
Cars Clip art-History of the automobile
Cars Clip art-History of the automobile
You’ll get: 12 png+jpg color & black white 12 png+jpg
(Benz first car 1886, Benz 1893, Mercedes 1903, Ford 1908, car 20s, car 30s, car 40s, car 50s, car 70s, car 80s, car 90s, car `00s)
Size one image about 6 inch by 4 inch
For personal and commercial use.
keywords: clipart, clip art, car, automobile, timeline, history, old, evolution, retro, vintage, technology clipart, then and now clipart, bw, black white clipart, outlines, artline, coloring, transport, Benz, Mercedes, Ford

Countries Clip Art Bundle - part 6
Countries Clip Art Bundle - part 6: Antarctica clip art, Australia clip art, Canada clip art, Denmark clip art, Ireland clip art, Latvia clip art, New Zealand clip art, Papua New Guinea clip art, Qatar clip art, Vatican clip art
Size one image about 8 inch by 4 inch
For personal and commercial use.
Keywords: Africa, Asia, Latin America, clipart, clip art, sale, bundle, bw, coloring, outline, countries, symbols, Africa clip art, map, geography, around the world, landmark, african animals, safary, desert, national dress, Around The World Kids Clip art

Countries Clip Art Bundle-Africa part #1
Africa Countries Clip art symbols part #1 : Angola, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Madagascar, Morocco, Nigeria, South African Republic, Tanzania, Tunisia clip art color + black white more than 100 files
Size one image about 8 inch by 4 inch
For personal and commercial use
Keywords: clipart, sale, bundle, bw, coloring, outline, countries, symbols, History, Geography, geography, around the world, history, Central Africa, South Africa, African animals, Colony, Africa, Social Studies, country, landmark, african animals, safary, desert, national dress

Countries Clip Art Bundle - Africa part #2
Africa Countries Clip art symbols part #2 : Libya clip art, Mozambique clip art, Senegal clip art, Uganda clip art, Zimbabwe clip art, Botswana clip art, Cameroon clip art, Cape Verde clip art, Kenya clip art, Mauritius clip art
Size one image about 8 inch by 4 inch
For personal and commercial use.
Keywords: Africa, clipart, sale, bundle, bw, coloring, outline, countries, symbols, Africa clip art, map, geography, around the world, landmark, African animals, Safary, desert, national dress

Countries Clip art-Asia
Asia Clip art Countries symbols : China clip art, Japan clip art, Indonesia clip art, Inia clip art, Mongolia clip art, Philippines clip art, Russia clip art, South Korea clip art, Thailand clip art, Turkmenistan clip art color + black white more than 100 files
Size one image about 8 inch by 4 inch
For personal and commercial use.
Keywords: clip art, sale, bundle, bw, coloring, outline, countries, symbols, asia, map, geography, around the world, clipart, graphics

Kettle Clip art- Time line
The history of kettle clipart
You’ll get: 12 png+jpg & black white 12 png+jpg
3500 BC Mesopotamia, 1600s, 1700s, 1891s First Electric Kettle, 1920s, 1930s-1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s
Size one image about 6 inch by 4 inch
For personal and small commercial use.
keywords: clip art, vintage, technology clipart, then and now clipart, retro, free clipart, black white, supplies, school, commersial use, history, outline, coloring, time line, evolution, kitchen, gadget

Insects Clip Art Bundle
Insects Clip Art Bundle full collection 18 color png+jpg & 18 black white png+jpg :
Beetle_ladybug, Hemiptera_Heteroptera, Homoptera_Cicadidae, Beetle_Melolontha, Blattodea_Gromphadorhina, Caddisfly, Flea, Fly, Fly_mosquito, Hymenoptera_ant, Hymenoptera_Bee, Lepidoptera_Bombyx mori, Lepidoptera_Vanessa atalanta, Mantis, Mayfly, Odonata, Orthoptera_Wart biter, Sucking_louse.
Size one image about 8 inch by 4 inch
For personal and commercial use.
Keywords: animals characteristics, classification, animal kingdom, biology, clipart, bundle, bird clipart clipart, science, bugs clipart, Insect

Page Borders and Frames Clip art
Page Borders and Frames Simple Clip art
You get 5 color png & jpg + 4 black white coloring png & jpg + 4 outline png
Size 1 file A4 8,5 by 11 inch 300dpi.
Save money!!! All pages borders frames clip art
Original authoring technique, boldly use for commercial purposes. Create your own products and sell them.
For personal and commercial use.
Keywords: simple, doodles, page Borders and Frames, clip art, sale, bundle, bw, coloring, commercial, black white, multicolor, rainbow, printable

Animals Free Clip Art commercial use/ Animals clipart freebies
Top 10 of the Most Intelligent Animals on Earth Clipart: 10 png+jpg color & black white 10 png+jpg
Size one image about 6 inch by 4 inch
zip includes:
1 Chimpanzees
2 Dolphin
3 Elephants
4 Grey Parrots
5 Rats
6 Crown
7 Dogs
8 Pigeons
9 Pigs
10 Blue Ringer Octopus
For personal and commercial use
keywords: monkey clipart freebie, elephant clipart free, pig free clipart, Dolphin clipart free, Rat clipart freebie, dog clipart free, animals free clipart

Dinosaur clip art-Dinosaurs clipart-Dino clip art
Dinosaur Clipart bundle includes 18 png files transparent background+jpg
and 17 png black-white coloring outlines files+jpg
Tyrannosaurus Rex
Bones with skull
Dinosaur skeleton
For personal and small commercial use

Human Body systems clip art
Human Body systems clipart includes 30 color +30 black white files (line art)
Circulatory System (boy, girl, separated)
Digestive System (boy, girl, separated)
Nervous System (boy, girl, separated)
Respiratory System (boy, girl, separated)
Skeleton/bones system (boy, girl, separated)
Muscular System (boy, girl, separated)
Reproductive female (girl, separated)
Reproductive male (boy, separated)
lymphatic system (boy, girl, separated)
Urinary system (boy, girl, separated)
Blank body (boy, girl)
For personal and commercial use.

