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Welcome to the ENTER - ONE teaching resources. We at ENTER - ONE are committed to supplying you with the highest quality teaching resources. We are here to make your life easier. You will find complete units covering numerous topics.
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In this Lesson plan, we investigate the issue of Y2K.
This lesson plan includes:
Students will understand what Y2K was and its significance
Students will analyse the consequences of Y2KStudents will develop critical thinking skills through discussion and questions
Lesson Outline:
Introduction (10 minutes)
Begin with a brief discussion: Ask students what they know about Y2K
Write key points on the board
Explain the concept of Millennium bug and introduce Y2K
Comprehension Passage (15 minutes)
There are additional tasks:
Prepare a classroom debate
Create a Y2K safety guide
Create a news report on Y2K.
Examples of the tasks have been provided in this lesson plan.
Kind Regards