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Welcome to my shop! Here is a little of everything. Resources, Lesson Plans, Worksheets. If it popped into my head, I probably published it.




Welcome to my shop! Here is a little of everything. Resources, Lesson Plans, Worksheets. If it popped into my head, I probably published it.
HFW Wolves

HFW Wolves

The resource is Year 1 High Frequency Words written on wolves. I made the resource for my class to have a ‘wolf hunt’ as part of our Three Little Pigs Unit. The blank wolves are from Sparklebox
Daily Slides [ppt]

Daily Slides [ppt]

There’s a lot of debate around using PowerPoint in lessons, it’s a bit like marmite but for me, having slide provide a sense of routine and structure both for me and the children. I find that having the same thing on the board helps to set the day and start transition between lessons. Here are the Daily Slide I use every single day with my class! This PPT Set include: Morning Work Slides Morning Meeting Slides Break Time Slides Lunch Time Slides Hometime Slides Blank Slide for editing! The fonts used in these slide are KG Blank Space (available free on 1001Fonts) and LetterJoin (KG First time in Forever is a free alternative with a similar look)
Meeting Numbers 1-10

Meeting Numbers 1-10

Hello. Thanks for stopping by! Hope you like what you see! These ‘meeting Numbers 1 to 10’ Display Sheets can be used to display on a maths working wall or even laminated to use as part of a Maths Rotation or even just to have for students to relate back to during lessons. Each sheet has a ditty that can be used to teach EYFS to write the numbers as well as the numbers in a dotted font for tracing. There are also nine different ways to show each number that children can practice independently or under direction. Write it Trace it Draw it Ten Frame it Roll it Numicon it Base Ten it Stack it Domino it
Meeting the 2D Shapes

Meeting the 2D Shapes

Here’s a lovely display pack for teaching 2D Shapes in EYFS! Each sheet has an image of the shape, the name of the shape and characteristics on the shape in EYFS friendly language. This download includes 6 Shape Posters, one for each of the basic shapes; Square, Rectangle, Circle, Diamond, Semicircle and Triangle, and can be used as displays or to scaffold learning in the classroom.
Teaching Standards Post It Templates

Teaching Standards Post It Templates

Here’s a template in made to help me label and organise all my evidence for the teaching standards. A simple template to use for printing on Post It Notes that can then be attached to evidence and ready to file! This download includes 1 blank template for placing Post Its, 2 sheets with the Standards and lines for making notes and guidelines for using the templates.
Phonics Kaboom

Phonics Kaboom

This is a phonics review game, that can be used to practice the phonetic sounds or even just for students to practice in a fun way. This resources has 42 circular tiles with a letter or CVC word on them as well as 6 KABOOM tiles. There are also blank tiles for you to create your own tiles depending on which stage you’re working on. The Sassoon font is embedded into the PowerPoint for you to use to create your tiles with a font that is key to letter recognition and formation .
Phonics Games - Connect 4/Battleships

Phonics Games - Connect 4/Battleships

Here are some game I made for a whole class phonics session. Since the children were all at different levels, we looked at the sound we all know in different ways such as alien words or speed reading No laminating needed! Either print one per group or pair or display on the board and let the children play with the interactive board pen :)
[EDITABLE] Everyone is Welcome Poster

[EDITABLE] Everyone is Welcome Poster

A freebie for everyone! A lovely poster for you to decorate your classroom. It’s editable for you to change the colour of the children to match your schools uniform and personalise it a little. The fonts are embedded but are NOT editable.
Lesson Planning Template

Lesson Planning Template

For use in both EYFS and Key Stages 1 and 2, here’s my lesson planning template shown on my Instagram. This lesson plan template is what I used when planning my interview lessons or one off activities. The lesson planning templates is ideal for writing in detail about lessons where you are not familiar with the class allowing you to keep a detail record of the resources you will need. The template has the following sections: Lesson Information Resources Starter Main Input Main Activity (Continuous Provision for EYFS) Plenary TA Support Notes This download includes both a PDF version for writing on directly or an editable version for typing onto. Please note the fonts are embedded but titles are not yet editable.
School Checklist

School Checklist

Anyone else as excited to get into their classroom as me!? Being an NQT, I’m terrified of forgetting something crucial or being unprepared in my NQT year so I’ve put together a Classroom set up checklist and once I started, I couldn’t stop there!! In this download, you get: one ‘general’ classroom set up checklist filled with all the things I’m doing, in the order I’m doing it three blank checklists for you to fill in (classroom set up, first week of school prep, weekly lesson plan prep) I hope these help you with classroom set up and help your NQT week to smoothly!!
Shooting Star Clip Chart

