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Large Data Set Quiz - Edexcel A Level Maths

Large Data Set Quiz - Edexcel A Level Maths

This is a quiz, split into three rounds, on the Large Data Set from Edexcel for the A Level Mathematics course. The 3 rounds are: • Round 1 = Locations. Questions ensure that students know which locations are covered by the large data set and where these locations are found. • Round 2 = Variables. Which variables are given for each of the different locations? • Round 3 = Units and Data Which units are used for each of the variables and some specific questions on some anomalies in the weather or data? The quiz is presented in a variety of formats to allow for different methods of delivery to a class: • Just The Questions Suitable for administering the quiz in a test format. One file has all rounds in it, and there are three separate files for individual rounds. • PowerPoints Two versions of each round have been provided. One where each question is given followed immediately by the answer, and one where all answers are saved until the end of the PowerPoint. • Answer Sheets These can be used alongside the PowerPoints, or if the test is being delivered orally. • Questions And Answers All questions and answers provided together, either on multiple sheets, or all on one sheet.
Student Test Tracking spreadsheet - single test

Student Test Tracking spreadsheet - single test

This spreadsheet will allow you to greater analyse the performance of your students in a test. It will automatically calculate totals, percentages, grades (according to grade boundaries that you specify) etc. It will also colour-code performances on questions against the maximum marks available and provide you with the opportunity to print out individually tailored feedback sheets to your students. I have found that this gives me an excellent method for communicating with students about their relative performance, rather than simply telling them that they have achieved 58% for example. The file will come to you as a password protected document. The reason for this is so that it is not possible to make changes to the formulae and thus make it so that it does not work. You do not need to unprotect it to make full use of it, but just in case you wish to make changes, the password for the file is “table”. I have made a video demonstrating it and telling you how to use it, which can be found at: https://youtu.be/G0_WWFINHqM I also have a larger version available, also on the TES website, for the analysis of up to ten tests, allowing you to compare a student or class throughout those tests.
Big M Method for Simplex Algorithm (PowerPoint)

Big M Method for Simplex Algorithm (PowerPoint)

This PowerPoint will guide you through an example of using the Big M Method for solving simplex algorithm problems with “greater than or equals to” constraints. There is a video of the PowerPoint being used available at the link below. https://youtu.be/grGWsUHdWQM
The Simplex Algorithm - PowerPoint

The Simplex Algorithm - PowerPoint

This PowerPoint will guide you through the application of The Simplex Algorithm, as featured in the Edexcel Further Maths Decision course. The PowerPoint covers both Maximising and Minimising problems. There is a video demonstrating the use of this PowerPoint available at the link below: https://youtu.be/t0NkCDigq88
Dijkstra's Algorithm

Dijkstra's Algorithm

A PowerPoint demonstrating the use of Dijkstra’s Algorithm. A video showing the use of the presentation can be found at the address below: https://youtu.be/tgp9I_K_WqU
Prim's Algorithm (Matrix Method)

Prim's Algorithm (Matrix Method)

A PowerPoint demonstrating the use of the matrix method for Prim’s Algorithm. A video demonstrating the use of the PowerPoint can be found at the address below: https://youtu.be/lebeO26FuMk
Prim's Algorithm

Prim's Algorithm

A PowerPoint demonstrating the application of Prim’s Algorithm. A video showing the presentation in use can be found at the address below: https://youtu.be/kUmi5QKH5m8
Kruskal's Algorithm PowerPoint

Kruskal's Algorithm PowerPoint

A presentation showing how to use Kruskal’s Algorithm. A video demonstrating the use of the presentation can be found at the address below: https://youtu.be/Mrb61iGXUFk
Floyd's Algorithm

Floyd's Algorithm

A PowerPoint demonstrating how to use Floyd’s Algorithm for the Decision Maths course. There is a video demonstrating the use of the powerpoint available at the address below: https://youtu.be/3wmsXtSUm8Y
Simplex Algorithm -Integer Solutions PPT

Simplex Algorithm -Integer Solutions PPT

This is a powerpoint to demonstrate the use of the Simplex Algorithm when integer solutions are called for, and it supplements the other Simplex Algorithm powerpoint that is available on TES too. There is a video demonstrating the use of this powerpoint available at the link below: https://youtu.be/ICBrU_wghSs
Travelling Salesman Problem -Lower Bound

Travelling Salesman Problem -Lower Bound

The Powerpoint shows how to use the minimum spanning tree method to find a lower bound for the Travelling Salesman Problem. There is a video showing its use available at the address below: https://youtu.be/VcugXirtWOo
Travelling Salesman Problem -Upper Bound

Travelling Salesman Problem -Upper Bound

The Powerpoint shows how to use the minimum spanning tree method to find an upper bound for the Travelling Salesman Problem. There is a video showing its use available at the address below: https://youtu.be/xN9ZtYzPewg
Nearest Neighbour Upper Bound for Travelling Salesman Problem

Nearest Neighbour Upper Bound for Travelling Salesman Problem

This PowerPoint will guide you through the process of finding an upper bound for the Travelling Salesman Problem using the Nearest Neighbour method. This was created with the Edexcel A Level Further Maths course in mind, but it should be suitable for others too. There is a video of the powerpoint in use at the link below: https://youtu.be/ojjnd5gEMuk
Simplex Algorithm and Variants PowerPoints Bundle

Simplex Algorithm and Variants PowerPoints Bundle

5 Resources
PowerPoint presentations on the Simplex Algorithm, including integer solutions, the Two Stage Method and the Big M Method. Also includes a one sheet version of the algorithm. Videos of all powerpoints included are on the specific resource pages.
Finding A Critical Path On An Activity Network PPT

Finding A Critical Path On An Activity Network PPT

This powerpoint presentation will go through an example of how to find the critical path on an activity network, demonstrating the earliest and latest event times, and the float. There is a video of the resource being used at the address below: https://youtu.be/XqVdHW9-0DE