Body Parts Clip Art
Body Parts Clip Art Bundle includes 37 color +37 black white files (line art)
face, shoulders, hair, body, hands, finger, fingernails, arm, legs, knee, foot, stomach, lips, mouth, tongue, teeth, ear, nose, eye, back body, beard, buttocks, calf leg, cheeks, chest, chin, elbow, eyelid, eyelashes ,forehead, heel,knees, mustache, neck, palms.
For personal and commercial use.
Keywords: my body, art, clip art, clip art for teachers, graphics, graphic arts, human body, human organs, Science, biology, anatomy, Body Parts Clip Art Bundle

Safari clip art
Safari clip art bundle inclides 22 png files transparent background+jpg
and safari clip art 22 png+jpg black-white files
size 1 files about 6 inch 300 dpi
For personal and commercial use!!!
African Animals & Savanna clip art (Animal jungle clip art)
Jeep with boys
baby elephant
African Animals clip art

Ocean animals clip art
Ocean animals clipart includes 37 color files PNG transparent background + 32 Black-White
PNG transparent background (outline/coloring) + 1 background JPG
Size one file about 5 inch 300 dpi
Original authoring technique, boldly use for commercial purposes. Create your own products and sell them.
For personal and commercial use.
Set includes:
fish hammer
sea urchin
underwater angler
sea turtle
sea Horse
tubular coral
Keywords: Under The Sea Clip art, Ocean clip art, ocean animals clip art, shark clip art, fish clip art, summer clip art, whale clip art, sea animals clip art, snorkeling clip art, Sea Life, Sea Animals, Ocean Animals Clip art, octopus clip art, squid clip art, blue whale clip art, whale clip art, clown fish clip art, blue fish clip art, coral clip art, crab clip art, diver girl clip art, diver boy clip art, dolphin clip

Spring Borders and Frames #2
Spring Borders and Frames Clip art
includes 12 files:
6 multicolor transparent background (PNG+JPG)+
6 black-white (PNG+JPG)
Size 1 file A4 8,5 by 11 inch 300dpi.for print+ Size 1 file A4 8,5 by 11 inch 72dpi for web
Original authoring technique, boldly use for commercial purposes. Create your own products and sell them.
For personal and commercial use.

3D Objects Clip art
3D Objects Clip Art includes 42 color +42 black white files (line art)
Cone 5 files
Cube 2 files
Rectangular prism 3 files
Triangular prism 3 files
Cylinder 5 files
Hemisphere 5 files
Sphere 5 files
Hexagonal prism 2 files
Pentagonal prism 1 files
Pyramid 5 files
For personal and commercial use.
Keywords: math, 3D shapes clip art, 3D objects, shapes, 3 dimensional shapes, geometry, graphics, clipart, clip art, real life objects,math clip art,euclidean geometry,geometric shapes clip art, stereometry, 3D Real World Shapes Clip Art Bundle

Birds Clip art-Rainbow
Rainbow Birds Clip art includes 26 files png transparent background +26 JPG
more JPG sheets A4 with all birds
Original authoring technique, boldly use for commercial purposes. Create your own products and sell them.
For personal and commercial use.
Size one file about 6 inch 300dpi.
keywords: rainbow bird, multicolor, colorful, clipart, clip art, graphics
Standard 12 colors: yellow, orange, red, green, light green, blue, light blue, gray, brown, black, white, pink, purple

Music Players, Record Player Clip Art
The history of Music Players clipart
You’ll get: 21 png+jpg & black white 21 png+jpg
Size one image about 6 inch by 4 inch
For personal and commercial use.
1877 Edison’s Phonograph
1890s Gramaphone
1891 Tesla Coil
1910s Phonograph
1930s Juke Box
1930s Radio
1940s Radio
1940s Record-Player
1950s Radio
1960s Phonograph
1960s Portable-Cassette Player
1960s Radio
1970s 1980s-Reel
1970s radiorecorder
1970s Stereo Cassette Tape Recorder
1970s Track
1980s Boombox
1980s CD Player
1990s Cassette-Player
2000s Portable Music Player
keywords: Boombox clip art, radio clip art, history, old ,evolution, retro, Record-Player, vintage, technology clip art, then and now clip art, Gramaphone clip art, Music clip art

Light bulb clip art-History Light clipart
Light bulb clipart includes png+jpg files and black-white version.
size one file 6 by 3 inch
You get:
bonfire clipart
oil lamp clipart
flambeau clipart
candle clipart
chandelier clipart
first Street lamp clipart
kerosene lamp clipart
lodygin coal lamp clipart
Edison’s First Light Bulb clipart
incandescent lamp clipart
Fluorescent Lamp clipart
LED lamp clipart
halogen lamp clipart
For personal and commercial use.
keywords: technology clip art, old, retro, vintage,l ight, bulb, lamp, clipart, history ,evolution, ligt clipart, clip art, graphics

2D Shape Clip art FREE-Monsters CLIP ART FREE
2D Shape Clipart includes 24 simple figures ( (12 color+12 black white)
2 formats (PNG- tansparent background, jpg)
For personal and commercial use.
You get:
circle monster
hexagon monster
octagon monster
pentagon monster
oval monster
rectangle monster
parallelogram monster
rhombus monster
square monster
star monster
treangle monster
trapeze monster
KEYWORD: Math, Geometry, Back to School, simple shape, free, freebies, clipart, clip art, graphics