Shooting Star Clip Chart

Thank you for stopping by!! I made this product as a way to monitor the behaviour in my classroom and I’ll be using it in September with wooden pegs that the children decorate! There are different variations of the last card as the original was quite specific to my classroom so make sure you select the page you want before printing! Features of this product: Clear Font for visibility in the classroom Hole Punch spaces outlined Easy to assemble Low colour to save ink Please read the note included for more details and assembly tips.
Brain Break Steps

Brain Break Steps

I have so many resources from last year and wanted to share them to clear my hard drive! haha These are some visual instructions of how to use your brain break area (or calm corner!)
Worry Web

Worry Web

[EDITED] Changed ‘Miss Lewis’ to a general ‘my teacher’! Apologies! forgot to amend that! Please redownload if you’ve got it! A simple worry web to aid children in communicating their worries and needs to you.
Plant Theme Desktop Wallpapers

Plant Theme Desktop Wallpapers

Some pastel green plant themed desktop wallpapers with motivational plant themed quotes! Use in my classroom this year as I had a green/ nature/ plant theme!
Editable Pastel Themed PowerPoint!

Editable Pastel Themed PowerPoint!

In this download is a file containing 37 slides that can be duplicated and rearranged to create a teaching presentation! I often (I mean, ALWAYS) use these to keep myself organised and on track during the day. The slides include: 2 slides containing video timers and icons to use in the Powerpoint. A selection of 8 morning slides A selection of 5 lesson slides (in blue, green and purple) 7 content slide to add videos, text or images for whole class teaching 2 Transition slide for break/ lunch and end of day! This presentation was created in response to my Instagram and there’s a video showing how I made it on my Youtube Channel (@oshierusensei) if you need and tips and tricks! Hope this is useful!!
[FREEBIE] My Exciting Summer

[FREEBIE] My Exciting Summer

Here’s my Back to School Freebie ’ My Exciting Summer’. This is a simple writing activity that can be used from EYFS up to Year Six for students to either write about their summer or engage in some creative writing and create their own exciting summer. It’s been differentiated on 4 levels Just a drawing space for EYFS or Y1 (LA) A drawing and blank writing space for EYFS or Y1 (LA) - pictured A drawing space and a small lined writing space for EYFS (MA) and Y1 (LA) A drawing space and a larger lined writing space for EYFS (MA) and Y1 A half page drawing space and a half space writing space for EYFS (HA) and Years 1 (MA) - pictured Of course, this is just a rough guideline and these templates can be used across the Primary Key Stages
"of the week" Certificates

"of the week" Certificates

I wanted to some certificates that did more than reward children for good work or good behaviour and the “of the week” certificates were born! These certificates rewards values such as teamwork and friendliness as well as other learning qualities such as creativity, mathematical thinking and exploration. Each certificate have a quote relating to the award at the bottom of the page Certificates included in this resource: Mathematician Friend Team Player Explorer Musician Inventor Artist Inventor Scientist Author Reader Star I am using these in my classroom alongside Wholehearted School Counselling’s “I am an … when” resource to let children know what it means to have these qualities and will be giving them out during our weekly Friday afternoons to take home. To use this resource, simply print either full size or 2 to a page (depending on your preference), add the child’s name and comment, sign underneath the ‘Keep up the good work’ caption and hand out! The fonts SHOULD be embedded but if they aren’t the headings are KG Blank Space and the main text is KG First Time in Forever both found on dafont!
Nature Theme PPT Pack

Nature Theme PPT Pack

Love Powerpoint? Same! In my class, I use a weekly PowerPoint to keep my day in order from Monday’s morning work to Friday’s Goodbye message! This helps me to structure my day and have an idea of the week ahead as well as allowing me to easily swap around lessons when inevitable interruptions occur! This resource includes … slides for use in your weekly presentation including: Morning Work Slide Lesson Slide Transition Slides Misc. Use Slides I’ve also included tutorial slides on my commonly used ‘techniques’ for creating and editting my powerpoints such as converting videos from Youtube and changing images. Please note: this resources include the EDITABLE TEMPLATE used to created my weekly powerpoints and so DOESN’T include any icons or fonts used. These can be found at Flaticon and 1001 fonts Happy PowerPointing!!