
Classroom Debate
This resource is a PowerPoint explaining the structure of a classroom debate using Cambridge debate organisation, with a grading criterion included. Slides also explain how to construct an argument when debating as a team, and a debate game ‘Sitting on the fence’ to help students practise.
**Debate structure: **
Simply choose a debate topic, divide the class in two teams with four judges. Judges watch debate, with each judge assigned to certain students to assess performance using criteria included on slide. Students debating each have assigned role, Introduction (introducing the debate topic), Debate points (arguing one relevant point in favour of their argument), and the Rebuttal (listens to opposing team and rebuts their ideas as final points). At end, judges given 5 minutes to determine which team has the most points. Teacher can moderate debate and time students to maintain flow of debate.

Silent Reading - Book Presentation Assessment
Assessed Oral Presentation
This resource includes a PowerPoint explaining to students how to structure their 3-5 minute presentation and the feedback sheet used by the teacher to assess their presentations out of 20 points.

Song gap-fill: Wolves
Students listen to song Wolves by Selena Gomez and add missing words from vocabulary box. There are activites on grammar and vocabulary on the next page.

Song Gap-Fill: Castle on the Hill
Students listen to the song ‘Castle on the Hill’ and complete a gap-fill activity focussing on vocabulary. There are grammar and vocabulary activities linked to the gap-fill included on the next page.