OCR Transition metal reaction student sheet - great for revision at the end of the topic to provide students with a summary sheet of reactions or can be used as a revision resource before A-level exams
The document contains a student worksheet on a selected few chemistry required practicals.
Titration, energy changes, rates - gas collection and disappearing cross.
It includes opportunities for students to recall the method using a diagram, helpful hints as well as common follow on questions.
OCR Acids, bases and buffers ‘cheat sheet’. Helpful for students who require greater scaffolding with their calculations in this topic. Has proved very beneficial with students who like to follow a set method.
The PowerPoint contains a series of placemats with reduced notes. It focuses on the key points from the first 5 chapters. There are also questions after each placemat and answers.
Students can read through the placemat using a highlighter to pick out key words and phrases.
Students can then complete the questions with the aid of the notes.