing all resources needed for the lesson. There is a detailed and varied powerpoint for each lesson.
Lessons on the Holocaust are made following guidance from HET (Holocaust Educational Trust) about how to best teach the Holocaust in schools.
All lessons will also be available separately to buy for £2 each on my author’s page.
This is a full scheme of work on World War II and the Holocaust, aimed for Year 9 (13-14).
All lessons are fully resourced, with a document containing all resources needed for the lesson. There is a detailed and varied powerpoint for each lesson.
Lessons on the Holocaust are made following guidance from HET (Holocaust Educational Trust) about how to best teach the Holocaust in schools.
All lessons will also be available separately to buy for £2 each on my author’s page.
Created by me and used with our key worker students during the lockdown period.
There are 30 cards, all covering key characters/monsters from famous greek myths.
Categories are all out of 100 (highest wins) - Brains, Strength, Speed, Fighting Skill and Importance.
Have fun!
This is the full knowledge organiser created for my Year 12 class, studying the Edexcel Communism in the 20th Century pathway, USSR half.
It covers all key names, acronyms, dates and words for all units.
In my shop I have another link for the GDR half of the course, also sets of starter revision questions for both units.
This is a full scheme of work on World War II and the Holocaust, aimed for Year 9 (13-14).
All lessons are fully resourced, with a document containing all resources needed for the lesson. There is a detailed and varied powerpoint for each lesson.
Lessons on the Holocaust are made following guidance from HET (Holocaust Educational Trust) about how to best teach the Holocaust in schools.
All lessons will also be available separately to buy for £2 each on my author’s page.
This is a full scheme of work on World War II and the Holocaust, aimed for Year 9 (13-14).
All lessons are fully resourced, with a document containing all resources needed for the lesson. There is a detailed and varied powerpoint for each lesson.
Lessons on the Holocaust are made following guidance from HET (Holocaust Educational Trust) about how to best teach the Holocaust in schools.
All lessons will also be available separately to buy for £2 each on my author’s page.